The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pulina<br />

Pulina (& Pu)ina) (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. pulina, also Hal!- yudha 3, 48] 1. a sandy bank or mound in the middle<br />

of a river J ii.366 (v!lika˚); iii.389 (id.); v.414; Miln 297 ()); D!vs iv.29; Vism 263 (nad"˚); VvA 40<br />

(pa*.ara˚). -- 2. a grain of sand Miln 180 (l).<br />

Pulla<br />

Pulla [a contracted form of purisa (q. v.)] man, only in cpd. pullinga (=purisa -- linga) membrum virile,<br />

penis J v.143 (where expld by C. as u*ha -- ch!rik! pl. "hot embers"; the pass. is evidently misunderstood;<br />

v. l. BB phull˚).<br />

Pussa˚<br />

Pussa˚ at Nd1 90 in cpds. ˚tila, ˚tela, dantaka&&ha, mat- tik!, etc. is probably to be read with v. l. phussa˚;<br />

meaning not quite clear ("natural, raw"?).<br />

Pussaka<br />

Pussaka at A i.188 is to be read as phussaka (see phussa3) cuckoo.<br />

Pussaratha<br />

Pussaratha at J vi.39 read phussa˚ (q. v.).<br />

P(ga<br />

P(ga1 (nt.) [etym.? cp. Vedic p(ga in meaning of both p(ga1 & p(ga2] heap, quantity; either as n. with<br />

gen. or as adj.=many, a lot Sn 1073 (p(ga' vass!na' = bah(ni vass!ni Nd2 452); Pv iv.79 (p(g!ni vass!ni);<br />

VbhA 2 (khandha&&ha, pi*.˚, p(g˚).<br />

P(ga<br />

P(ga2 (m.) [see preceding] corporation, guild Vin ii.109, 212; iv.30, 78, 226, 252; M iii.48; A iii.300; Ud<br />

71; Pug 29 (=se*i PugA 210). -- !yatana guild's property J vi.108 (=p(ga -- santaka dhana C.). -- g!ma*ika<br />

superintendant of a guild, guildmaster A iii.76. -- majjhagata gone into a guild A i.128=Pug 29; SnA 377.<br />

P(ga<br />

P(ga3 [Class. Sk. p(ga] the betel -- palm, betel nut tree J v.37 (˚rukkha -- ppam!*a' ucchu -- vana').<br />

-- 471 --<br />

P(ja<br />

P(ja (adj.) [Epic Sk. p(jya, cp. pujja] to be honoured, honourable A iii.78 (v. l.; T. p(jja); J iii.83 (ap(ja=<br />

ap(jan"ya C.); p(ja' karoti to do homage Vism 312. See also p(jiya.<br />

P(jan!<br />

P(jan! (f.) [fr. p(jeti] veneration, worship A ii.203 sq.; Dh 106, 107; Pug 19; Dhs 1121; Miln 162.

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