The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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M!tanga<br />

M!tanga [cp. Epic Sk. m!tanga, dial.] an elephant Dh 329, 330 (here as Ep. of n!ga); J iii.389; vi.47; Vv<br />

439; Miln 368. -- 2. a man of a low class [cp. BSk. m!tang" Divy 397] SnA 185 sq. (as Np.).<br />

M!tar<br />

M!tar (f.) [Vedic m!t!, stem m!tar˚, Av. m!tar -- , Gr. mh/thr (Doric ma/thr) Lat. m!ter, Oir. m!thir, Ohg.<br />

muoter, Ags. modor=mother; Cp. further Gr. mh/tra uterus, Lat. m!trix id., Sk. m!t%k! mother,<br />

grandmother, Ger. mieder corset. From Idg. *ma, onomat. part., cp. "mamma"] mother. -- Cases: nom. sg.<br />

-- 528 --<br />

m!t! Sn 296; Dh 43; J iv.463; v.83; vi.117; Nd2 504 (def. as janik!); gen. m!tu Th 1, 473; Vin i.17; J i.52;<br />

m!tuy! J i.53; Mhvs 10, 80; PvA 31; and m!t!ya J i.62; dat. m!tu Mhvs 9, 19; acc. m!tara' Sn 60, 124; Dh<br />

294; instr. m!tar! Th 2, 212; loc. m!tari Dh 284 -- pl. does not occur. In combn with pit! father, m!t!<br />

always precedes the former, thus m!t! -- pitaro (pl.) "mother & father" (see below). -- m!tito (abl. -- adv.)<br />

from the mother's side (cp. pitito) D i.113; A iii.151; PvA 29. -- On m!t! in simile see J.P.T.S. 1907, 122;<br />

cp. Vism 321 (simile of a mother's solicitude for her children). Similarly the pop. etym. of m!t! is given,<br />

with "mam!yat" ti m!t!" at VbhA 107. -- <strong>The</strong> 4 bases of m. in compn are: m!t!˚, m!ti˚, m!tu˚, & matti˚. --<br />

1. m!t!˚: -- pitaro mother & father D iii.66, 188 sq.; Sn 404; Miln 12. See also pit!. -- pitika having mother<br />

& father DhA ii.2. -- piti&&h!na place of m. & f. DhA ii.95. -- pettika having m. & f., of m. & f. Nd2 385<br />

(n!ma -- gotta). -- petti -- bh!ra supporting one's m. & f. S i.228; J i.202; vi.498. -- maha maternal<br />

grandfather J iv.146; DhA i.346. -- 2. m!ti˚: -- devat! protector or guardian of one's mother J iii.422 (gloss:<br />

m!tu -- devat! viya). -- pakkha the mother's side DhA i.4 (+pitipakkha). -- posaka supporting one's m. J<br />

iii.422 (v. l. m!tu˚). -- 3. m!tu˚: -- upa&&h!na (spelt m!tupa&&h˚) reverence towards one's m. DhA iv.14. --<br />

kucchi m's womb D ii.12; Vism 560 (˚gata); VbhA 96; DhA i.127. -- g!ma "genex feminarum,"<br />

womanfolk, women (collectively cp. Ger, frauen -- zimmer) A ii.126; Vin iv.175; M i.448, 462; iii.126; S<br />

iv.239 sq.; J i.201; iii.90, 530. (pl. ˚g!m! p. 531); Pug 68; SnA 355; PvA 271; VvA 77. -- gh!ta & (usually)<br />

˚ka a matricide (+pitu -- gh!taka; see abhi&h!na) Vin i.168, 320; Miln 310; Tikp 167 sq.; VbhA 425. --<br />

gh!tikamma matricide Tikp. 281. -- bh(ta having been his mother PvA 78. -- mattin (see matta1 4)<br />

whatever is a mother S iv.110 (˚"su m!tucitta' upa&&hapeti foster the thought of mother towards whatever is<br />

a mother, where in sequence with bhagin" -- mattin & dh"tumattin). -- hadaya a mother's heart PvA 63. -- 4.<br />

matti˚: see matti -- sambhava.<br />

M!tika<br />

-- M!tika (adj.) [fr. m!t!, Sk. m!t%ka] -- mother; in mata˚ one whose mother is dead, lit. a "dead -- mother -<br />

- ed," J ii.131; iii.213. Also neg. am!tika without a mother J v.251.<br />

M!tik!<br />

M!tik! (f.) [*Sk. m!t%k!] 1. a water course Vism 554 (˚âtikkamaka); Mhvs 35, 96; 37, 50; SnA 500<br />

(=sobbha); DhA ii.141 (its purpose: "ito c' ito ca udaka' haritv! attano sassa -- kamma' samp!denti"); VvA<br />

301. -- 2. tabulation, register, tabulated summary, condensed contents, esp. of philosophical parts of the<br />

Canonical books in the Abhidhamma; used in Vinaya in place of Abhidhamma Pi&aka; probably the<br />

original form of that (later) Pi&aka Vin i.119, 337; ii.8 [cp. semantically in similar sense Lat. m!trix=E.<br />

matric, i. e. register. In BSM. m!trik! Divy 18, 333] A i.117 (Dhamma -- dhara, Vinaya -- dhara, M!tik! --<br />

dhara; here equivalent to Abhidhamma); Vism 312 (so pañcavasso hutv! dve m!tik! pagu*a' katv!<br />

pav!retv!); SnA 15; KhA 37, 99, 117. -- nikkhepa putting down of a summary, tabulation Vism 536, 540.<br />

<strong>The</strong> summary itself is sometimes called nikkhepa, e. g. the 4th part of the Atthas!lin" (DhsA pp. 343 -- 409)<br />

is called nikkhepa -- ka*.a or chapter of the summary; similarly m. -- nikkhepa v!ra at Tikp. 11.

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