The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Mandat!<br />

Mandat! (f.)=mandatta Sdhp 19.<br />

Mandatta<br />

Mandatta (nt.) [fr. manda] stupidity M i.520; Pug 69.<br />

Mand!kin"<br />

Mand!kin" (f.) N. of one of the seven great lakes in the Himavant, enumd at A iv.101; J v.415; Vism 416;<br />

SnA 407; DA i.164. (Hal!yudha 3, 51 gives m. as a name for the Ganges.)<br />

Mand!mukhi<br />

Mand!mukhi (f.) [dialectical? reading a little doubtful] a coal -- pan, a vessel for holding embers for the<br />

sake of heating Vin i.32 (=aggi -- bh!jana C.); VvA 147 (mandamukh", stands for angara -- kapalla p. 142<br />

in expln of hattha -- pat!paka Vv 3332).<br />

Mand!rava<br />

Mand!rava [cp. Sk. mand!ra] the coral tree, Erythrina fulgens (considered also as one of the 5 celestial<br />

trees). <strong>The</strong> blossoms mentioned D ii.137 fall from the next world. -- D ii.137; Vv 222 (cp. VvA 111); J<br />

i.13, 39; Miln 13, 18 (dibb!ni m. -- pupph!ni abhippavassi'su).<br />

Mand!laka<br />

Mand!laka [etym.?] a water -- plant (kind of lotus) J iv.539; vi.47, 279, 564.<br />

Mandiya<br />

Mandiya (nt.) [cp. Sk. m!ndya] 1. laziness, slackness S i.110. -- 2. dullness of mind, stupidity J iii.38<br />

(=manda -- bh!va).<br />

Mandira<br />

Mandira (nt.) [cp. late Sk. mandira] a house, edifice, palace Sn 996, 1012; J v.480; vi.269, 270; D!vs ii.67<br />

(dh!tu˚ shrine).<br />

Mand"˚<br />

Mand"˚ see manda 5.<br />

Mama<br />

Mama gen. dat. of pers. pron. aha' (q. v.) used quasi independently (as substitute for our "self -- ") in<br />

phrase mama -- y -- ida' Sn 806 thought of "this is mine," cp. S i.14, i. e. egoism, belief in a real personal<br />

entity, expld at Nd1 124 by maññan! conceit, illusion. Also in var. phrases with k% in form mama'˚, viz.<br />

mamank!ra etc. -- As adj. "self -- like, selfish" only neg. amama unselfish Sn 220 (=mamatta -- virahita<br />

SnA 276); Pv iv.134 (=mamank!ra -- virahita PvA 230); J iv.372; vi.259. See also amama, cp. m!maka.

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