The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Brahma & Brahm! [fr. b%h, see brahant. Perhaps less with regard to the greatness of the divine principle,<br />

than with ref. to the greatness or power of prayer or the ecstatic mind (i. e. holy enthusiasm). On etym. see<br />

Osthoff, "Bezzenberger's Beiträge" xxiv.142 sq. (=Mir. bricht charm, spell: Oicel. bragr poetry)] -- I.<br />

Brahman (nt.) [cp. Vedic bráhman nt. prayer; nom. sg. bráhma] 1. the supreme good; as a buddhistic term<br />

used in a sense different from the brahmanic (save in controversy with Brahmans); a state like that of<br />

Brahm! (or Brahman) A ii.184 (brahmappatta). In cpds. brahma˚. -- 2. Vedic text, mystic formula, prayer<br />

DA i.244 (brahma' a*at" ti br!hma*o).<br />

-- 493 --<br />

II. Brahm! [cp. Vedic brahmán, m., one who prays or chants hymns, nom. sg. Brahm!] 1. the god Brahm!<br />

chief of the gods, often represented as the creator of the Universe (vasavatt" issaro katt! nimm!t!) D i.18;<br />

iii.30, also called Mah!brahm! (D i.235 sq., 244 sq.; iii.30; It 15; Vism 578; DhA ii.60); and Sahampati<br />

(Vin i.5; D ii.157; S i.136 sq.; Vism 201; KhA 171; SnA 56) and Sana'kum!ra (D ii.226; iii.97). <strong>The</strong><br />

duration of his life is given as being 1 kalpa (see Kvu 207, 208). -- nom. Brahm! Vin i.5; D ii.46; J vi.486;<br />

Miln 224; Vism 2 (brahm!na' atibrahm!, Ep. of Buddha Bhagav!); SnA 229 (B. mah!nubh!vo); gen. abl.<br />

Brahmano D ii.209; Vism 205; SnA 177; instr. Brahman! D i.252; ii.239; Dh 105, 230; Vism 48, 405; DhA<br />

ii.60; acc. Brahm!na' D ii.37; voc. Brahme S i.138. -- 2. a brahma god, a happy & blameless celestial<br />

being, an inhabitant of the higher heavens (brahma -- loka; in which to be reborn is a reward of great<br />

merit); nom. sg. brahm! S i.142 (Baka br.); M i.327 (id.); A iv.83; PvA 138 (˚devat! for brahma˚?); gen.<br />

abl. brahmuno S i.142, 155; instr. brahmun! D iii.147, 150 & brahman! PvA 98; voc. sg. brahme M i.328.<br />

pl. nom. brahm!no Miln 13, 18 (where J vi.486 has Mah! -- brahm! in id. p.); DhsA 195; gen. brahm!na'<br />

Vism 2; Mhbv 151. -- paccekabrahm! a br. by himself S i.149 (of the name of Tudu; cp. paccekabuddha). -<br />

- sabrahmaka (adj.) including the brahma gods D i.62; A ii.70; Vin i.11; DA i.174. III. brahma (adj. -- n.)<br />

[cp. brahm! II. 2; Vedic brahma˚ & Sk. br!hma] 1. holy, pious, brahmanic; (m.) a holy person, a brahmin --<br />

(adj.) J ii.14 (br. va**a=se&&ha va**a C.); KhA 151 (brahma -- cariya'= brahma' cariya'). -- (m.) acc.<br />

brahma' Sn 285; voc. brahme (frequent) Sn 1065 (=brahm! ti se&&havacana' SnA 592); J ii.346; iv.288;<br />

vi.524, 532; Pv i.129 (=br!hma*a PvA 66). -- 2. divine, as incorporating the highest & best qualities,<br />

sublime, ideal, best, very great (see esp. in cpds.), A i.132 (brahm! ti m!t!pitaro etc.), 182; iv.76. -- 3. holy,<br />

sacred, divinely inspired (of the rites, charms, hymns etc.) D i.96 (brahme mante adhiyitv!); Pv ii.613<br />

(manta' brahmacintita') =br!hma*!na' atth!ya brahma*! cintita') PvA 97, 98). -- Note. <strong>The</strong> compn form<br />

of all specified bases (I. II. III.) is brahma˚, and with regard to meaning it is often not to be decided to<br />

which of the 3 categories the cpd. in question belongs. -- attabh!va existence as a brahma god DhA iii.210.<br />

-- ujjugatta having the most divinely straight limbs (one of the 32 marks of a Great Man) D ii.18; iii.144,<br />

155. -- uttama sublime DhsA 192. -- uppatti birth in the brahma heaven S i.143. -- ûposatha the highest<br />

religious observance with meditation on the Buddha & practice of the uposatha abstinence A i.207. --<br />

kappa like Brahm! Th 1, 909. -- k!ya divine body D iii.84; J i.95. -- k!yika belonging to the company of<br />

Brahm!, N of a high order of Devas in the retinue of Br. (cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie pp. 191, 193, 197) D<br />

i.220; ii.69; A iii.287, 314; iv.40, 76, 240, 401; Th 1, 1082; Vism 225, 559; KhA 86. -- kutta a work of<br />

Brahm! D iii.28, 30 (cp. similarly ya' mama, pitr! k%ta' devak%ta' na tu brahmak%ta' tat Divy 22). See also<br />

under kutta. -- giriya (pl.) name of a certain class of beings, possibly those seated on Brahmagiri (or is it a<br />

certain class of performers, actors or dancers?) Miln 191. -- gha&a (=gha&a2) company or assembly of<br />

Brahmans J vi.99. -- cakka the excellent wheel, i. e. the doctrine of the Buddha M i.69; A ii.9, 24; iii.417;<br />

v.33; It 123; Ps ii.174; VbhA 399 (in detail); -- cariya see separate article. -- c!rin leading a holy or pure<br />

life, chaste, pious Vin ii.236; iii.44; S i.5, 60; ii.210; iii.13; iv.93, A ii.44; M iii.117; Sn 695, 973; J v.107,<br />

382; Vv 3411 (acc. pl. brahmac!raye for ˚c!rino); Dh 142; Miln 75; DA i.72 (brahma' se&&ha' !c!ra' carat"<br />

ti br. c.); DhA iii.83; a˚ S iv.181; Pug 27, 36. -- cintita divinely inspired Pvi i.613=Vv 6316 (of manta);<br />

expln at PvA 97, as given above III.3, differs from that at VvA 265, where it runs: brahmehi A&&hak' !d"hi<br />

cintita' paññ!cakkhun! di&&ha', i. e. thought out by the divine (seer) A&&haka and the others (viz. composers<br />

of the Vedic hymns: v. s. br!hma*a1, seen with insight). -- ja sprung from Brahm! (said of the Br!hma*as)<br />

D iii.81, 83; M ii.148. Cp. dhammaja. -- jacca belonging to a brahman family Th 1, 689. -- j!la divine,<br />

excellent net, N. of a Suttanta (D No. 1) Vism 30; VbhA 432, 516; KhA 12, 36, 97; SnA 362, 434. -- da*.a<br />

"the highest penalty," a kind of severe punishment (temporary deathsentence? ) Vin ii.290; D ii.154; DhA<br />

ii.112; cp. Kern, Manual p. 87. -- d!y!da kinsman or heir of Brahm! D iii.81, 83. -- deyya a most excellent<br />

gift, a royal gift, a gift given with full powers (said of land granted by the King) D i.87 (=se&&ha -- deyya'

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