The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Yuñjati [Vedic yunakti, yuñjati & yuñkte, yuj; cp. Gr. zeu/gnumi, Lat, jungo to unite, put together (pp.<br />

junctus=Sk. yukta, cp. E. junct -- ion); Lith. jùngin. <strong>The</strong> Idg. root *i!eug is an enlarged form of *i!e9e "to<br />

unite," as in Sk. yanti, yuvati, pp. yuta; f. yuti, to which also Lat. j(s=P. y(sa. <strong>The</strong> Dhtp gives several (lit. &<br />

fig.) meanings of yuj, viz. "yoge" (No. 378), "sam!dhimhi" (399), "sa'gamane" (550)] (lit.) to yoke; (fig.)<br />

to join with (instr. or loc.), to engage in (loc.), to exert oneself, to endeavour. All our passages show the<br />

applied meaning, while the lit. meaning is only found in the Caus. yojeti. -- Often expld by and coupled<br />

with the syn. gha&ati & v!yamati, e.g. at J iv.131; v.369; DhA iv.137. -- Forms: pres. yuñjati Dh 382; J<br />

v.369; 2nd pl. yuñjatha Th 2, 346 (k!mesu;=niyojetha ThA 241); ppr. yuñjanto J iv.131 (kamma&&h!ne);<br />

imper. yuñja S i.52 (s!sane); ThA 12; med. imper. yuñjassu Th 2, 5. -- Pass. yujjati (in grammar or logic) is<br />

constructed or applied, fits (in), is meant KhA 168; SnA 148, 403, 456. -- Caus. I. yojeti & II. yoj!peti<br />

(q.v.). -- pp. yutta.<br />

Yuta<br />

Yuta [pp. of yu, yauti to fasten but Dhtp 338: "missane"] fastened to (loc.), attracted by, bent on, engaged<br />

in D. i.57 (sabba -- v!r"˚); Sn 842 (pesu*eyye; Nd1 233 reads yutta in exegesis, do. at p. 234, with further<br />

expln !yutta, payutta etc.), 853 (atim!ne); D!vs v.18 (dhiti˚). -- Note. yuta is doubtful in phrase tejas! --<br />

yuta in Niraya passage at A i.142=M iii.183=Nd1 405=Nd2 304iii =J v.266. <strong>The</strong> more likely reading is<br />

either tejas' !yuta (so BSk. M.Vastu 9), or tejas! yutta (so Nd2 & PvA 52), i. e. endowed with, furnished<br />

with, full of heat. -- We find a similar confusion between uyyuta & uyyutta.<br />

Yutta<br />

Yutta [pp. of yuñjati; Vedic yukta, cp. Lat. junctus, Gr. zeukto/s, Lith. jùnktas] 1. (lit.) yoked, harnessed<br />

(to= loc.) Pv i.114 (catubbhi yutta ratha); Mhvs 35, 42 (go*! rathe yatt!); DhA i.24 (dhure yutt! balivadd!).<br />

-- 2. coupled; connected with; (appld) devoted to, applied to, given to, engaged in ( -- ˚, instr. or loc.) Sn<br />

820 (methune), 863 (macchiriya˚), 1144 (tena, cp. Nd2 532); It 93 (Buddha -- s!sane); J vi.206 (yoga˚). --<br />

3. furnished; fixed, prepared, in order, ready Sn 442 (M!ra; =uyyutta SnA 392); PvA 53. -- 4. able, fit (to or<br />

for=inf.), suitable, sufficient Sn 826 (cp. Nd1 164); J v.219; DA i.141 (dassitu' yutta=dassan"ya); VvA 191<br />

(=ala'); PvA 74. -- 5. proper, right PvA 159. -- 6. due to ( -- ˚, with a grd., apparently superfluous) J iii.208<br />

(!sankitabba˚); cp. yuttaka. -- 7. (nt.) conjunction, i. e. of the moon with one or other constellation Vin<br />

ii.217. -- ayutta not fit, not right, improper PvA 6 (perhaps delete), 64. -- suyutta well fit, right proper, opp.<br />

duyutta unbefitting, in phrase suyutta' duyutta' !cikkhati J i.296 (here perhaps for dur -- utta?). du˚ also lit.<br />

"badly fixed, not in proper condition, in a bad state" at J iv.245 (of a gate). -- k!ra acting properly PvA 66. -<br />

- k!rin acting rightly Miln 49. -- pa&ibh!*a knowledge of fitness Pug 42 (cp. PugA 223). -- payutta intent on<br />

etc. PvA 150. -- r(pa one who is able or fit (to=inf.) J i.64. -- v!ha justified VvA 15.<br />

Yuttaka<br />

Yuttaka (adj.) ( -- ˚) [fr. yutta] proper, fit (for); nt. what is proper, fitness: dhamma -- yuttaka' katheti to<br />

speak righteous speech J iv.356. -- Usually combd with a grd., seemingly pleonastically (like yutta), e. g.<br />

k!tabba˚ what had to be done PvA 81; DhA i.13 (as kattabba˚); !pucchitabba˚ fit to be asked DhA i.6.<br />

Yutti<br />

Yutti [cp. Vedic yukti connection, fr. yuj] "fitting," i. e. 1. application, use Miln 3 (opamma˚). -- 2. fitness,<br />

v!da˚, KVA 37; in instr. yuttiy! in accordance with Mhvs 10, 66 (vacana˚); Sdhp 340 (sutti˚); and abl.<br />

yuttito Sdhp 505. -- 3. (logical) fitness, right construction, correctness of meaning; one of the 16 categories<br />

(h!r!), appld to the exposition of texts, enumd in the 1st section of the Netti; e. g. at Nett 1 -- 3, 103; KhA<br />

18; SnA 551, 552. Thus abl. yuttito by way of correctness or fitness (contrasted to suttato) VbhA 173=<br />

Vism 562; and yutti -- vasena by means of correctness (of meaning) SnA 103 (contrasted to anussava). -- 4.<br />

trick, device, practice J vi.215. -- kata combined with; (nt.) union, alloy VvA 13.

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