The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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poetical at Sn 849. -- ˚ânudi&&hi theory concerning the past or the beginning of things D i.13 (cp. DA i.103);<br />

M ii.233; S iii.45; Dhs 1320. -- a)ha(ka) (!)haka) at Th 2, 395 is<br />

-- 468 --<br />

doubtful. T. reads bubbu)aka, Mrs. Rh. D. translates "bubble of film"; ThA 259 explns by "&hita --<br />

jalapubba)ha -- sadisa." -- !cariya (1) an ancient teacher, a scholar of previous times A i.132; ii.70; It 110;<br />

Vism 523=VbhA 130; KhA 11, 64, 65. -- (2) a former teacher SnA 318. -- !ci**a ( -- vasena) by way of<br />

former practice, from habit SnA 413. -- âpara (1) what precedes and what follows, what comes first and<br />

what last (with ref. to the successive order of syllables and words in the text of the Scriptures) A iii.201<br />

(˚kusala); Dh 352; Nett 3 (˚ânusandhi); cp. BSk. p(rv!pare*a vy!khy!na' karoti "expld in due order" Av-<br />

ii.20. -- (2) ˚ratta' "as in the former, so in the foll. night," i. e. without ceasing, continuous Th 1, 413. cp.<br />

pub baratt -- âparatta' DhA iv.129. -- âpariya former & future, first & last Ud 61 (˚vivesa); -- !bhoga<br />

previous reflection ThA 30. -- !r!ma "Eastern Park," N. of a locality east of S!vatthi A iii.344; Sn p. 139<br />

(cp. Sn A 502). -- !sava former intoxication Sn 913, cp. Nd1 331. -- u&&h!na getting up before (someone<br />

else) either applied to a servant getting up before the master, or to a wife rising before her husband VvA 71,<br />

136. -- u&&n!yin "getting up earlier" (with complementary Ep. pacch! -- nip!tin "lying down later"), see<br />

above D i.60; iii.191; A iii.37; iv.265 sq.; DA i.168. -- abstr. ˚u&&h!yit! J iii.406 (˚!d"hi pañcahi kaly!*a<br />

dhammehi samann!gat! patidevat!)=v.88; KhA 173. -- uttara (1) preceding and following Kacc. 44. 47. --<br />

(2) "eastnorthern," i. e. north -- eastern J v.38 (˚ka**a N.E. corner); vi.519 (id.). -- kamma a former deed, a<br />

deed done in a former existence Cp. iii.113. -- k!rin "doing before," i. e. looking after, obliging, doing a<br />

favour A i.87; Pug 26 (=pa&hama' eva k!raka PugA 204) PvA 114. -- kicca preiiminary function Vin v.127<br />

(catt!ro pubbakicc!); cp. Cpd. 53. -- ko&&haka "Eastern Barn," Npl. A iii.345. -- (n)gama (1) going before,<br />

preceding A iii.108 (okkamane p.); M iii.71 sq. (2) "allowing to go before"; controlled or directed by,<br />

giving precedence Dh 2 (mano˚ dhamm!=tena pa&hama -- g!min! hutv! samann!gat! DhA i.35); Nd2 318;<br />

Pug 15 (paññ!˚ ariyamagga=pañña' pure -- c!rika' katX! PugA 194); Sdhp 547 (paññ!˚). Cp. BSk.<br />

p(rvangama Divy 333 ("obedient" Index). -- carita former life SnA 382, 385. -- ja born earlier, i. e.<br />

preceding in age PvA 57 (=je&&haka). -- ñ!ti former relative PvA 24. -- deva a former god, a god of old, pl.<br />

the ancient gods (viz. the Asuras) S i.224. -- devat! an ancient deity A ii.70; It 110 (v. l. ˚deva). -- nimitta<br />

"previous sign," a foregoing sign, prognostic, portent. forecast It 76 (the 5 signs of decay of a god); J i.11<br />

(the 32 signs at the conception of a Buddha, given in detail on p. 51), 48; Miln 298 (of prophetic dreams,<br />

cp. Cpd. p. 48); VbhA 407 (in dreams); DhA ii.85. -- pada the former, or antecedent, part (of a phrase)<br />

DhsA 164. -- parikamma a former action SnA 284 (opp. to pacch! -- parikamma). -- purisa ancestor D i.93,<br />

94. -- peta a deceased spirit, a ghost (=peta) D i.8 (˚kath!, cp. DA i.90 & Dial. i.14). pubbe pete is poetical<br />

at Pv i.41 for pubbapete. Cp. BSk. p(rvapreta Av- i.149 (see Index p. 230); Divy 47, 97. -- bh!ga "former<br />

part," i. e. previous PvA 133 (˚cetan! opp. apara -- bh!ga -- cetan!. SS omit bh!ga). -- bh!sin speaking<br />

obligingly (cp. pubbak!rin) D i.116 (trsl. "not backward in conversation"), DA i.287 (bh!santo va<br />

pa&hamatara' bh!sati etc.). -- yoga "former connection, " i. e. connection with a former body or deed,<br />

former action (and its result) J v.476; vi.480; Miln 2 (pubbayogo ti tesa' pubba -- kamma'). Kern, Toev. s.<br />

v. remarks that it is frequent in BSk. as p(rvayoga (yoga=yuga; syn. with p(rvakalpa), e. g. Saddh. Pu*..<br />

ch. vii.; MVastu ii.287; iii.175; and refers to Ind. Studien 16, 298; J.R.A.S. 1875, 5. -- rattâparatta' the past<br />

and future time, the whole time, always A iii.70; DhA iv.129. -- v!sana an impression remaining in the<br />

mind from former actions Sn 1009; ThA 31 (Ap. v. 8). -- videha Eastern Videha KhA 123, 176; SnA 443. -<br />

- sadisa an old (former) friend DhA i.57<br />

Pubbaka<br />

Pubbaka (adj.) [fr. pubba2] 1. former, ancient, living in former times D i.104 (isayo), 238 (id.); Sn 284<br />

(id.); S ii.105; iv.307 (!cariya -- p!cariy!); Th 1, 947. 2. ( -- ˚; cp. pubba2 1) having formerly been,<br />

previous J i.182 (suva**ak!ra˚ bhikkhu), cp. BSk. ˚p(rvaka in same use at Av- i.259, 296, 322. -- 3. ( -- ˚)<br />

accompanied or preceded by ThA 74 (gu*' âbhitthavana˚ ud!na); PvA 122 (puññânumodana˚<br />

magg!cikkhana); cp. !$v!sana -- p(rvaka Jtm 210.<br />


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