The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Matt! (f.) [Vedic m!tr!, of m!] measure, quantity, right measure, moderation Sn 971 (matta' so jaññ!); Dh<br />

i.35 (matt! ti pam!*a' vuccati). -- Abl. mattaso in ˚k!rin doing in moderation, doing moderately Pug 37<br />

(=pam!nena padesa -- mattam eva karont" ti). -- In cpds. shortened to matta˚. -- a&&hiya<br />

(matta&&hiya=˚atthika) desirous of moderation, moderate Th 1, 922. -- ññu knowing the right measure,<br />

moderate, temperate (bhojane or bhojanamhi in eating) A ii.40; Sn 338; Pug 25; Dh 8. Cp. j!gariy!. --<br />

ññut! moderation (in eating) D iii.213; Nd1 483; Dh 185; Pug 25; Vbh 249, 360; Dhs 1348; DhA ii.238. --<br />

sukha (metri causâ: matt! -- sukha) measured happiness, i. e. small happiness Dh 290 (cp. DhA iii.449).<br />

Matti<br />

Matti ( -- sambhava) [for *m!ti˚=m!tu˚=*m!t%, after pitti˚=pitu˚=*pit%] born (from a mother) Sn 620<br />

(=m!tari sambh(ta SnA 466)=Dh 396 (=m!tu santike udarasmi' sambh(ta DhA iv.158).<br />

Mattika<br />

Mattika (adj.) (˚ -- ) [fr. mattik!] made of clay, clay -- ; only in cpds.: -- ku*.ala clay earring S i.79 (v. l.<br />

mattik!˚). -- bh!jana clay or earthenware vessel Sn 577; Vism 231 (in comparison); DhA i.130. -- v!ka clay<br />

fibre DhsA 321 (v. l. ˚takka, perhaps gloss=takku spindle, see takka1).<br />

Mattik!<br />

Mattik! (f.) [cp. Vedic m%ttik!, der. fr. Vedic m%t (m%d) soil, earth, clay; with P. ma*.a, Sk, vimradati. Gr.<br />

bladaro/s soft, Osil. mylsna dust, Goth. mulda, Ags. molde (E. mould, mole=mouldwarp), to same root m%d<br />

as in Sk. m%du= Lat. mollis soft, Gr. a)maldu/nw to weaken, Sk. mardati & m%dn!ti to crush, powder, Caus.<br />

mardayati; also in cognate ˚m)d as appearing in Gr. me/ldw to melt=Ags meltan, Ohg. smëlzan] 1. clay<br />

-- 518 --<br />

J vi.372; Mhvs 29, 5 sq. -- tamba˚ red clay DhA iv.106; PvA 191. mattik! pl. kinds of clay (used in<br />

cosmetics, like Fuller's earth) J v.89 (n!n! -- cun*!ni+ mattik!; see also cu**a). -- 2. loam, mud M iii.94<br />

(alla˚ fresh loam or mud); Vism 123 (aru*a -- va**!); KhA 59 (pa*.u); VvA 65; PvA 216 (aru*a -- va**!).<br />

-- th!la bowl of clay DhA iv.67. -- pi*.a a lump of clay or loam DA i.289; same trope at PvA 175.<br />

Matteyya<br />

Matteyya (& metteyya) (adj.) [fr. m!t!, *m!treyya> *matteyya] reverential towards one's mother,<br />

motherloving D iii.74; Pv ii.718 (=m!tu hita PvA 104; v. l. mett˚). Spelling at D iii.72 is metteyya. It is<br />

difficult to decide about correct spelling, as metteyya is no doubt influenced by the foll. petteyya, with<br />

which it is always combined.<br />

Matteyyat!<br />

Matteyyat! (& mett˚) (f.) [abstr. fr. matteyya] filial love towards one's mother; always combd with<br />

petteyyat! D iii.145 (v. l. mett˚); Nd2 294 (mett˚), Dh 332; DhA iv.33.<br />

Mattha<br />

Mattha [cp. Vedic masta(ka) skull, head, Vedic masti+ka brains; perhaps to Lat. mentum chin, Cymr. mant<br />

jawbone; indirectly also to Lat. mons mountain] the head, etc. Only in cpd. mattha -- lunga [cp. Sk.<br />

mastulunga] the brain Vin i.274; Sn 199; Kh iii.; J i.493; KhA 60; Vism 260 (in detail) 264, 359; VbhA 63,<br />

243, 249; DhA ii.68; PvA 78, 80. -- See also matthaka.

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