The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Bakkula<br />

Bakkula [=vy!kula? Morris, J.P.T.S. 1886, 94] a demon, uttering horrible cries, a form assumed by the<br />

Yakkha Ajakal!paka, to terrify the Buddha Ud 5 (see also !kul", where p!kula is proposed for bakkula).<br />

Bajjha<br />

Bajjha see bandhati.<br />

Bajjhati<br />

Bajjhati Pass. of bandhati (q. v.).<br />

Batti'sa<br />

Batti'sa (num. card.) [for dvat -- ti'sa] thirty -- two J iii.207.<br />

Badara<br />

Badara (m. & nt.) [cp. Ved. badara & badar"] the fruit of the jujube tree (Zizyphus jujuba), not unlike a<br />

crabapple in appearance & taste, very astringent, used for medicine A i.130=Pug 32; A iii.76; Vin iv.76; J<br />

iii.21; DhsA 320 (cited among examples of acrid flavours); VvA 186. Spelling padara for b˚ at J iv.363;<br />

vi.529. -- a&&hi kernel of the j. SnA 247. -- pa*.u light yellow (fresh) jujube -- fruit A i.181 (so read for<br />

bhadara˚). -- missa mixture or addition of the juice of jujube -- fruits Vin iv.76. -- y(sa juice of the j. fruit<br />

VvA 185.<br />

Badar"<br />

Badar" (f.) [cp. Sk. badar"] the jujube tree J ii.260.<br />

Bad!lat!<br />

Bad!lat! (f.) [etym. uncertain, may it be *pad!lat!, pa+ n. ag. of dal Caus., lit. "destroyer"?] a creeper (with<br />

thorns Kern, Toev. s. v.) D iii.87=Vism 418; Bdhgh says (see Dial. iii.84) "a beautiful creeper of sweet<br />

taste."<br />

Baddha<br />

Baddha1 [pp. of bandhati] 1. bound, in bondage M i.275; S i.133; iv.91; Sn 957 (interpreted as<br />

"baddhacara" by Nd1 464); Dh 324. -- 2. snared, trapped J ii.153; iii.184; iv.251, 414. -- 3. made firm,<br />

settled, fastened, bound (to a cert. place) KhA 60 (˚pitta, opp. abaddha˚). -- 4. contracted, acquired Vin<br />

iii.96. -- 5. bound to, addicted or attached to Sn 773 (bhavas!ta˚, cp. Nd1 30). -- 6. put together, kneaded,<br />

made into cakes (of meal) J iii.343; v.46; vi.524. -- 7. bound together, linked, clustered DhA i.304 ka**ika˚<br />

(of thoughts). -- 9. set, made up (of the mind) DhA i.11 (m!nasa' te b.). Cp. ati˚, anu˚, a˚, ni˚, pa&i˚,<br />

vini˚, sam˚. -- añjalika keeping the hands reverently extended D!vs iii.30. -- r!va the cry of the bound (or<br />

trapped) J iv.279, 415 (v. l. bandhana˚). -- vera having contracted an enmity, hostile, bearing a grudge DhA<br />

i.324.<br />

Baddha<br />

Baddha2 (nt.) [fr. bandhati] a leather strap, a thong Vin i.287 (T. bandha perhaps right, cp. !bandhana 3);<br />

PvA 127.

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