The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Sn 350 (referred by SnA to a Mah!purisa); adj. having a full voice (see above bindu 3) Pv iii.34 (T. vindu˚,<br />

BB bindu˚; PvA explns by avissa&&ha -- ssara sampi*.ita -- ssara, i. e. "continuous"); J ii.439 (=bindhun!<br />

avisa&ena pi*.itena sarena samann!gata C.); v.204, 299 (= sampi*.ita -- ghana -- ssara); vi.518=581<br />

(=pi*.ita -- ssara C.).<br />

Bimba<br />

Bimba (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. bimba] 1. shape, image (=pa- &im! VvA 168) S i.134 (trsl. "puppet"); v.217<br />

(vimba); J v.452. In phrase cittakata' bimba' it refers to the human body ("the tricked -- out puppet --<br />

shape" Brethren 303): M ii.64 = Th 1, 769 = Dh 147=VvA 47, cp. DhA iii.109 (=attabh!va). -- 2. the red<br />

fruit of Momordica monadelpha, a species of Amaranth [cp. Sk. bimba & bimb", a kind of gourd] J iii.478;<br />

vi.457, 591; Vv 366 (kañcana˚ -- va**a of the colour of the golden Bimba Dhp. at VvA 168 takes it as<br />

bimba1=pa&im!; DhA i.387 (˚phala, with ref. to red lips). bimbo&&ha (f. ˚") (having) red lips J iii.477; vi.590<br />

(nigrodhapatta -- bimb' o&&h") ThA 133 (Ap. v.57). <strong>The</strong> Sk. vimb" according to Hal!yudha 2, 48 is equal to<br />

o+&h", a plant (Bryonia grandis?). -- o&&hi see above 2. -- ohana [second part either= *(hana v!hana<br />

"carrying," or contracted form of odahana fr. ava+dh!, i. e. *odhana *ohana "putting down," or still more<br />

likely for (hana as seen in (hanati2 2 fr. ud+h% raising, lifting up] a pillow Vin i.47 (bhisi˚); ii.76, 150, 208,<br />

200, 218; iii.90, 119 (bhisi˚); iv.279; S ii.268; A iii.240; VbhA 365; Vism 79. See also bhisi1. -- j!la [BR.<br />

bimbaj!?] the Bimba tree, Momordica monadelpha (lit. net of b. fruits) J i.39; vi.497 (cp. p. 498 ratt' ankura<br />

-- rukkha' probably with v. l. to be read ratta -- kuravaka˚, see bimbi -- j!la); Bu xvi.19.<br />

Bimbaka<br />

Bimbaka =bimba 2; VvA 168.<br />

Bimbi<br />

Bimbi (or bimb") [=Sk. bimb", see bimba] gold, of golden colour DA i.280=SnA 448 (in Bdhgh's fanciful<br />

etym. of king Bimbis!ra, viz. bimb" ti suva**a', s!rasuva**a -- sadisa -- va**at!ya B.). -- j!la the red<br />

amaranth tree, the Bodhi tree of the former Buddha Dhammadassin J i.39; v.155. At J vi.497, 498 the form<br />

is bimbaj!la. <strong>The</strong> C. expln gives ratta -- kuravaka as a synonym.<br />

Bila<br />

Bila1 (nt.) [Vedic bila, perhaps fr. bhid to break, cp. K.Z. 12, 123. Thus already expld by Dhtp 489: bila<br />

bhedane] a hole, den, cave A ii.33=S iii.85; Th 1, 189; Nd1 362; J i.480; ii.53; vi.574 (=guh! C.); Miln 151;<br />

Sdhp 23. -- ka**a˚ orifice of the ear Vism 195; vamm"ka˚ ant's nest J iv.30; sota˚=ka**a˚ DhsA 310. --<br />

!saya (adj.) living in holes, a cave -- dweller, one of the four classes of animals (bil˚, dak˚, van˚, rukkh˚) S<br />

iii.85=A ii.33; Nd1 362; Bu ii.97; J i.18.<br />

Bila<br />

Bila2 (nt.) [identical with bila1] a part, bit J vi.153 (˚sata' 100 pieces); abl. bilaso (adv.) bit by bit M<br />

i.58=iii.91 (v. l. vilaso). At J v.90 in cpd. mig!bila' (ma'sa') it is doubtful whether we should read<br />

mig'!bila' (thus, as we have done, taking !bila=!vila), or mig! -- bila' with a lengthened metri causâ, as<br />

the C. seems to take it (migehi kh!dita -- ma'sato atiritta' ko&&h!sa'). -- kata cut into pieces, made into bits<br />

J v.266 (read macch! bilakat! yath! for macch!bh"l! kat! y.). <strong>The</strong> C. here (p. 272) expls as ko&&h!sa -- kata;<br />

at J vi.111 however the same phrase is interpreted as puñja -- kata, i. e. thrown into a heap (like fish caught<br />

by a fisherman in nets). Both passages are applied to fish and refer to tortures in Niraya.<br />

Bila<br />

Bila3 [cp. Sk. vi.a] a kind of salt Vin i.202; M ii.178, 181.

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