The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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enewed existence, new birth D ii.15; S i.133; It 62; S iv.201 (!yati˚); Sn 162, 273, 502, 514, 733; Nd2 s.<br />

v.; Nett 28, 79 sq.; PvA 63, 200; cp. ponobhavika; a˚ no more rebirth S i.174, 208; Nd2 64; ˚âbhinibbatti<br />

birth in a new existence M i.294; S ii.65; A i.223; Vin iii.3; PvA 35. -- vacana repetition SnA 487. -- v!re<br />

(loc.) another time J v.21.<br />

Pun!ti<br />

Pun!ti [cp. Vedic pavate, pun!ti, p( to cleanse, as in Lat. purus clean, purgo, Ohg. fowen to sift also Gr.<br />

pu_r (cp. P. p!vaka)=Ohg. f(ir=E. fire, Armen. hur, lit. "cleansing," see also puñña] 1. to clean, cleanse<br />

VvA 19 (+visodheti, in def. of puñña). -- 2. to sift J vi.108 (ang!ra' p.=attano s"se ang!re p. okirati C.; so<br />

read with v. l. for phunati T.); DA i.268 (bhusa' pumanto viya like sifting the chaff, winnowing). Cp.<br />

puneti.<br />

Puneti<br />

Puneti [Caus. fr. puna? or=pun!ti?] to experience (over & over) again: in this meaning at It 1 sq. & Nd1<br />

202= Nd2 337 (kilese na p. na pacceti etc.); perhaps also at Th 1, 533 (sattayuga'), although Kern, Toev. s.<br />

v. takes it=pun!ti and Mrs. Rh. D. translates "lifts to lustrous purity."<br />

Punn!ga<br />

Punn!ga [dial.?] a species of tree J i.9 (˚puppha); vi.530; KhA 50 (aggacchinna˚ -- phala), 53 (id.).<br />

Puppha<br />

Puppha1 (nt.) [Vedic pu+pa according to Grassmann for *pu+ka fr. pu+ (?) see poseti] a flower Vin ii.123; S<br />

i.204=J iii.308; Sn 2, 5; Dh 47 sq.; 377; Vism 430; SnA 78 (paduma˚); VvA 73; PvA 127; Sdhp 550. --<br />

pupph!ni (pl.) VbhA 255 (of 32 colours, in simile), 292 sq. (for Cetiya -- worship). -- adj. ˚puppha in<br />

ghana˚ thick with flowers DA i.87. -- Cp. pokkharat!. -- âbhiki**a decked with flowers Vv 6429; Pv ii.112<br />

-- !dh!na "a ledge (on a Tope) where offerings of flowers are laid down" (Geiger, Mhvs p. 355; cp. Mhvs<br />

trsl. p. 2022) Mhvs 30, 51, 56, 60; 33, 22 Reading uncertain. -- !ve)! flower -- garland VvA 125. -- !sava<br />

wine made from flowers, flower -- liquor J iv.117; KhA 26. -- gandha odour of flowers Dh 54; Dhs 625. --<br />

cumba&aka a fl. cushion. -- cha..aka a remover of (dead) flowers, a rubbish -- remover, a low occupation,<br />

including cleaning of privies & bins etc. Vin iv.6; Th 1, 620; J v.449 (=vacca -- &&h!na -- sodhaka C.); Miln<br />

331; Vism 194 (in simile). Cp. J.P.T.S. 1884, 89 and Miln trsl. ii.211. -- cchatta a parasol with flowers DhA<br />

i.110. -- d!na offering of flowers VbhA 336. -- d!ma a wreath or garland of fls. J i.397; VvA 198. -- dhara<br />

bearing flowers Pv ii.124 (so read for T. ˚dada). -- pañjara a cage (ornamented) with flowers J v.365. -- pa&a<br />

a cloth (embroidered) with flowers J iv.283; DhA ii.45. -- pal!sa a fl. heap DhA i.75. -- bh!*in "speaking<br />

flowers," i. e. speaking the truth Pug 29. -- m!l! garland of fls. SnA 78. -- mu&&hi a handful of fl. Vism 432<br />

(in simile). -- rasa (wine -- ) juice made of fls., flower -- liquor Vin i.246; taste of fls. Dhs 629. -- r!si a<br />

heap of fls. Dh 53.<br />

Puppha<br />

Puppha2 (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. pu+pa "les fleurs" in str"˚ the menses Am. Ko$a 3, 4, 30, 233 and M!rk. Pur.<br />

51, 42. Similarly phala is used in the sense of "menstruation": see BR s. v. phala 12] blood: see pupphaka<br />

& pupphavat". With ref. to the menses at J v.331.<br />

Pupphaka<br />

Pupphaka (nt.) [fr. puppha2] blood J iii.541 (v. l. pubbaka; C.=lohita); Miln 216 (ti*a˚ -- roga, a disease,<br />

Kern. "hay -- fever"). Kern, Toev. s. v. trsls the J passage with "vuil, uitwerpsel."

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