The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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ta*ha' DhA iv.63); J v.453 (peta -- r!ja -- visaya'). -- 8. An idiomatic (late) use of the ger. muñciya (with<br />

acc.) is in the sense of an adv. (or prep.), meaning "except, besides," e. g. ma' m. Mhvs 25, 67; ima' m.<br />

(besides this Mhvs 14, 17). -- Cp.<br />

-- 536 --<br />

pa˚, pa&i˚, vi˚. Note. At Dh 71 muccati stands for muccheti (=Sk. m(rchati) to become stiff, coagulate,<br />

curdle; cp. DhA ii.67.<br />

Muñcana & Muccana<br />

Muñcana & Muccana (nt.) [abstr. fr. muc] 1. release, being freed, deliverance J iv.478 (mucc˚); ˚!k!ra<br />

(muñc˚) means of deliverance (dukkhato from ill) DhA i.267; ˚k!la time of release (dukkh! from suffering)<br />

DhA ii.11 (mucc˚, v. l. muñc˚). -- 2. letting loose, emitting, giving, bestowing VbhA 249 (speaking,<br />

shouting out; Vism reading p. 265 is to be corrected fr. mañcana!); PvA 132 (v. l. d!na).<br />

Muñcanaka<br />

Muñcanaka (adj.) [fr. muñcana] sending out or forth, emitting VvA 303 (pabh!˚).<br />

Muñja<br />

Muñja [Vedic muñja, cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben 72] 1. a sort of grass (reed) Saccharum munja Roxb. Sn<br />

440. ˚kesa having a dark mane (like m. grass) D ii.174. ˚p!duk! slipper made of m. grass DhA iii.451.<br />

˚maya made of m. grass Sn 28. -- <strong>The</strong> reed itself is called is"k! (q. v.). -- 2. a sort of fish J iv.70 (+rohita,<br />

taken as Dvandva by C.); vi.278 (id.).<br />

Mu&a<br />

Mu&a see muto)". Otherwise occurring in Np. Mu&a -- siva at Mhvs 11, 4.<br />

Mu&&ha<br />

Mu&&ha [pp. of mussati, m%+] having forgotten, one who forgets; only in two cpds., viz. ˚sacca [der. fr. foll.:<br />

mu&&ha+sati+ya] forgetfulness, lit. forgotten -- mindedness, usually combd with asampajañña, D iii.213; A<br />

v.149; Pug 21; Dhs 1349 (where read: y! asati ananussati . . . adh!ra*at! pil!panat! sammussanat!); Vbh<br />

360, 373; Vism 21; DhA iv.85; & ˚sati(n) (adj.) "forgetful in mindfulness," i. e. forgetful, careless,<br />

bewildered [cp. BSk. amu+itasm%ti Lal. V. 562, to all appearance (wrongly) derived from P. musati to rob,<br />

mus, mu+*!ti] D iii.252, 282; S i.61 (+asampaj!na); Pug 21, 35 (neither passage expld in PugA!); J iii.488;<br />

VbhA 275. As ˚satika at Miln 79. -- Note. mu&&hasati with var. (unsuccessful) etym. is discussed in detail<br />

also by Morris, J.P.T.S. 1884, pp. 92 -- 94.<br />

Mu&&hi<br />

Mu&&hi (f.) [Vedic mu+&i, m. f. Does defn "mu&=mad- dane" at Dhtm 125 refer to mu&&hi?] the fist VvA 206.<br />

mu&&h" katv! ga*h!ti to take by making a fist, i. e. clutch tightly, clenching one's fist J vi.331. -- mu&&hi'<br />

ak!si he made a fist (as sign) J vi.364. As -- ˚ often meaning "handful." -- !cariya -- mu&&hi close --<br />

fistedness in teaching, keeping things back from the pupil D ii.100; S v.153; J ii.221, 250; VvA 138; SnA<br />

180, 368. ku*.aka˚ handful of rice powder VvA 5; DhA i.425. ta*.ula˚ handful of rice PvA 131. tila˚ do. of<br />

tilaseeds J ii.278. pa'su˚ do. of soil J vi.405. ritta˚ an empty fist SnA 306=DhA iv.38 (˚sadisa alluding to<br />

ignorance). -- yuddha fist -- fight, boxing D i.6. -- sammuñjan" "fistbroom" a short broom DhA ii.184.

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