The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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fundamental colours: M i.509 (has ˚e&&hika in T. but v. l. ˚e&&haka); J vi.185; Dhs 617. -- f. mañje&&hik! a<br />

disease of sugar cane Vin ii.256.<br />

Mañje&&h"<br />

Mañje&&h" (f.) [=Sk. mañji+&h!] Bengal madder DA i.85.<br />

Maññati<br />

Maññati [man, Vedic manyate & manute, Av. mainyeite; Idg. *men, cp. Gr. me/nos mood, anger=Sk.<br />

manah mind; me/mona to think of, wish to, Lat. memini to think of, mens>mind, meneo; Goth. munan to<br />

think, muns opinion; Oisl. man, Ags. mon; Ohg. minna love, Ags, myne intention. Dhtp 427: man=ñ!*e,<br />

524= bodhane] 1. to think, to be of opinion, to imagine, to deem Sn 199 (s"sa' . . . subhato na' maññati<br />

b!lo), 588 (yena yena hi maññanti, tato ta' hoti aññath!); J ii.258 (maññ!mi cira' carissati: I imagine he<br />

will have to wander a long time). -- With (double) acc.: to take for, to consider as; na ta' maññ!mi m!nusi'<br />

I deem you are not human Pv ii.41; yassa d!ni k!la' maññati for this now may he think it time (in a phrase<br />

of departure), let him do what he thinks fit, we wait the Buddha's pleasure, i. e. let it be time to go [so also<br />

BSk. manyate k!la', e. g. Divy 50, 64 etc.] D i.189. Esp. in phrase ta' ki' maññasi (maññatha 2. pl.)<br />

what do you think of this? (the foll.), what is your opinion about this? D i.60; S iii.104 & passim. -- Pot. 1st<br />

sg. maññeyya' I should think PvA 40; 3rd sg. maññeyya S iii.103, and maññe Sn 206. <strong>The</strong> short form 1st<br />

sg. maññe is used like an adv. as affirmative particle & is inserted without influencing the grammatical or<br />

syntactical construction of the sentence; meaning: methinks, for certain, surely, indeed, I guess,<br />

presumably. E. g. D i.137 (patapati m. paccatthike yasas!); S i.181 (m. 'ha'); iv.289 (paveliyam!nena m.<br />

k!yena); J ii.275; Miln 21; Vism 90, 92 (mato me m. putto); DhA i.107; ii.51; PvA 40 (m. go*o<br />

samu&&hahe), 65 (tasm! m. sumutt!). -- na maññe surely not DhA ii.84; PvA 75 (n. m. puññav! r!j!). -- 2. to<br />

know, to be convinced, to be sure Sn 840 (= j!n!ti Nd1 192), 1049, 1142; Nd2 491 (=j!n!ti); DhA i.29<br />

(maññ!mi tuva' marissasi). -- 3. to imagine, to be proud (of), to be conceited, to boast Sn 382 (ppr.<br />

maññam!na), 806, 813, 855 (maññate); J iii.530 (aor. maññi 'ha', perhaps maññe 'ha'? C. explns by<br />

maññ!mi). -- pp. mata. -- Note. Another Present form is mun!ti (q. v.), of which the pp. is muta.<br />

Maññan!<br />

Maññan! (f.) [fr. man] conceit Nd1 124 (ta*h!˚, di&&hi˚, m!na˚, kilesa˚ etc.); Dhs 1116 1233; Nett 24; Vism<br />

265 (for mañcan!?).<br />

Maññita<br />

Maññita (nt.) [pp. of maññati] illusion, imagination M i.486. Nine maññit!ni (the same list is applied to the<br />

phandit!ni, the papañcit!ni & sankhat!ni) at Vbh 390: asmi, ayam aham asmi, bhavissa', na bhavissa',<br />

r(p" bhavissa', ar(p" bh., saññ" bh., asaññ" bh., nevasaññ" -- nâsaññ" -- bh.<br />

Maññitatta<br />

Maññitatta (nt.) [fr. maññita] self -- conceit, pride Dhs 1116; DhsA 372.<br />

Ma&aja<br />

Ma&aja (nt.) [doubtful] a certain weapon M i.281 (˚' n!ma !vudhaj!ta'; Neumann trsls "Mordwaffe").<br />

Ma&!haka<br />

Ma&!haka (adj.) [doubtful spelling & meaning] short (?) Vin ii.138 (ati˚= atikhuddaka C.).

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