The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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(see Dial. i.108 n. & Fick, Sociale Gliederung 104 sq.) J i.199, 354, 483; ii.135 (=g!mapati, g!maje&&haka);<br />

v.413; DhA i.69. Cp. bhojanaka.<br />

Bhojana<br />

Bhojana (nt.) [fr. bhuñjati] food, meal, nourishment in general J ii.218; iv.103, 173; J i.178; iv.223; Sn 102,<br />

128, 242, 366, 667; Dh 7, 70; Pug 21, 55; Miln 370; Vism 69, 106; Sdhp 52, 388, 407. Some similes with<br />

bhojana see J.P.T.S. 1907, 119. -- tika˚ food allowed for a triad (of reasons) Vin ii.196. dub˚ having little or<br />

bad food J ii.368; DhA iv.8. pa*"ta˚ choice & plentiful meals Vin iv.88. sabhojane kule in the family in<br />

which a bhikkhu has received food Vin iv.94. -- bhojane mattaññu(t!) knowing proper measure in eating<br />

(& abstr.); eating within bounds, one of the 4 restricttions of moral life S ii.218; A i.113 sq.; Nd1 483. <br />

5 bhojan!ni or meals are given at Vin iv.75, viz. niccabhatta˚, sal!kabhatta˚, pakkhika', uposathika',<br />

p!&ipadika'. -- As part of the regulations concerning food, hours of eating etc. in the Sangha there is a<br />

distinction ascribed to the Buddha between ga*abhojana', parampara -- bhojana', atirittabhojana',<br />

anatirittabhojana' mentioned at Kvu ii.552; see Vin iv.71, 77. All these ways of taking food are forbidden<br />

under ordinary circumstances, but allowed in the case of illness (gil!na -- samaye), when robes are given to<br />

the Bhikkhus (c"varasamaye) and several other occasions, as enumd at Vin iv.74. -- <strong>The</strong> distinction is made<br />

as follows: ga*abhojana' said when 4 bhikkhus are invited to partake together of one of the five foods; or<br />

food prepared as a joint meal Vin iv.74; cp. ii.196; v.128, 135; paramparabhojana' said when a bhikkhu,<br />

invited to partake of one of the 5 foods, first takes one and then another Vin iv.78; atirittabhojana' is food<br />

left over from that provided for a sick person, or too great a quantity offered on one occasion to bhikkhus<br />

(in this case permitted to be eaten) Vin iv.82; anatirittabhojana' is food that is not left over & is accepted &<br />

eaten by a bhikkhu without inquiry Vin iv.84. -- aggad!na gift of the best of food SnA 270. -- atthika in<br />

need of food, hungry Pv ii.929. -- pariyantika restricting one's feeding Vism 69. -- vikati at J v.292 is to be<br />

read as bh!jana˚ (q. v.).<br />

Bhojanaka<br />

Bhojanaka=bhojaka, in ˚g!ma owner or headman of the village J ii.134.<br />

Bhojaniya, Bhojan"ya, Bhojaneyya<br />

Bhojaniya, Bhojan"ya, Bhojaneyya [grd. of bhuj, Caus. bhojeti. Cp. bhuñjitabba] what may be eaten,<br />

eatable, food; fit or proper to eat. -- bhojaniya: food Vin iv.92 (five foods: odana rice, kumm!sa gruel, sattu<br />

meal, flour, maccha fish, ma'sa meat). Soft food, as distinguished from kh!daniya hard food J i.90. See<br />

also kh!daniya. bhojan"ya: eatable S i.167, cp. pari˚. bhojaneyya: fit to eat DA i.28; a˚ unfit to be eaten Sn<br />

81; J v.15.<br />

Bhojin<br />

Bhojin ( -- ˚) (adj.) [fr. bhuj] feeding on, enjoying A iii.43; M i.343; Sn 47; J ii.150; Pug 55.<br />

Bhojeti<br />

Bhojeti [Caus. of bhuñjati] to cause to eat, to feed, entertain, treat, regale Vin i.243; iv.71; J vi.577; DhA<br />

i.101.<br />

-- 511 --<br />

Bhojja<br />

Bhojja (adj.) [grd. of bhuñjati] to be eaten, eatable; khajja˚ what can be chewed & eaten DA i.85. ˚y!gu<br />

"eatable rice -- gruel," i. e. soft gruel, prepared in a certain way Vin i.223, 224.

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