The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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(=gacch!mi PvA 107), Mhvs 10, 3; 2nd y!si J i.291; Mhvs 10, 2 (kuhi' y!si?); 3rd y!ti Sn 720 (tu*h" y.<br />

mahodadhi); Dh 29, 179, 294, 295; J vi.311; Mhvs 5, 47; DhA i.18; 1st pl. y!ma Mhvs 6, 12 (ki' na y., v. l.<br />

ki' nu y.); 2nd y!tha=imper.; 3rd yanti Sn 179, 578, 714; Dh 126, 175, 225 (see also note s. v. yanti); Pv<br />

ii.916 (=gacchanti PvA 120). -- imper. 2nd sg. y!hi Pv ii.16 (read yaj!hi?); Mhvs 13, 15; 3rd sg. y!tu Mhvs<br />

29, 17; 2nd pl. y!tha Mhvs 14, 29; DhA i.93. <br />

-- 553 --<br />

ppr. yanto Mhvs 36, 60 (pacch! y. walking behind) gen. yantassa Mhvs 22, 57 (assavegena y.). -- inf.<br />

y!tave Sn 834. -- Another formation fr. y! is y!yati (see Geiger, P.Gr. § 138), in an intensive meaning of<br />

"to drive, to move on quickly or by special means," e. g. in phrase y!nena y!yati to drive in a carriage Vin<br />

i.191 (Pot. y!yeyya); ii.276; Sn 654 (ppr.: rathass' !*" va y!yato) 418 (ger.: y!nabh(mi' y!yitv! y!n!<br />

oruyha); J vi.125. As "march" at J vi.449. In special meaning "to drive," i. e. "to be driven or affected by"<br />

in expln of the ending of ppr. med k!ma yam!ne Sn 767 (or k!ma -- y!na) at Nd1 4, viz. "ta*h!ya<br />

y!yati niyyati vuyhati sa'hariyati." Cp. y!na as ending. -- pp. y!ta. Caus. yapeti & y!peti (q. v.). See<br />

also anupari˚, !˚, upa˚, uy˚, pa˚ (aor. p!y!si) paccuy˚, pari˚; and anuy!yati.<br />

Y!tr!<br />

Y!tr! (f.) [fr. y!, Class. Sk. y!tr!, a n. ag. formation like nett", meaning something like "vehicle," that<br />

which keeps going] 1. travel, going on, proceeding, good habit (like y!ta; cp. y!tr!=anuv%tti Hal!yudha 5,<br />

33) S i.33; S i.16=63 (trsln K.S., perhaps wrongly, "egress": it is more a question of going on through life!).<br />

Perhaps to be classed under foll. meaning as well. -- 2. going on, livelihood, support of life, maintenance in<br />

stock phrase occurring at many places of the Canon, viz. "pur!*a' vedana' pa&ihankh!mi, navañ ca<br />

vedana' na upp!dess!mi, y!tr! ca me bhavissati etc." where DhsA 404 explains y!tr! by y!pan!, as may be<br />

inferred also from context. Thus at M i.10 (where Neumann translates: "ein Fortkommen haben," i. e.<br />

progress), 355; S iv.104; A ii.40; iii.388; Nd1 496; Nd2 540 (correct devana' into vedana'!); Pug 25; Dhs<br />

1348; Miln 367: all passages identical. <strong>The</strong> whole passage is expld in detail at Vism 31 sq. where y!tr! is<br />

given with "cira -- k!la -- gamana -- sankh!t! y!tr!," Bdhgh. thus taking it as "keeping going," or<br />

"continued subsistence" (longevity trs)n). -- In one other passage y!tr! is conjectured for s!tr!, viz. at SnA<br />

322 in reading y. -- y!ga for s!tr! y!ga, where meaning y. might be taken as "customary." <strong>The</strong> ed.<br />

compares Sk. y!tsattra, a certain ceremony.<br />

Y!th!va<br />

Y!th!va (adj.) [see yath!va. It is a combn of a gu*a- der. fr. yath! and an adj. -- der. of ˚vant] sufficient (lit.<br />

"just as much"; i. e. such as it is), sufficiently founded, logical, consistent, exact, definite, true Nd2 275<br />

(where tatha is expld by taccha, bh(ta, y!th!va, avipar"ta); DhsA 248 (where micch! -- di&&hi is expld as<br />

incorrect or illogical view. -- y!th!vato (abl.) exactly, truly, consistently DA i.65; ThA 256; VvA 232. See<br />

also yath!vato. -- <strong>The</strong> nearest synonyms of y!th!va are avipar"ta (i. e. definite) and yath!bh(ta'. See also<br />

yath!va and yath!vaka. -- n!ma having the name of exactitude PvA 231 (+avipar"ta -- n!ma). -- m!na pride<br />

of sufficiency or consistency VbhA 487 sq. (and a˚). -- lakkha*a possessing the characteristic of<br />

definiteness or logic Miln 171; Nett 27 (where avijj! is called "sabba dhammay!th!va -- asampa&ivedha --<br />

lakkha*!"). -- vacana exact, logical or true speech Miln 214 (taccha -- vacana, y!th!vav. , avipar"ta -- v.). --<br />

sarasa logical and with its essential (sa+rasa) properties Vism 588, 639.<br />

Y!dicchaka'<br />

Y!dicchaka' at VvA 341 read as yadicchaka' (see ya˚).<br />


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