The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bhaddaka(a) & Bhadraka(b) [fr. bhadda] 1. good, of good quality (opp. p!paka) A iv.169(a). -- 2.<br />

honoured, of high repute J iii.269(a) (=sambh!vita C.). -- 3. (m. nt.) a good thing, lucky or auspicious<br />

possession, a valuable. Appld to the 8 requisites (parikkh!r!) of a Sama*a at J v.254(b). -- On upari --<br />

bhaddaka (N. of a tree J vi.269; C.=bhagini -- m!l!) see upari. -- At A iv.255 bhaddaka is given as one of<br />

the eight ingredients of the sun & moon; it may be gold (? cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie 190), or simply a term<br />

for a very valuable quality.<br />

Bhanta<br />

Bhanta [pp. of bham] swerving, swaying, staggering, deviating; always used of an uncontrolled car (ratha<br />

or y!na) Dh 222 (ratha=ativegena dh!vanta DhA iii.301); (y!na=adanta ak!rita avi*"ta Nd1 145); DhsA<br />

260 (˚y!na). Cp. vi˚.<br />

Bhantatta<br />

Bhantatta (nt.) [fr. bhanta] turmoil, confusion Dhs 429 (=vibhanti -- bh!va DhsA 260, so read for vibhatti˚);<br />

cp. Dhs trsl. 120.<br />

Bhante<br />

Bhante [would correspond either to Sk. *bhavanta1 (with ending ˚e as M!gadhism for ˚a1)=bhav!n, or to P.<br />

bhadanta. In both cases we have a contraction. <strong>The</strong> expln bhante=bhadante (bhadanta1) is advocated by<br />

Pischel, Prk. Gr. §§ 165, 366b, intimated also by Weber, Bhagavat" 156 n. 3 (unable to explain -- e); the<br />

expln bhante=bhavantah (see bhava') by Geiger, P.Gr. 983; hinted at by Weber loc. cit.<br />

(bhavanta1=bhagavanta1)] voc. of polite address: Sir, venerable Sir, used like bhadante. Either abs. as voc.:<br />

Vin i.76; D ii.154, 283; J ii.111; iii.46; Miln 19; or with another voc.: Miln 25; or with other oblique cases,<br />

as with nom. D i.179; DhA i.62. with gen. D i.179.<br />

Bhabba<br />

Bhabba (adj.) [grd of bh(, Sk. bhavya] 1. able, capable, fit for ( -- ˚ or with dat. or inf.); abhabba unfit,<br />

incapable; Vin i.17; S iii.27 (dukkha -- kkhay!ya); iv.89 (id.); Pug 12, 13; Vism 116 (bhikkhu), neg. It 106<br />

(antakiriy!ya), 117 (phu&&hu' sambodhi'); J i.106 (˚puggala a person unfit for the higher truths &<br />

salvation). bhabbâbhabba nt & unfit people Nd2 2353=Vism 205, expld at Vbh 341, 342 by "bhabb!<br />

niy!ma' okkamitu' kusalesu dhammesu sammatta'." -- 2. possible (& abhabba impossible) M iii.215<br />

(kamma' bhabba!bh!sa apparently possible). -- See also abhabba.<br />

Bhabbat!<br />

Bhabbat! (f.) [abstr. fr. bhabba] possibility; neg. a˚ im- possibility Sn 232; KhA 191; VvA 208.<br />

Bhamati<br />

Bhamati [bhram; on etym. see K.Z. iv.443; vi.152. Expld at Dhtp 219 by "anava&&h!ne," i. e. unsettledness]<br />

to spin (of a wheel), to whirl about, to roam Dh 371 (m! te k!magu*e bhamassu citta'); J i.414; iii.206=<br />

iv.4 (cakka' matthake); iv.6 (kumbha -- k!ra -- cakka' iva bh.); v.478. -- pp. bhanta. -- Caus. bhameti to<br />

make whirl Vism 142 (cakka').<br />

Bhamara<br />

Bhamara [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. bhramara; either to bhram (semantically quick, unsteady motion=confused<br />

noise), cp. Gr. fo/rmigc zither; or perhaps for *bramara to Ohg. bremo=Ger. bremse gadfly,<br />

bremen=brummen to hum; Gr. bro/mos thunder, Lat. fremo to growl, roar: see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.

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