The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bandhana<br />

Bandhana (nt.) [fr. bandh, cp. Vedic bandhana] 1. binding, bond, fetter Vin i.21; D i.226, 245 (pañca k!ma-<br />

gu*!); iii.176; M ii.44; S i.8, 24 (M!ra˚), 35, 40; iv.201 sq. (5 fold) to bind the king of the Devas or Asuras,<br />

291; Sn 532, 948; Th 1, 414; 2, 356 (M!ra˚) Dh 345 sq.; J ii.139, 140; iii.59=PvA 4; v.285; Nd2 304iii. b<br />

(var. bonds, andhu˚, rajju˚ etc. cp. Nd1 433); DA i.121 (with ref. to k!m!). -- 2. binding, tying, band,<br />

ligature; tie (also fig.) Vin i.204 (˚suttaka thread for tying) ii.135 (k!ya˚ waistband); ii.117 (˚rajju for<br />

robes); S iii.155 (vetta˚ ligatures of bamboo; cp. v.51); Sn 44 (gihi˚, cp. Nd2 228: putt! ca d!s" ca); DhA i.4<br />

(ghara˚ tie of the house); KhA 51 (pa&&a˚). -- 3. holding together, composition, constitution Vin i.96<br />

(sar"ra˚), cp. iii.28. -- fig. composition (of literature) J ii.224 (g!th!˚). -- 4. joining together, union, company<br />

DhA ii.160 (ga*a˚ joining in companies). -- 5. handle Vin ii.135. -- 6. piecing together Vin i.254 (˚mattena<br />

when it, i. e. the stuff, has only been pieced together, see Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s ii.153 n.). -- 7. strap (?) doubtful<br />

reading in a'sa˚ (q. v.) Vv 3340, where we should prefer to read with v. l. ˚va&&aka. -- 8. doubtful in<br />

meaning in cpd. pa'ca -- vidha -- bandhana "the fivefold fixing," as one of the torments in Niraya. It is a<br />

sort of crucifixion (see for detail pañca 3) Nd2 304iii. c=Nd1 404; J i.174; PvA 221; VbhA 278. In this<br />

connection it may mean "set," cp. m(la˚. -- On use of bandhana in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 115. Cp. vini˚.<br />

-- âg!ra "fetter -- house," prison D i.72; M i.75; Vin iii.151; J iii.326; DhA ii.152; VvA 66; PvA 153. --<br />

âg!rika prison -- keeper, head -- jailer A ii.207.<br />

Bandhan"ya<br />

Bandhan"ya (adj.) [grd. of bandhati] 1. to be bound or fettered Miln 186. -- 2. apt to bind, binding,<br />

constraining D ii.337 (cp. Dial. ii.361); Th 2, 356.<br />

Bandhava<br />

Bandhava [cp. Class. Sk. b!ndhava] 1. kinsman, member of a clan or family, relative A iii.44; Sn 60 (pl.<br />

bandhav!ni in poetry; cp. Nd2 455); Dh 288 (pl. bandhav!); J ii.316; v.81; DA i.243. -- 2. ( -- ˚) one who is<br />

connected with or belongs to Sn 140 (manta˚, well-acquainted with Mantras; cp. SnA 192; vedabandh(<br />

veda -- pa&isara*! ti vutta' hoti); J v.335 (bodhaneyya˚); cp. bandhu 3.<br />

Bandhu<br />

Bandhu [Vedic bandhu, see bandhati & cp. bandhava] 1. a relation, relative, kinsman; pl. bandh( J iv.301;<br />

PvA 86 (=ñ!t") & bandhavo Nd2 455 (where Nd1 11 in id. p. reads bandh(). -- 4dicca˚ kinsman of the Sun,<br />

an Ep. of the Buddha Vin ii.296; A ii.17; Sn 54, 915, 1128, cp. Nd2 152b; Vv 2413; 7810, cp. VvA 116. Four kinds of relations enumd at Nd1 11. viz. ñ!ti˚, gotta˚, manta˚ (where Nd2 455 reads mitta˚), sippa˚. -<br />

- 2. Ep. of Brahm!, as ancestor of the brahmins DA i.254: see below ˚p!da. -- 3. (˚ -- ) connected with,<br />

related to, dealing with [cp. Vedic am%ta -- bandhu RV x.725] S i.123 (pamatta˚); 128; Sn 241, 315, 430,<br />

911; J iv.525; Miln 65 (kamma˚); SnA 192 (veda˚.). -- f. bandhun" J vi.47 (said of the town of Mithil!<br />

(r!ja˚); expld by C. as "r!ja -- ñ!takeh'eva pu**!"). -- p!da the foot of Brahma, from which the -(dras are<br />

said to have originated (cp. Sk. p!daja), in cpd. bandhup!d'apacca "offering from the foot of our kinsman,"<br />

applied as contemptuous epithet to the Sama*as by a Brahmin D i.90; M i.334; S iv.117.<br />

Bandhuka<br />

Bandhuka (adj.) [fr. bandhu] 1. the plant Pentapetes phoenicea J iv.279 (˚puppha, evidently only a<br />

contraction of bandhu -- j"vaka, cp. C. bandhuj"vaka puppha; although Sk. bandh(ka is given as syn. of<br />

bandhuj"va at Hal!yudha 2, 53). -- 2. in bandhukaroga M ii.121 prob. to be read pa*.uka˚, as v. l. BB; see<br />

pa*.uroga.<br />


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