The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Malla [cp. Sk. malla, perhaps a local term, cp. C!nura] a wrestler Vin ii.105 (˚mu&&hika) J iv.81 (two,<br />

named C!nura and Mu&&hika "fister"); Vism 31 (mu&&hika+, i. e. boxing & wrestling as amusements: see<br />

mada 1). Perhaps as "porter" Bdhgh on CV v.29. 5 (see Vin ii.319). At Miln 191 the mall! are mentioned as<br />

a group or company; their designation might here refer to the Mallas, a tribe, as other tribes are given at the<br />

same passage (e. g. Ato*!, Pis!c!). Cp. Bhallaka. -- ga*a troop of professional wrestlers Miln 331. --<br />

mu&&hika boxer Vin ii.105. -- yuddha wrestling contest Miln 232; DhA ii.154; DA i.85. -- yuddhaka a<br />

professional wrestler J iv.81.<br />

Mallaka<br />

Mallaka [cp. Sk. mallaka & mallika] 1. a bowl, a vessel (?) used in bathing Vin ii.106 (mallakena nah!yati;<br />

or is it a kind of scrubber? Bdhgh's expln of this passage (CV v. i.4) on p. 315 is not quite clear; mallaka'<br />

n!ma makara -- dantike chinditv! m(llakam(la -- sa*&h!nena kata -- mallaka' vuccati; akata˚ danta<br />

achinditv! kata'). It may bear some ref. to malla on p. 105 (see malla) & to mallika -- makula (see below<br />

mallik!). -- 2. a cup, drinking vessel A i.250 (udaka˚). -- 3. a bowl J iii.21 (ka'sa˚=ta&&aka). -- 4. in khe)a˚ a<br />

spittoon Vin i.48; ii.175. -- Note. W. Printz in "Bh!sa's Pr!krit." p. 45, compares -aurasen" ma))aa, Hind"<br />

ma))(a) "cup," maliy! "a small vessel (of wood or cocoanut -- shell) for holding the oil used in unction,"<br />

m!l! "cocoanut -- shell," and adds: probably a Dravidian word.<br />

Mallik!<br />

Mallik! (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. mallik!, Hal!yudha 2, 51; Da*.in 2, 214] Arabian jasmine Dh 54 (tagara˚); J i.62;<br />

iii.291; v.420; Miln 333, 338; DhsA 14; KhA 44. mallika -- makula opening bud of the jasmine Visni<br />

251=VbhA 234 (˚sa*&h!na, in descr, of shape of the 4 canine teeth). -- See also m!lik!.<br />

Ma)orik!<br />

Ma)orik! (f.) [prob. dialectical for m!)aka: cp. mallaka] a stand, (tripod) for a bowl, formed of sticks Vin<br />

ii.124 (=da*.' !dh!raka Bdhgh on p. 318).<br />

Masa<br />

Masa in line "!sadañ ca masañ ja&a'" at J vi.328 is to be combd with ca, and read as camasañ, i. e. a ladle<br />

for sacrificing (C.: aggi -- dahana').<br />

Masati<br />

Masati [m%$] to touch: only in cpd. !masati. <strong>The</strong> root is expld at Dhtp 305 as "!masana." Another root masu<br />

[m%$?] is at Dhtm 444 given in meaning "macchera." Does this refer to Sk. m%+! (=P. micch!)? Cp. m!sati,<br />

m!sana etc.<br />

Mas!*a<br />

Mas!*a (nt.) [etym.? prob. provincial & local] a coarse cloth of interwoven hemp and other materials D<br />

i.166; M i.308, 345; A i.241, 295; Pug 55. At all passages as a dress worn by certain ascetics.<br />

Mas!raka<br />

Mas!raka [fr. mas!ra?] a kind of couch (mañca) or long- chair; enumd under the 4 kinds of mañc! at Vin<br />

iv.40. -- See also Vin ii.149; iv.357 (where expld as: mañcap!de vijjhitv! tattha a&&aniyo pavesetv! kato:<br />

made by boring a hole into the feet of the bed & putting through a notched end); VvA 8, 9.

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