The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Mangura<br />

Mangura (adj.) [etym.? or=mangula? See J.R.A.S. 1903, 186 the corresponding passage to M i.246 in Lal.<br />

v. 320 has madgura.] golden; in cpd. ˚cchavi of golden colour, f. cchav" D i.193, 242; M i.246, 429; ii.33;<br />

Vism 184.<br />

Mangula<br />

Mangula (adj.) [cp. mangura] sallow; f. mangul" woman of sallow complexion S ii.260=Vin iii.107; Vin<br />

iii.100.<br />

Macca<br />

Macca (adj. -- n.) [orig. grd. of marati, m% corresponding to Sk. martya. A diaeretic form exists in P. m!tiya<br />

(q. v.)] mortal; (m.) man, a mortal S i.55; Sn 249, 577, 580, 766; J iii.154; iv.248; v.393; Dh 53, 141, 182;<br />

Vv 6312; Kvu 351. -- See also refs. under j!ta.<br />

Maccu<br />

Maccu [in form=Vedic m%tyu, fr. m%; in meaning differentiated, the Ved. -- Sk. meaning "death" only] the<br />

God of Death, the Buddhist M!ra, or sometimes equivalent to Yama S i.156; Sn 357 (gen. maccuno), 581<br />

(instr. maccun!), 587; Th 1, 411; Dh 21, 47, 128, 135, 150, 287; VbhA 100; SnA 397; DhA iii.49; Sdhp<br />

295, 304. -- tara one who crosses or overcomes death Sn 1119 (=mara*a' tareyya Nd2 486). -- dheyya the<br />

realm of M!ra, the sphere of Death S i.4; adj. belonging to death or subject to death (=M!radheyya,<br />

mara*adheyya Nd2 487b). -- Sn 358, 1104 (with expln "m. vuccanti kiles! ca khandh! ca abhisankh!r! ca"<br />

Nd2 487a), 1146 (˚p!ra -- maccudheyyassa p!ra' vuccati amata' nibb!na' Nd2 487); Th 2, 10 (= maccu<br />

ettha dh"yati ThA 13); Dh 86; DhA ii.161. -- par!ya*a surmounting death Sn 578; pareta id. Sn 579. -- p!sa<br />

the sling or snare of M!ra Sn 166; J v.367. -- bhaya the fear of death Mhvs 32, 68. -- mara*a dying in death<br />

M i.49 (cp. C. on p. 532: maccu -- mara*an ti maccu -- sankh!ta' mara*a' tena samuccheda -- mara*' !d"ni<br />

nisedheti. -- See also def. of mara*a s.v.). -- mukha the mouth of death Sn 776; Nd1 48. -- r!j! the king of<br />

death Sn 332, 1118 (=Maro pi Maccur!j! mara*a' pi Nd2 488); Dh 46, 170; KhA 83. -- vasa the power of<br />

death 3 i.52: Sn 587, 1100 (where maccu is expld by mara*a & M!ra). -- h!yin leaving death behind,<br />

victorious over death It 46=Sn 755; Th 1, 129.<br />

Maccha<br />

Maccha [cp. Vedic matsya] fish A iii.301; Sn 605, 777, 936; J i.210, 211; v.266 (in simile); vi.113<br />

(phandanti macch!, on dry land); Pug 55; Sdhp 610. -- maccha is given at Nd2 91 as syn. of ambuc!rin. --<br />

p(ti˚ rotten<br />

-- 514 --<br />

fish M iii.168; & in simile at It 68=J iv.435=vi.236 =KhA 127. Cp. J.P.T.S. 1906, 201. bahu˚ rich in fish J<br />

iii.430. lo*a˚ salt fish Vism 28. rohita˚ the species Cyprinus rohita J ii.433; iii.333; DhA ii.132. On maccha<br />

in simile see J.P.T.S. 1907, 121. Of names of fishes several are given in the J!taka tales; viz.4nanda (as the<br />

king of the fishes or a Leviathan) J i.207; ii.352; v.462; Timanda & Timirapingala J v.462; Mitacintin J<br />

i.427; Bahucintin J i.427. -- ma'sa the flesh of fishes Sn 249. -- bandha one who sets net to catch fish, a<br />

fisherman A iii.301; Vism 379. -- bhatta food for fishes, devoured by fishes J v.75. -- v!laka a garment<br />

made in a particular fashion (forbidden to bhikkhus) Vin ii.137. -- sakalika "a bit of fish" (fish -- bone?) in<br />

description of constitution of the finger nails at Vism 250=KhA 43=VbhA 233.<br />


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