The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bh!s!<br />

Bh!s! (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. bh!+!] speech, language, esp. vernacular, dialect J iv.279 (manussa˚ human<br />

speech), 392 (ca*.!la˚); KhA 101 (saka -- saka˚ -- anur(pa); SnA 397 (Milakkha˚); DA i.176 (Kir!t! --<br />

Yavanâdi -- Millakkh!na' bh!s!); MA i.1 (S"ha)a˚); VbhA 388 (18 dialects, of which 5 are mentioned;<br />

besides the M!gadhabh!s!).<br />

Bh!sita<br />

Bh!sita [pp. of bh!sati1] spoken, said, uttered A v.194; Miln 28; DhA iv.93. -- (nt.) speech, word Dh 363;<br />

M i.432. Usually as su˚ & dub˚ (both adj. & nt.) well & badly spoken, or good & bad speech Vin i.172; M<br />

ii.250; A i.102; ii.51 (su˚; read bh!sita for b!sita); vi.226; Sn 252, 451, 657; J iv.247, 281 (su˚, well spoken<br />

or good words); Pv ii.620 (su˚); PvA 83 (dub˚).<br />

Bh!sitar<br />

Bh!sitar [n. ag. fr. bh!+] one who speaks, utters; a speaker S i.156; Pug 56; SnA 549.<br />

-- 504 --<br />

Bh!sin<br />

Bh!sin (adj.) ( -- ˚) [cp. Epic Sk. bh!+in] speaking A i.102 (dubbh!sita -- bh!sin).<br />

Bh!sura<br />

Bh!sura (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. bh!sura fr. bhas] bright, shining, resplendent ThA 139, 212; VvA 12.<br />

Bhi'sa<br />

Bhi'sa (adj.) [=Vedic bh"+ma, of which there are 4 P. forms, viz. the metathetic bhi'sa, the shortened<br />

bhisma, the lengthened bhesma, and the contracted bh"sa (see bh"sana). Cp. also Sk. -- P. bh"ma; all of bh"]<br />

terrible; only in cpd. ˚r(pa (nt. & adj.) an awful sight; (of) terrific appearance, terrible, awful J iii.242, 339;<br />

iv.271, 494.<br />

Bhi'sana & ˚ka<br />

Bhi'sana & ˚ka (adj.) [the form with ˚ka is the canonic form, whereas bhi'sana is younger. See bhi'sa on<br />

connections] horrible, dreadful, awe -- inspiring, causing fear. (a) bhi'sanaka (usually combd with<br />

lomaha'sa) D ii.106=A iv.311; D ii.157; Vin iii.8; PvA 22; ThA 242 (˚sabh!va=bh"mar(pa); J v.43. -- (b)<br />

bhi'sana Pv iv.35 (+lomaha'sa).<br />

Bhi's!<br />

Bhi's! (f.) [fr. bhi'sa] terror, fright; mah! -- bhi'sa (adj.) inspiring great terror D ii.259. Cp. bhism!.<br />

Bhi'sik!<br />

Bhi'sik! (f.) [fr. bhi'sa] frightful thing, terror, terrifying omen Mhvs 12, 12 (vividh! bhi'sik! kari he<br />

brought divers terrors to pass).<br />


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