The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Mamank!ra<br />

Mamank!ra [mama' (=mama)+k!ra, cp. aha'+k!ra] selfish attachment, self -- interest, selfishness PvA<br />

230. In canonic books only in combn with ahank!ra & m!n' ânusaya (belief in an ego and bias of conceit),<br />

e. g. at M iii.18, 32; S iii.80, 103, 136, 169; iv.41, 197, 202; A i.132 sq.; iii.444. See also mamink!ra.<br />

Mamank!ra*a<br />

Mamank!ra*a (nt.) [fr. mama'+k%] treating with tender- ness, solicitude, fondness J v.331.<br />

Mamatta<br />

Mamatta (nt.) [fr. mama] selfishness, self -- love, egoism; conceit, pride in ( -- ˚), attachment to ( -- ˚). Sn<br />

806, 871, 951; Th 1, 717; Nd1 49 (two: ta*h! & di&&hi˚); Nd2 499 (id. but as masc.); SnA 276; DhsA 199;<br />

PvA 19.<br />

Mam!yati<br />

Mam!yati [Denom. fr. mama, cp. Sk. mam!yate in same meaning (not with Böhtlingk & Roth: envy) at<br />

MBh xii.8051 and A+&as Prajñ! P!ramit! 254] to be attached to, to be fond of, to cherish, tend, foster, love<br />

M i.260; S iii.190; Th 1, 1150; Sn 922 (mam!yetha); Nd1 125 (Bhagavanta'); J iv.359 (=piy!yati C.); Miln<br />

73; VbhA 107 (mam!yat" ti m!t!: in pop. etym. of m!t!); DhA i.11; SnA 534; Mhvs 20, 4. -- pp. mam!yita.<br />

Mam!yan!<br />

Mam!yan! (f.)=mamatta (selfishness) J vi.259 (˚ta*h!- rahita in expln of amama).<br />

Mam!yita<br />

Mam!yita [pp. of mam!yati] cherished, beloved; as n. nt. attachment, fondness of, pride. -- (adj. or pp.) S<br />

ii.94 (eta' ajjhosita', m., par!ma&&ha'); Sn 119; DhA i.11. -- (nt.:) Sn 466, 777, 805, 950=Dh 367 (expld<br />

as: yassa "ahan" ti v! "maman" ti v! g!ho n' atthi DhA iv.100); Sn 1056 (cp. Nd2 499).<br />

Maminkaroti<br />

Maminkaroti [mama(')+k% "to make one's own"] to be fond of, to cherish, tend, foster J v.330.<br />

Mamink!ra<br />

Mamink!ra [for maman˚, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 19] self -- love, self -- interest, egoism M i.486; iii.32 (at both<br />

places also ahink!ra for ahank!ra).<br />

Mamma<br />

Mamma (nt.) [Vedic marman, fr. m%d] soft spot of the body, a vital spot (in the Vedas chiefly between the<br />

ribs near the heart), joint. A popular etym. and expln of the word is given at Expos. 132n3 (on DhsA 100). -<br />

- J ii.228; iii.209; DhsA 396. -- gha&&ana hitting a vital spot (of speech, i. e. backbiting. Cp. pi&&hi --<br />

ma'sika) DhA iv.182. -- chedaka breaking the joints (or ribs), violent (fig. of hard speech) DhA i.75; DhsA<br />

100.<br />


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