The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Yamati<br />

Yamati [yam, given in meaning "uparame" i. e. cessa- tion, quieting at Dhtp 226 & Dhtm 322, at the latter<br />

with additional "n!se." On etym. see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. redimio and emo: cp. yanta] to restrain,<br />

suppress, to become tranquil; only in stanza Dh 6=Th i.275=J iii.488 as 1st pl. med. yam!mase in imper.<br />

sense: "pare ca na vij!nanti maya' ettha yam!mase," which is expld both at DhA i.65, Th 1 A, & J iii.489<br />

in connection with yama,2 viz. "yam!mase: uparam!ma nass!ma satata' samita' maccu -- santika'<br />

gacch!m! ti na j!nanti," i. e. let us go continually into the presence of death. A little further at DhA i.66 the<br />

expln of it is "bha*.' !d"na' vuddhiy! v!yam!m! ti na vij!nanti." <strong>The</strong> meaning is "to control oneself,"<br />

cp. sa'yam!mase S i.209. Leop. v. Schroeder however trsls. "Und mancher Mann bedenket nicht: wir alle<br />

müssen sterben hier" (Worte der Wahrheit, p. 2.). -- yameyy!tha at S i.217 is wrongly separated from the<br />

preceding v!, which ought to be read as v!yameyy!tha (so K.S. i.281).<br />

Yamala<br />

Yamala [fr. yama3] a pair Abhp 628. -- yamal" occurs in BSk. only as a kind of dress, at Divy 276; Av-<br />

i.265.<br />

Yava<br />

Yava [Vedic yava, corn; see Zimmer, Altind. Leben 239. Cp. Gr. zea/ spelt; Lith. java" corn; Oir. eorna<br />

barley] corn (in general), barley (in particular) Vin iv.264; S iv.220; A iv.169. -- kara*a the preparation of<br />

corn A iv.169. -- kal!p" (or ˚in") a sheaf of barley S iv.201. -- k!ra*.ava chaff of corn (or barley) A iv.169.<br />

-- kumm!sa barley -- gruel VvA 62. -- khetta corn -- field Vin iv.47, 266; VvA 294. -- d(sin spoiling the<br />

corn A iv.169. -- majjhaka lying in the midst of a corn -- field, in p!c"na˚ of the c. -- f. on the E. side<br />

(+dakkhi*a˚ S.; pacchima˚ W.; uttara˚ N.); names of 4 market -- places near Mithil! J vi.330. -- s(ka the<br />

awn or beard of corn (barley) A i.8; S v.10, 48.<br />

Yavaka<br />

Yavaka (nt.) [yava+collect. ending ˚ka] in cpd. s!li˚ (whatever there is of) rice & corn (i. e. rice -- and<br />

cornfields C.) J iv.172. Cp. y!vaka.<br />

Yavasa<br />

Yavasa (nt.) [fr. yava; Vedic yavasa] grass, hay, fodder J i.338.<br />

Yasavant<br />

Yasavant (adj.) [cp. Vedic ya$asvat] famous, having renown A ii.64 (d"gh!yu+).<br />

Yasassin<br />

Yasassin (adj.) [Vedic ya$asvin] glorious, famous, renowned, having all endowments or comforts of life (as<br />

expld at Nd2 530: yasappatta, sakkata, l!bh" etc.) D i.48 (ñ!ta+); A ii.34; Sn 179, 298, 343, 1117; Pv i.41;<br />

iii.117; iii.35; iii.108; Vv 159 (=kittimant pariv!ravant VvA 73); DA i.143; PvA 10; Sdhp 420. -- f.<br />

yasassin" shining, resplendent J v.64.<br />

Yasassimant<br />

Yasassimant (adj.) [double adj. ending; yasas+vin+ mant] splendid, glorious, full of splendour J v.63<br />

(p!vako yasassim!=teja -- sampattiy! yassassin"hi acc"hi yutto C.).

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