The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Peseti<br />

Peseti [pa+i+ to send] to send forth or out, esp. on a message or to a special purpose, i. e. to employ as a<br />

servant or (intrs.) to do service (so in many derivations) 1. to send out J i.86, 178, 253; iv.169 (pa**a');<br />

v.399; vi.448; Mhvs 14, 29 (ratha'); DhA iii.190; PvA 4, 20, 53. -- 2. to employ or order (cp. pesaka), in<br />

Pass. pesiyati to be ordered or to be in service Vin ii.177 (ppr. pesiyam!na); J v.17 (ppr. pesiyanto). -- pp.<br />

pesita. See also pessa & derivations.<br />

Pessa<br />

Pessa [grd. formn fr. peseti, Vedic pre+ya, f. pre+y!. This is the contracted form, whilst the diaeretic form is<br />

pesiya, for which also pesika] a messenger, a servant, often in combn d!s! ti v! pess! ti v! kammakar! ti<br />

v!, e. g. D i.141; S i.76, 93 (slightly diff. in verse); A ii.208 (spelt pes!); iv.45; DhA ii.7. See also A iii.37;<br />

iv.266, 270; J v.351; Pug 56; DA i.300. At Sn 615 pessa is used in the sense of an abstr. n.= pessit! service<br />

(=veyyavacca SnA 466). So also in cpds. -- kamma service J vi.374; -- k!ra a servant J vi.356.<br />

Pessit!<br />

Pessit! (f.) [abstr. fr. pessa, Sk. *pre+yat!] being a servant, doing service J vi.208 (para˚ to someone else).<br />

Pessiya & ˚ka<br />

Pessiya & ˚ka [see pessa] servant; m. either pessiya Vv 8446 (spelt pesiya, expld by pesana -- k!raka,<br />

veyy!vaccakara VvA 349); J vi.448 (=pesana -- k!raka C.), or<br />

-- 474 --<br />

pessika Sn 615, 651; J vi.552; f. either pessiy! (para˚) Vv 185 (spelt pesiy!, but v. l. SS pessiy!, expld as<br />

pesaniy! paresa' veyy!vacca -- k!r" VvA 94); J iii.413 (=parehi pesitabb! pesana -- k!rik! C. 414), or<br />

pessik! J vi.65.<br />

Pehi<br />

Pehi is imper. 2nd sg. of pa+i, "go on," said to a horse A iv.190 sq., cp. S i.123.<br />

Pokkhara<br />

Pokkhara (nt.) [cp. Vedic pu+kara, fr. pus, though a certain relation to pu+pa seems to exist, cp. Sk.<br />

pu+papattra a kind of arrow (lit. lotus -- leaf) Hal!yudha 2, 314, and P. pokkhara -- patta] 1. a lotus plant,<br />

primarily the leaf of it, figuring in poetry and metaphor as not being able to be wetted by water Sn 392, 812<br />

(vuccati paduma -- patta' Nd1 135); Dh 336; It 84. -- 2. the skin of a drum (from its resemblance to the<br />

lotus -- leaf) S ii.267; Miln 261 (bheri˚). As Np. of an angel (Gandhabba) "Drum" at Vv 189. -- 3. a species<br />

of waterbird (crane): see cpd. ˚sataka. -- &&ha standing in water (?) Vin i.215 (vana&&ha+), 238 (id.). -- patta a<br />

lotus leaf Sn 625; Dh 401 (=paduma -- patta DhA iv.166); Miln 250. -- madhu the honey sap of Costus<br />

speciosus (a lotus) J v.39, 466. -- vassa "lotus -- leaf rain," a portentous shower of rain, serving as special<br />

kind of test shower in which certain objects are wetted, but those showing a disinclination towards moisture<br />

are left untouched, like a lotus -- leaf J i.88; vi.586; KhA 164; DhA iii.163. -- s!taka a species of crane,<br />

Ardea Siberica J vi.539 (ko&&ha+); SnA 359. Cp. Np. Pokkharas!ti Sn 594; Sn p. 115; SnA 372.<br />


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