The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bandhuj"vaka [cp. Class. Sk. bandhuj"va] the plant Pentapetes phoenicea M ii.14 (˚puppha); D ii.111 (id.); J<br />

iv.279; Vism 174; DhsA 14; VvA 43, 161.<br />

Bandhumant<br />

Bandhumant (adj.) [fr. bandhu, cp. Vedic bandhumant] having relatives, rich in kinsmen; only as Np. m<br />

bandhum! N. of father of the Buddha Vipassin D ii.11= Vism 433; f. bandhumat" N. of mother of the<br />

Buddha Vipassin ibid.; also N. of a town D ii.12 (capital of king Bandhum!); SnA 190=J iv.388 (where the<br />

latter has Vettavat"), and a river SnA 190= J iv.388 (: Vettavat").<br />

Bandhuvant<br />

Bandhuvant (adj.) [bandhu+vant] having relatives, rich in relatives J vi.357.<br />

Babbaja<br />

Babbaja [cp. Vedic balbaja, doubtful whether it belongs to Lat. bulbus; for the initial b. very often p. is<br />

found: see pabbaja] a sort of coarse grass or reed, used to make slippers, etc. Vin i.190; D ii.55; S ii.92;<br />

iii.137; iv.158; A ii.211; Dh 345; DhA iv.55. -- p!duk! a slipper out of b. grass DhA iii.451. -- l!yaka cutter<br />

or reaper of grass S iii.155; A iii.365.<br />

Babbu<br />

Babbu (& ˚ka) Epic [Sk. babhruka a kind of ichneumon; Vedic babhru brown, cp. Lat. fiber=beaver, further<br />

connection "bear," see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. fiber] a cat J i.480 (=bi)!ra C.)=DhA ii.152.<br />

Babbhara<br />

Babbhara [onomat., cp. Sk. balbal! -- karoti to stammer or stutter, barbara=Gr. ba/rbaros stuttering, people<br />

of an unknown tongue, balb(tha Np. "stammerer"; also Lat. balbas, Ger. plappern, E. blab; babbhara is a<br />

redupl. formation fr. *bhara -- bhara=barbara, cp. J.P.T.S. 1889, 209; Geiger, P.Gr. § 20] imitation of a<br />

confused rumbling noise M i.128. -- Cp. also P. mammana and sarasara.<br />

Barihin<br />

Barihin [cp. Sk. barhin] a peacock J iv.497.<br />

Barihisa<br />

Barihisa (nt.) [Vedic barhis] the sacrificial grass D i.141; M i.344; A ii.207; Pug 56.<br />

Bala<br />

Bala1 (nt.) [Vedic bala, most likely to Lat. de -- bilis "with- out strength" (cp. E. debility, P. dubbala), and<br />

Gr. be/ltistos (superl.)=Sk. bali+&ha the strongest. <strong>The</strong> Dh!tup!&ha (273) defines b. with p!*ane. At DhsA<br />

124 bala is understood as "na kampati"] 1. strength, power, force D ii.73; A i.244; Th 1, 188; Dh 109 (one<br />

of the 4 blessings, viz. !yu, va**a, sukha, bala; cp. DhA ii.239); Pv i.512 (=k!ya -- bala PvA 30); i.76;<br />

VvA 4 (iddhi˚); PvA 71 (id.), 82 (kamma˚). -- Of cases used as adv. balas! (instr.) is mentioned by<br />

Trenckner at Miln 430 (notes), cp. Prk. balas! (Pischel, Gr. § 364). yath! bala' according to one's power, i.<br />

e. as much as possible PvA 1, 54. <strong>The</strong> compn form of bala in conn. with k% is bal"˚, e. g. dubbal"kara*a<br />

making weak M iii.4; Pug 59, 68; ˚kara*in id. D iii.183. -- adj. bala strong J v.268, abala weak Sn 770,<br />

1120, dubbala id. S i.222; J ii.154; Nd1 12; PvA 55; compar. ˚tara M i.244, nt. n. abala' weakness S i.222.

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