The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Ma'sika [fr. ma'sa; cp. *Sk. m!'sika] 1. a dealer in meat, meat -- seller Miln 331. -- 2. in pi&&hi˚ the ˚ka<br />

belongs to the whole cpd., thus: one who is a backbiter, a slanderer Sn 244 (=pi&&hi -- ma'sa -- kh!daka<br />

SnA 287). Similarly pi&&hi -- ma'sikat! (q. v.) Nd2 391.<br />

Makaci<br />

Makaci [etym.?] a kind of cloth, material, fibre DhA iii.68 (v!kakha*.a). -- pilotik! rough cloth (used for<br />

straining) J ii.96; DhA ii.155. Cp. makkhi -- v!la. -- v!ka m. bark Vism 249 (+akkav!ka); VbhA 232.<br />

Makara<br />

Makara [cp. Epic Sk. makara] a mythical fish or sea monster, Leviathan (cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben 97) J<br />

ii.442; iii.188; Miln 131, 377; ThA 204. -- f. makarin" Miln 67. -- dantaka the tooth of a sword fish, used as<br />

a pin Vin ii.113, cp. p. 315. -- as a design in painting or carving Vin ii.117. 121, 152; iv.47. In these latter<br />

passages it occurs combd with lat!kamma & pañcapa&&hika (q. v.). <strong>The</strong> meaning is not quite clear.<br />

Makaranda<br />

Makaranda [cp. Class. Sk. makaranda] the nectar of a flower J vi.530.<br />

Makasa<br />

Makasa [fr. Vedic ma$aka viâ *masaka>makasa: see Geiger, P.Gr. § 472] mosquito Vin ii.119; S i.52 (a˚<br />

free from m.); A ii.117; Sn 20; J i.246; Sdhp 50. See also cpd. .a'sa˚. -- ku&ik! mosquito net or curtain Vin<br />

ii.119, 130. -- v"jan" mosquito fan Vin ii.130.<br />

Maku&a<br />

Maku&a (f.) [cp. BSk. maku&a Divy 411] a crest Abhp 283 (kir"&a+, i. e. adornment).<br />

Makula<br />

Makula [cp. Sk. makula] 1. a bud (Hardy in Index to VvA gives "Mimusops elengi" after BR) Th 2, 260;<br />

Vv 4526; J i.273; ii.33; iv.333; v.207 (maku)a), 416; Vism 230 ()); 256 (paduma˚); VvA 177 (ka*av"ra˚),<br />

194 (maku)a), 197 (id.); VbhA 228, 239 (where Vism 256 has makulita, & KhA 53 mukulita). -- 2. a knob J<br />

i.31; ii.90; Vism 253 (kandala˚). -- 3. v. l. at Nd2 485 B for pakulla (=paku&a).<br />

Makka&a<br />

Makka&a [cp. Epic Sk. marka&a] 1. a monkey J i.385; ii.267; DhA ii.22; VbhA 408 (˚nidd!, a m.'s sleep,<br />

said to be quickly changing); KhA 73 (in simile); SnA 522 (cp. Sn 791). Names of monkeys famous in<br />

J!taka tales: S!laka J ii.268; K!lab!hu J iii.98 sq.; on the monkey as a figure in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907,<br />

119, to which add VbhA 228 & 259 (t!lavana˚), cp. Vism 245. -- 2. a spider: see ˚sutta. -- ch!paka the<br />

young of a monkey M i.385; J i.218. -- sutta spider's thread J v.47; Vism 136 (in simile); DhA i.304.<br />

Makka&aka<br />

Makka&aka [cp. Sk. marka&aka; der. fr. marka&a=mak- ka&a] a spider (see on similes J.P.T.S. 1907, 119) Dh<br />

347 (cp. DhA iv.58); J ii.147 (=u**an!bhi); iv.484 (aptly called U**an!bhi); v.47, 469; Miln 364, 407<br />

(pantha˚ road spider, at both passages). -- ˚sutta spider's thread Vism 285.<br />


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