The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bh!vitatta<br />

Bh!vitatta2 (nt.) [abstr. fr. bh!vita=*bh!vitattva'] only neg. a˚ the fact of not developing or cultivating S<br />

iii.153, 475; Pv ii.966.<br />

Bh!vin<br />

Bh!vin (adj.) [fr. bh!va, Epic Sk. bh!vin "imminent"] "having a being," going to be, as -- ˚ in avassa˚ sure<br />

to come to pass, inevitable J i.19. -- f. bh!vin" future VvA 314 (or is it bh!van"ya? cp. v. l. S bh!vaniy!).<br />

Bh!veti<br />

Bh!veti [Caus. of bh(, bhavati] to beget, produce, increase, cultivate, develop (by means of thought &<br />

meditation), <strong>The</strong> Buddhist equivalent for mind -- work as creative in idea, M i.293; cp. B.Psy p. 132. -- D<br />

ii.79; M ii.11 (catt!ro sammappadh!ne & iddhip!de); S i.188 (citta' ekagga'), Th 1, 83, 166 (ppr.<br />

bh!vayanto); Sn 341 (citta' ekagga'), 507 (ppr. bh!vaya'), 558 (grd. bh!vetabba), 1130 (ppr.<br />

bh!vento=!sevanto bahul" -- karonto Nd2 476); Dh 87, 350, 370; J i.264 (metta'), 415, ii.22; Nd2 s. v.<br />

k!magu*! (p. 121) (where grd. in sequence "sevitabba, bhajitabba, bh!vetabba, bahul" -- k!tabba"); Pug 15,<br />

DhA iii.171; Sdhp 48, 495. -- Pass. ppr. bh!viyam!na A ii.140; KhA 148. -- pp. bh!vita.<br />

Bh!sa<br />

Bh!sa [cp. Epic Sk. bh!sa] -- saku*a a bird of prey, a vulture [Abhp. 645, 1049]; as one of the lucky omens<br />

enumd (under the so -- called mangala -- kath!) at KhA 118 (with v. l. SS. c!ta˚ & v!ca˚, BB c!ba˚)=Nd1<br />

87 (on Sn 790) (T. reads v!ta˚; v. l. SS v!pa˚, BB chapa˚).<br />

Bh!saka<br />

Bh!saka (adj.) ( -- ˚) [fr. bh!+] speaking DA i.52 (ava**a˚ uttering words of blame).<br />

Bh!sati<br />

Bh!sati1 [bh!+; Dhtp 317: vacane; Dhtm 467; v!c!ya] to speak, to say, to speak to, to call M i.227, Sn 158,<br />

562, 722; Dh 1, 246, 258; also bh!sate Sn 452. -- Pot. bh!seyya Vin ii.189; Sn 451, 930; SnA 468 (for<br />

ud"raye Dh 408); bh!se Dh 102; Sn 400; & bh!saye A ii.51= J v.509 (with gloss katheyya for joteyya=<br />

bh!seyya). -- Aor. abh!si Vin iv.54; PvA 6, 17, 23, 69; 1st sg. also abh!sissa' (Cond.) Pv i.68 (=abh!si'<br />

PvA 34); imper. pres. bh!sa Sn 346; ppr. bh!sam!ne A ii.51= J v.509; Sn 426; Dh 19; J iv.281 (perhaps<br />

better with v. l. as hasam!na); v.63; & bh!santo Sn 543. -- grd. bh!sitabba A iv.115; Vism 127. -- Med. ind.<br />

pres. 2nd sg. bh!sase Vv 342; imper. pres. 2nd sg. bh!sassu M ii.199. -- An apparent ger. form abh!siya It<br />

59, 60 (micch! v!ca' abh!siya) is problematic. It may be an old misspelling for ca bh!siya, as a positive<br />

form is required by the sense. <strong>The</strong> vv. ll. however do not suggest anything else but abh!siya; the editor of It<br />

suggests pa˚. -- Cp. anu, o˚, samanu˚.<br />

Bh!sati<br />

Bh!sati2 [bh!s Dhtm 467: dittiya'] to shine, shine forth, fill with splendour Sn 719 (2nd sg. fut.<br />

bh!sihi=bh!sissasi pak!sessasi SnA 499). Usually with prep. prefix pa˚ (so read at Pv i.109 for ca bh.). Cp.<br />

o˚, vi˚.<br />

Bh!sana<br />

Bh!sana (nt.) [fr. bh!+] speaking, speech Dhtm 162; Sdhp 68.

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