The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bha*.a (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. bh!*.a] 1. stock in trade; collectively goods, wares, property, possessions, also<br />

"object" S i.43 (itthi bha*.!na' uttama' woman is the highest property), Nd2 38; J iii.353 (y!cita˚ object<br />

asked,=y!ca); ThA 288 (id.); Vism 22. -- bha*.a' ki*!ti to buy goods VbhA 165. -- bha*.a' vikki*ati to<br />

sell goods J i.377 (+pa&ibha*.a' d!peti to receive goods in return); vikki*iya -- bh. goods for sale DhA<br />

i.390. -- ass!mika˚ ownerless goods, unclaimed property J vi.348; !bhara*a˚ trinkets, jewelry J iii.221;<br />

piya˚ best goods, treasure J iii.279; bahu˚ having many goods, rich in possessions Vin iii.138; KhA 241 (of<br />

a bhikkhu); vara˚ best property or belongings Vin iv.225. -- 2. implement, article, instrument Vin ii.142,<br />

143 (where 3 kinds are distinguished: of wood, copper, & of earthenware), 170 (id.); D!vs iv.50 (turiya˚). --<br />

In assa(hatthi˚) -- bha*.a Vin i.85 sq., the meaning "horse (elephant -- ) trader (or owner)" does not seem<br />

clear; should we read pa*.aka? Cp. bha*.a=pa*.a under bha*.ati. -- âg!ra store house, warehouse, only in<br />

der. -- âg!rika keeper of stores Vin i.284; ii.176; surveyor of the (royal) warehouses, royal treasurer (a<br />

higher court office: cp. Fick. Sociale Gliederung 101 sq.) J iii.293; iv.43; v.117; Miln 37; DA i.21; PvA 2,<br />

20. -- !h!raka (trader) taking up goods DhA iv.60.<br />

Bha*.aka<br />

Bha*.aka (adj. in sense of collect. nt.) [fr. bha*.a] 1. article, implement; k")!˚ toys J vi.6. -- 2. belongings,<br />

property Vin iv.225. -- 3. trappings, in assa˚ horsetrappings J ii.113.<br />

Bha*.ati<br />

Bha*.ati [bha*., cp. "pa*.a bha*.a paribh!se" Dhtp 568; Dhtm 798] to quarrel, abuse Vin i.76 (saddhi');<br />

iv.277; Th 1, 933; SnA 357 (aññamañña').<br />

Bha*.ana<br />

Bha*.ana (nt.) [fr. bha*., cp. BSk. bh!*.ana Divy 164] quarrel, quarrelling, strife It 11; J iii,149; Nd1 196;<br />

DhA i.55, 64.<br />

Bha*.i<br />

Bha*.i [?] a certain plant or flower J v.420. Reading uncertain.<br />

Bha*.ik!<br />

Bha*.ik! (f.) [fr. bha*.aka, in collect. sense] collection of goods, heap, bundle; bha*.ika' karoti to make<br />

into a heap J iii.221, 437; or bha*.ika' bandhati to tie into a bundle DhA ii.254; VvA 187. sahassa˚ a heap<br />

of 1,000 kah!pa*as J ii.424; iii.60; iv.2. -- Note. bha*.ika is v. l. at J iii.41 for ga*.ik!.<br />

Bha*.u<br />

Bha*.u (adj.) [etym. uncertain, dialectical or=pa*.u?] bald -- headed, close shaven Vin i.71 (˚kamma<br />

shaving), 76 (kamm!ra˚); J iii.22; vi.538 (+tittira); Miln 11, 128.<br />

Bhata<br />

Bhata (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. bh%ta] 1. supported, fed, reared, maintained A iii.46 (bhat! bhacc! "maintained<br />

are my dependents"); J v.330 (kicch! bh.), given by Kern, Toev. s. v. in meaning "full" with wrong ref. J<br />

vi.14. Cp. bharita.<br />


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