The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Vbh 137; Vism 571; VbhA 183; also in def. of bhava at Nd2 471 (kamma˚ and pa&isandhika punabbhava). -<br />

- In the "causal chain" (Pa&icca -- samupp!da, q. v.) bhava is represented as condition of birth (j!ti), or<br />

resultant force for new birth. -- See Sn 361, 514, 742, 839, 923, 1055, 1133; Dh 348; Nd1 274; Vbh 294,<br />

358; Vism 556 sq.; DhA iv.221; Sdhp 33, 333, 335. -- On itibhav' âbhava see iti, and add ref. Vbh 375.<br />

-- A remarkable use of bhava as nt. (obstr.) to bh( (in cpd.) is to be noted in the def. given by Bdhgh. of<br />

divya=divi bhava' (for divi -- bh() KhA 227; SnA 199; and m!nasa'= manasi bhava' (for manasi -- bh()<br />

KhA 248, cp. P!*ini iv.3, 53. Similarly !roga bhava health DhA i.328 for ˚bhava. -- Cp. anu˚, vi˚, sam˚. --<br />

agga the best (state of) existence, the highest point of existence (among the gods) J iii.84; Vbh 426; Miln<br />

132; KhA 179, 249; SnA 17, 41, 507; often as highest "heaven" as opposed to Av"ci, the lowest hell; thus at<br />

J iv.182; vi.354; Miln 336. -- anga constituent of becoming, function of being, functional state of<br />

subconsciousness, i. e. subliminal consciousness or subconscious life -- continuum, the vital continuum in<br />

the absence of any process [of mind, or attention] (thus Mrs. Rh. D. in Expos. 185 n.), subconscious<br />

individual life. See on term Cpd. 26 sq., 265 -- 267; & cp. Dhs trsl. 134. -- J vi.82; Miln 299 sq.; Vism 164,<br />

676; DhsA 72, 140, 269; DhA i.23; VbhA 81, 156 sq., 406. -- antaga "gone to the ends of existence," past<br />

existence, Ep. of the Bhagavan Buddha Vism 210. -- antara an existence interval, i. e. transition fr. one life<br />

to another, a previous or subsequent life Vism 553 sq. -- âbhava this or that life, any form of existence<br />

some sort of existence Sn 1060, 1068; Nd1 48, 109, 284; Nd2 472, 664 A; Th 1, 784 (ThA<br />

mahant!mahanta bh.) ThA 71 (Ap. v. 30); VbhA 501. -- !sava the intoxicant of existence D iii.216; Vbh<br />

364, 373. -- uppatti coming into (a new) ex. -- Four such bh. -- uppattis lead to rebirth among the foll. gods:<br />

the paritt' -- !bh! dev!, the appam!*'!bh! d., the sankili&&h' -- !bh! d., the parisuddh' -- !bh! d. M iii.147. --<br />

esan! longing for rebirth D iii.216, 270. -- ogha the flood of rebirth (see ogha) Nd1 57, 159; Vism 480. --<br />

cakka the wheel or round of rebirth, equivalent to the Pa&icca -- samupp!da Vism 529, 576 sq.; in the same<br />

context at VbhA 138, 194 sq. -- carimak! the last rebirth Vism 291. -- ta*h! craving for rebirth D iii.212,<br />

216, 274; S v.432; Sn 746; Vbh 101, 358, 365; Th 2, 458; ThA 282; VbhA iii.133. -- netti [cp. BSk. bhava -<br />

- netr" M. Vastu ii.307; ˚netrika iii.337] leader to renewed ex., guide to ex. Vin i.231; It 38; Dhs 1059# (cp.<br />

DhsA 364=bhava -- rajju). -- sa'yojana the fetter of rebirth: see arahant II. C. -- salla the sting or dart of<br />

rebirth Dh 351 (=sabb!ni bhavag!m"ni sall!ni DhA iv.70). -- s!ta (pl. s!t!ni) the pleasures of ex., variously<br />

enumd in sets of from one to six at Nd1 30. -- ssita at J v.371 read with v. l. as gha&a -- ssita.<br />

Bhavati<br />

Bhavati [bh( to become, cp. Sk. bh(mi earth; Gr. fu/sis nature (physical), fu/ omai to grow; Lat. fui I have<br />

been, futurus=future; Oir. buith to be; Ags. b(an =Goth. bauan to live, Ger. bauen, also Ags. bIldan=to<br />

build; Lith. búti to be, b(tas house Dhtp 1: bh( satt!ya'] to become, to be, exist, behave etc. (cp. Nd2 474=<br />

sambhavati j!yati nibbattati p!tu -- bhavati). -- I. Forms. <strong>The</strong>re are two bases used side by side, viz. bhav˚<br />

and (contracted) ho˚, the latter especially in the (later) G!th! style and poetry in general, also as archaic in<br />

prose, whereas bhav˚ forms are older. On compounds with prepositions, as regards inflection, see Geiger,<br />

P.Gr. §§ 1312, 1513; and cp. anubhavati, abhibhavati, abhisa'˚, pa˚ (also pahoti, pah(ta), pari˚, vi˚, sa'˚. --<br />

1. Pres. ind. bhav!mi Sn 511 & homi J iii.260; 2nd bhavasi & hos" M iii.140; Vv 8420; 3rd bhavati freq.;<br />

Sn 36 (where Nd2 474 with v. l. BB of Sn reads bhavanti; Divy p. 294 also reads bhavanti sneh!1 as<br />

conjecture of Cowell's for MSS. bhavati); Dh 249, 375; & hoti freq.; 1st pl. homa Pv i.118; 2nd hotha J<br />

i.307; 3rd bhavanti & honti freq. -- imper. 2nd sg. bhava Sn 337, 340, 701; Dh 236; Th 2, 8; bhav!hi Sn<br />

510; hohi Sn 31; M iii.134; J i.32; PvA 89. 3rd sg. hotu Sn 224; J iii.150; PvA 13; Miln 18. pl. 1st med.<br />

bhav!mase Th 1, 1128; Sn 32; 2nd pl. bhavatha J ii.218, bhav!tha Sn 692; Dh 144; hotha Dh 243; Dh<br />

ii.141; J ii.302; DhA i.57; 3rd pl. bhavantu Sn 145; hontu J ii.4. Pot. 1st sg. bhaveyya' J vi.364; 2nd<br />

bhaveyy!si Ud 91; PvA 11; 3rd bhave Sn 716, bhaveyya J ii.159; DhA i.329, & hupeyya Vin i.8 (for<br />

-- 500 --<br />

huveyya: see Geiger, P.Gr. § 396 & 1312); pl. 1st bhaveyy!ma; 2nd bhavetha Sn 1073, 3rd bhaveyyu' Sn<br />

906. -- ppr. bhava' Sn 92, & bhavanto Sn 968; f. hont" PvA 79. -- fut. 1st sg. bhaviss!mi PvA 49, hess!mi<br />

Th 2, 460 (ThA 283 reads bhaviss!mi), & hessa' Th 1, 1100; J iii.224; Pv i.105; 2nd bhavissasi PvA 16,<br />

hohisi Pv i.33; 3rd bhavissati Dh 228, 264; DhA ii.82, hessati J iii.279 & med. hessate Mhvs 25, 97, hehit"<br />

Bu ii.10=A i.4; Vv 6332; & hossati (in pahossati fr. pahoti DhA iii.254); 1st pl. bhaviss!ma Dh 200; 2nd<br />

hessatha S iv.179; 3rd bhavissanti freq. -- Cond. 1st sg. abhavissa' J i.470; 2nd abhavissa J ii.11; iii.30; 3rd

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