The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bhasita<br />

Bhasita 1. see bhasati. -- 2. pp. of bhas "crumbled to ashes" see bhasma.<br />

Bhasta<br />

Bhasta [cp. Vedic basta] a he -- goat J iii.278.<br />

Bhast!<br />

Bhast! (f.) & bhasta (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. bhastr! (also one MBh. passage), orig. n. ag. fr. bhas (to bark?), lit.<br />

bellower, blower] 1. a bellows Th 1, 1134; J vi.12 (v!ta -- pu**a -- bhasta -- camma, skin of bellows full of<br />

wind); SnA 171 (v!ta -- p(rita -- bhastr! viya), 494 (v!tabharita˚); DhA i.442 (bhasta' dham!peti); Vism<br />

287. -- 2. a sack Th 1, 1151; 2, 466 (T. reads gatta, but ThA 283 reads bhasta & expls as "camma --<br />

pasibbaka"); J iii.346 (sattu˚= sattu pasibbaka flour sack); v.45; ThA 212 (udaka˚). bi)!ra -- bhast! a bag of<br />

catskin M i.128 (=bi)!ra -- camma -- pasibbaka Bdhgh); Th 1, 1138.<br />

Bhasma(n)<br />

Bhasma(n) (nt.) [cp. Vedic bhasman (adj.); Sk. bhasman (n.), originally ppr. of bhas to chew & thus n --<br />

stem. It has passed into the a -- decl. in <strong>Pali</strong>, except in the loc. bhasmani (S i.169). Etymologically &<br />

semantically bhasman is either "chewing" or "anything chewed (small)," thus meaning particle, dust, sand,<br />

etc.; and bhas is another form of ps! (cp. Sk. ps! morsel of food, ps!ta hungry=P. ch!ta). Idg. *bhs! &<br />

*bhsam, represented in Gr. yw/xw to grind, ya/ mmos & yw_xos sand; Lat. sabulum sand. <strong>The</strong> Dhtp 326 &<br />

Dhtm 452 explain bhas by bhasm"kara*a "reduce to ashes," a pp. of it is bhasita; it also occurs in Sk. loc.<br />

bhasi] ashes S i.169=Nd2 576 (loc. bhasmani); Vv 8444; J iii.426; Vism 469 (in comparison). -- ant!huti<br />

(bhasm' ant' !huti) "whose sacrifice ends in ashes" D i.55 (so read for bhassant˚, according to DA i.166, &<br />

cp. Franke, D"gha Nik!ya p. 60); M i.515; S iii.207. -- âcchanna covered by ashes Dh 71 (=ch!rik!ya<br />

pa&ichanna DhA ii.68); J vi.236 (. . . va p!vaka). -- pu&a a sack for ashes DA i.267 (as expln for assa -- pu&a<br />

of D. i.98; fanciful; see assa1). -- bh!va "ashy" state, state of being crumbled to dust VvA 348.<br />

Bhassa<br />

Bhassa (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. bh!+ya, of bh!+] speech, conversation, way of talking, disputation Sn 328 (v. l.<br />

for hassa); It 71; Miln 90; Vism 127 (grouped into fit talk, as the 10 kath! -- vatthus, and unfit talk or<br />

gossip, as the 32 tiracch!na -- kath!). -- k!raka one who makes talk, i. e. invites disputation, or one who<br />

gossips Vin i.1; Nd1 142; f. ˚k!rik! Vin iv.230. -- pav!daka one who proposes disputation, one who is fond<br />

of debate & discussions M i.161, 227 (˚ika); Miln 4. -- pavedin one experienced in debating Miln 90. --<br />

sam!c!ra (good) conduct in speech, proficiency in disputation D iii.106. -- samussaya grandiloquence,<br />

proud talk Sn 245 (cp. SnA 288=att'ukka'sanat! ti vutta' hoti).<br />

Bhassati<br />

Bhassati [bhran$, Sk. bhra$yate] to fall down, drop, to droop (Dhtp 455 & Dhtm 695: adho -- patane &<br />

adhop!te) J iv.223; vi.530. ppr. bhassam!na Miln 82; pret. 3rd sg. bhassittha J ii.274 (cp. pabhassittha Vin<br />

ii.135), & abhassittha S i.122 (so read for abhassatha). -- pp. bha&&ha1.<br />

Bhassara<br />

Bhassara (adj. n.) [fr. bh!s] 1. (adj.) shining, resplendent J v.169 (C. pabhassara). -- 2. N. of a bird J vi.538<br />

(=sata -- ha'sa C.). -- Cp. !˚, pa˚.<br />

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