The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pupphati<br />

Pupphati [pu+p] to flower J i.76 (aor. ˚i'su); PvA 185 (=phalati). -- pp. pupphita.<br />

Pupphavat"<br />

Pupphavat" (f.) [fr. puppha2, but cp. Vedic pu+pavat flowering] a menstruous woman Miln 126.<br />

Pupphita<br />

Pupphita [pp. of pupphati] flowering, in blossom S i.131= Th 2, 230 (su˚); Vv 354; J i.18; Miln 347; ThA<br />

69 (Ap. v. 12); DhA i.280; ii.250 (su˚).<br />

Pupphin<br />

Pupphin (adj.) [fr. puppha1 cp. Vedic pu+pin] bearing flowers; in n"lapupph" (f.) N. of a plant ("with blue<br />

flowers") J vi.53.<br />

Pubba<br />

Pubba1 [Vedic p(ya>*p(va>*puvva>pubba (Geiger, P.Gr. § 461); cp. p(yati to smell rotten, Lat. p(s=E.<br />

pus, Gr. pu/qw to rot, pu/on matter; Vedic p(ti smelling foul; Goth. f(ls=E. foul] pus, matter, corruption M<br />

i.57; iii.90; S i.150; ii.157; A i.34; J ii.18; Miln 382; PvA 80. -- In detail discussed (as one of the 32 !k!ras)<br />

at Vism 261, 360; KhA 62; VbhA 244. -- Often in combn pubba -- lohita matter & blood, e. g. Sn p. 125;<br />

Sn 671; J v.71; DhA i.319; as food of the Petas Pv i.69; i.91 (lohita -- pubba); i.118; ii.26. pubba -- va&&i a<br />

lump of matter DhA iii.117.<br />

Pubba<br />

Pubba2 (adj.) [Vedic p(rva, to Idg. *per, see pari & cp. Goth. fram=from; Gr. pro/mos first, Goth.<br />

fruma=As. formo first, Av. pourv0, also Sk. p(rvya=Goth. frauja =Ohg. fr0 Lord, frouwa=Ger. frau. See<br />

also Lat. prandium, provincia] previous, former, before. <strong>The</strong> adj. never occurs in abs. forms by itself (for<br />

which see pubbaka), it is found either as -- ˚ or ˚ -- or in cases as adv. <strong>The</strong> phrase pubbam antam anissita Sn<br />

849 is poetical for pubbantam. -- 1. ( -- ˚) having been before J iii.200; na di&&ha˚ not seen before Nd1 445;<br />

m!tabh(ta˚ formerly (been) his mother PvA 79; vuttha˚ (g!ma) formerly inhabited DhA i.15; as adv.<br />

bh(tapubba' before any beings (existed) Vin i.342; DhA i.102 and passim (see bh(ta). -- 2. (neg.) apubba<br />

(nt.) what has not been before, something new VvA 117, 287. acc. as adv. in phrase apubba' acarima' not<br />

earlier, not after, i. e. simultaneously M iii.65; Pug 13 (=apure apacch!, ekappah!ren' evâti attho PugA<br />

186). 3. (cases adverbially) instr. pubbena in ˚âpara gradual M iii.79; acc. pubba' see 1, 2, with abl. as<br />

prep.= before SnA 549 (=pur!); loc. pubbe in earlier times (also referring to previous births, cp. pure), in<br />

the past, before S iv.307; Sn 831, 949 (with pacch! & majjhe, i. e. future & present); Pv i.31; ii.22; SnA<br />

290, 385, 453; PvA 4, 10, 39, 40, 100. With abl. as prep.= before S ii.104. In compn with ˚niv!sa see sep.<br />

An old acc. f. *p(rv"' (cp. Prk. puvvi' Pischel, Gr. § 103) we find in Cpd. anupubbikath! (q. v.). <strong>The</strong><br />

compar. pubbatara ("quite early") occurs abs. at S iv. 117 as nom. pl. "ancestors" (cp. Gr. oi( pro/teroi), as<br />

loc. adv. at S i.22. -- angin in f. ˚ang" (c!ru˚) at J v.4 & vi.481 read sabbangin. -- a**a "first grain," a name<br />

given to the 7 kinds of grain, as distinguished from apara**a, the 7 sorts of vegetables, with which it is<br />

usually combined; Vin iii.151; iv.267; Nd1 248 (where the 7 are enumd); Nd2 314; J ii.185; Miln 106; DA<br />

i.78, 270; DhA iv.81 etc. (see apara**a). See also b"ja -- b"ja. -- a*ha the former part of the day, forenoon,<br />

morning (as contrasted with majjha*ha & s!ya*ha) D i.109, 226; A i.294; iii.344; S i.76 (˚samaya'); SnA<br />

139 (id.); DhA iii.98; PvA 61, 216. <strong>The</strong> spelling pubbanha M i.528 (cp. Trenckner, Notes 80). -- anta (1)<br />

the East J i.98 (˚ato aparanta' aparantato pubbanta' gacchati from E. to W. from W. to E.); v.471. -- (2) the<br />

Past (opp. aparanta the Future) D i.12 sq.; S ii.26; Nd1 212; Dhs 1004. pubbam anta' for pubbanta' is

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