The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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1127 (=yath! !cikkhitabba' tath! !cikkhi Nd2 527); Th 1, 708 (di&&he dhamme yath!tathe: is reading<br />

correct? perhaps better as yath!tath!, cp. trsln Brethren 292: "the truths are seen e'en as they really are");<br />

Dpvs iii.2 (so read for yath! -- katha'; v. l. has ˚tatha'); v.64 (pañha' by!karohi yath!tatha'). -- dhamma<br />

(used as adj. & adv. ˚') "one according to the law," i. e. as the rule prescribes; nt. according to the rule put<br />

down. See Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s i.203; Geiger, Dhamma, p. 19, 67. Vin i.135 (yo uddiseyya, yath! -- dhammo<br />

k!retabbo), 168 (yo pav!reyya, y. -- dhammo k!retabbo), 191 (yo m!reyya y. -- dh. k.); ii.67 (ubho pi<br />

yath!dhamma' k!r!petabb!), 132 (yo ajjhohareyya, y. -- dhammo k!retabbo); iv.126 (yo j!na' (i. e.<br />

knowing) yath!dhamma' nihat' âdhikara*a' punakamm!ya ukko&eyya, p!cittiyan ti i. e. a dispute settled in<br />

proper form; with expln: y. -- dhamma' n!ma dhammena vinayena satthu s!sanena kata'), 144 (na tassa . .<br />

. mutti atthi yañ ca tattha !patti' !panno tañ ca yath!dhammo k!retabbo, uttari c' assa moho !ropetabbo).<br />

Cp. the foll. passages; as adj.: Vin i.205; ii.132, 142, 263; M iii.10; Miln 195; as adv.: with pa&ikaroti (to<br />

atone, make amends) Vin i.173, 315; ii.126; iv.19; D i.85; iii.55; M iii.247; S ii.128, 205; A i.103, 238;<br />

ii.146; iv.377; cp. yath!dhamma' pa&iga*h!ti S i.239; A i.59, 103. At S iii.171 yath!dhamma' is used in<br />

the sense of "according to the truth, or reality," where yath! -- bh(ta' takes its place; similarly at Th 1, 188.<br />

-- dhota as if it were washed (so to speak), clean, unsoiled DhA i.196; cp. MVastu i.301 yath! -- dhauta. --<br />

pas!dhana' according to a clear state of mind, to one's gratification Dh 249 (= attano pas!d' ânur(pa' DhA<br />

iii.359). -- puggala' according to the individual, individually Pv iii.51 (read yath!pu˚). -- p(rita as full as<br />

could be, quite full J i.101. -- ph!suka comfortable, pleasant DhA i.8. -- bala' according to one's power or<br />

means DhA i.107 (v. l. ˚satti); Sdhp 97; Mhvs 5, 180. -- bu..ha see ˚vu..ha. -- bhata' is an unexpld a(/pac<br />

legome/non, difficult of analysis because occurring in only one ster. phrase, viz. yath! bhata' nikkhitto<br />

eva' niraye (& sagge) at M i.71; S iv.325 (where T. has yath!hata', v. l. bhata'); A i.8, 105, 292, 297;<br />

ii.71, 83; It 12, 14, 26. We have analyzed it as y. bhata' in Corr. to pt. 3; vol. ii.100 ("according to his<br />

upbringing"), but we should rather deviate from this expln because the P. usage in this case would prefer<br />

the nom. instead of the (adv.) acc. nt. It remains doubtful whether we should separate yath! or yath'<br />

!bhata'. Suggestions of a trsln are the foll. (1) "as soon as brought or taken" (see Dict. s. v. !bhata); (2) "as<br />

one has brought" (merit or demerit); thus taking !bhata' as irregular ger. of !+bhar, trsln suggested by the<br />

reading !haritv! (yathâharitv!) in the complementary stanzas at It 12 & 14; (3) "according to merit or<br />

reward," after Kern's suggestion, Toev. s. v. to read yath! bha&a', the difficulty being that bha&a is nowhere<br />

found as v. l. of bhata in this phrase; nor that bha&a occurs in the meaning of "reward." -- <strong>The</strong>re is a strong<br />

likelihood of (!)bhata resembling !hata (!ha&a?) in meaning "as brought," on account of, cp. It context and<br />

reading at S iv.325; still the phrase remains not sufficiently cleared up. -- Seidenst(cker's trsln has been<br />

referred to above (under haritv!) as unbefitting. -- <strong>The</strong> suspicion of yath!bhata' being a veiled (corrupted)<br />

yath!bh(ta' has presented itself to us before (see vol. I. under !bhata). <strong>The</strong> meaning may suggest<br />

something like the latter, in as far as "in truth," "surely" is not far off the point. Anyhow we shall have to<br />

settle on a meaning like "according to merit," without being able to elucidate the phrase in all its details. --<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is another yath!bhata' in passage . . . ussavo hoti, yath!bhata' lasu*a' parikkhaya' agam!si "the<br />

garlic diminished as soon as it was brought" Vin iv.258. Here !bhata stands in rel. to har!peti (to have it<br />

fetched & brought) and is clearly pp. of !bharati. -- bhucca as is the case, i. e. as one might expect, evident,<br />

real, in conformity with the truth D i.12; ii.222; Miln 183, 351; Th 2, 159 (=yath!bh(ta' ThA 142); PvA<br />

30, 31 (˚gu*!). -- bhutta see bhutta. -- bh(ta(') in reality, in truth, really, definitely, absolutely; as ought to<br />

be, truthfully, in its real essence. Very freq. in var. combnns which see collected & classified as regards<br />

Sa'yutta & Anguttara -- Nik!yas in Index vols to these texts. E. g. S iv.195 (vacana', Ep. of Nibb!na);<br />

v.440 (abhisamaya); Sn 194, 202, 653; Dh 203; PvA 215 (gu*a). yath!bh(ta' paj!n!ti he knows as an<br />

absolute truth or in reality D i.83, 162; S iv.188; v.304 & passim; ditto yath!bh(ta' j!n!ti passati Ps ii.62.<br />

Similarly with noun: yath!bh(ta -- ñ!*a absolute knowledge S v.144; Ps ii.63= Vism 605<br />

(+samm!dassana); Vism 438, 629, 695; VbhA 459 (=maggañ!*a); also as ˚ñ!*a -- dassana in same<br />

meaning: A<br />

-- 550 --<br />

iii.19, 200; iv.99, 336; v.2 sq., 311 sq.; Ps i.33, 43 sq.; ii.11 sq.; Nett 29. -- mano according to (his) mind Sn<br />

829; Nd1 170 (expld as nom.=yath!citto, yath!sankappo, yath!viññ!*o). -- ruci' according to pleasure or<br />

liking Mhvs 4, 43 (ruci T.; ruci' v. l.; thus generally in Mhvs.); 5, 230 (˚ruci); 22, 58 (˚ruci). -- v!din as<br />

speaking, as he speaks (followed by tath! -- k!rin so doing) D ii.224, 229; Sn 357; It 122. -- vidhi(') duly,<br />

fitly Mhvs 10, 79. -- vihita as appointed or arranged Mhvs 10, 93. -- vu..ha' according to seniority Vin

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