The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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- bhu -- kka (cp. E. bow -- wow), lit. bhu -- bhu -- maker (: kka fr. k%?) J vi.354 (C.: bhun -- kara*a). See<br />

also bhussati.<br />

Bhunkara*a<br />

Bhunkara*a (adj. -- nt.) [bhu+k%, see bhukka] making "bhu," i. e. bow -- wow, barking J vi.355 (˚sunakha);<br />

v. l. bhu -- bhukka -- sadda -- kara*a.<br />

Bhucca<br />

Bhucca (adj.) [ger. of bh( in composition, corresponding to *bh(tya>*bhutya, like pecca (*pretya) fr.<br />

pra+i. In function equal to bh(ta] only in cpd. yath! -- bhucca' (nt. adv.) as it is, that which really is, really<br />

(=yath! bh(ta') Th 2, 143. See under yath!.<br />

Bhuja<br />

Bhuja1 (m. & nt.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. bhuja m. & bhuj!; bhuj, bhujate to bend, lit. "the bender"; the root<br />

is expld by ko&ilya (ko&illa) at Dhtp 470 (Dhtm 521). See also bhuja3. Idg. *bheng, fr. which also Lat. fugio<br />

to flee=Gr. feu/gw, Lat. fuga flight=Sk. bhoga ring, Ohg. bouc; Goth. biugan to bend=Ger. beugen &<br />

biegen; Ohg. bogo=E. bow. Semantically cp. Lat. lacertus the arm, i. e. the bend, fr. *leq to bend, to which<br />

P. lagu)a a club (q. v. for etym.), with which cp. Lat. lacerta=lizard, similar in connotation to P. bhujaga<br />

snake] the arm Sn 48 (expld by Nd2 478 as hattha, hand); 682 (pl. bhuj!ni); J v.91, 309; vi.64; Bu i.36; Vv<br />

6418.<br />

Bhuja<br />

Bhuja2 [fr. bhuñjati2] clean, pure, bright, beautiful J vi.88 (˚dassana beautiful to look at; C. explns by<br />

kaly!*a dassana).<br />

Bhuja<br />

Bhuja3 (adj.) [fr. bhuj to bend] bending, crooked, in bhuja -- la&&hi betel -- pepper tree J vi.456 (C.:<br />

bhujangalat!, perhaps identical with bhujaka?), also in cpd. bhuja -- ga going crooked, i. e. snake Miln 420<br />

(bhujaginda king of snakes, the cobra); D!vs. 2, 17; also as bhujanga D!vs 2, 56, & in der. bhujanga -- lat!<br />

"snake-creeper," i. e. name of the betel -- pepper J vi.457; and bhujangama S i.69. -- Cp. bhogin2.<br />

Bhujaka<br />

Bhujaka [fr. bhuj, as in bhuñjati2; or does it belong to bhuja3 and equal to bhuja -- la&&hi?] a fragrant tree,<br />

growing (according to Dhp!la) only in the Gandham!dana grove of the Devaloka Vv 355; VvA 162.<br />

Bhujissa<br />

Bhujissa [cp. BSk. bhuji+ya Divy 302, according to Mhvyut § 84 meaning "clean"; thus fr. bhuj (see<br />

bhuñjati2) to purify, sort out] 1. (n. m.) a freed slave, freeman; a servant as distinguished from a slave Vin<br />

i.93; J ii.313; PvA 112. -- bhujissa' karoti to grant freedom to a slave J v.313; vi.389, 546; DhA i.19; ThA<br />

200. -- f. bhujiss! Vin ii.271 (in same sequence as bhujissa at Vin i.93). -- 2. (adj.) freeing fr. slavery,<br />

productive of freedom D ii.80 (cp. Dial. ii.80); iii.245; S ii.70; iv.272; A iii.36, 132, 213; Vism 222 (with<br />

exegesis). Cp. bhoja & bhojaka. -- bh!va state of being freed fr. slavery, freedom ThA 200.<br />


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