The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pho&a [fr. sphu&, cp. Sk. spho&a] swelling, boil, blister J iv.457; vi.8 (v. l. pota & po&ha); cp. po&a bubble.<br />

Pho&aka=pho&a<br />

Pho&aka=pho&a Vism 258; VbhA 242.<br />

Pho&ana<br />

Pho&ana "applause," in brahma -- ppho&ana at DhA iii.210 should be taken as ! +pho&ana (=appho&ana).<br />

Pho&eti<br />

Pho&eti [Caus. of sphu&, if correct. Maybe mixed with sph(rj. <strong>The</strong> form appho&esi seems to be !+pho&eti=<br />

Sk. !spho&ayati] to shake, toss (or thunder?) only at two places in similar formula, viz. devat! s!dhuk!ra'<br />

ada'su, brahm!no appho&esu' (v. l. appo&h˚) Miln 13, 18; Sakko devar!j! appo&hesi (v. l. appo&esi),<br />

Mah!brahm! s!dhuk!ra' ad!si J vi.486. Perhaps we should read po&heti (q. v.), to snap one's fingers (clap<br />

hands) as sign of applause. At DhA iii.210 we read fut. appho&ess!mi (i. e. !+pho&).<br />

Pho&&habba<br />

Pho&&habba (nt.) [grd. of phusati] tangible, touch, con- tact; it is synonymous with phassa, which it replaces<br />

in psychol. terminology. Pho&&habba' is the senseobject of k!ya (or taca) touch ("k!yena pho&&habba'<br />

phusitv!" D iii.226, 250, 269; Nd2 p. 238 under r(pa). See also !yatana. -- D iii.102 (in list of<br />

ajjhattikab!hir!ni !yatan!ni: k!yo c' eva pho&&habb! ca; with pl. like m.); VbhA 79 (˚dh!tu).<br />

Phosita<br />

Phosita [pp. of phoseti, cp. Sk. pru+ita] sprinkled J vi.47 (candana˚, v. l. pusita).<br />

Phoseti<br />

Phoseti [Caus. of phusati2, cp. Sk. pru+!yati=P. phusa- yati] to sprinkle (over) Vin ii.205 (inf. phositu'). pp. phosita. Cp. pari˚.<br />

-- 481 --<br />

B. Ba<br />

Ba (indecl.) the sound (& letter) b, often substituted for or replaced by p (& ph): so is e. g. in Bdhgh's view<br />

pahuta the word bahuta, with p for b (KhA 207), cp. bakkula, badara, bad!lat!, baddhacara, bandhuka 2,<br />

bala, bal"yati, bahuka, bah(ta, billa, bella; also paribandha for paripantha; ph!la2. Also substituted for v, cp.<br />

bajjayitv! v.l. vajjetv! DAI, 4, and see under Nibb -- .<br />

Baka<br />

Baka [cp. Epic Sk. baka] 1. a crane, heron Cp. iii.102; J i.205 (˚su*ik!), 221, 476; ii.234; iii.252. -- 2. N. of<br />

a dweller in the Brahma world M i.326; S i.142.<br />

Bakula<br />

Bakula [cp. Class. Sk. bakula, N. of the tree Mimusops elengi, and its (fragrant) flower] in mil!ta˚ --<br />

puppha is v. l. KhA 60 (see App. p. 870 Pj.) for ˚!kuli˚, which latter is also read at Vism 260.

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