The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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tep"&aka "one who is familiar with the 3 P." (thus at Miln 18; D!vs v.22; KhA 41 with v. l. ti˚; SnA 306 id.;<br />

DhA iii.385). tipetak" (Vin v.3 Kheman!ma t.), tipe&aka (Miln 90), and tipi&aka -- dhara KhA 91. See also<br />

below ˚ttaya. In BSk. we find the term trepi&aka in early inscriptions (1st century a.d., see e. g. Vogel,<br />

Epigraphical discoveries at S!rn!th, Epigraphia Indica viii. p. 173, 196; Bloch, J. As. Soc. Bengal 1898,<br />

274, 280); the term tripi&aka in literary documents (e. g. Divy 54), as also tripi&a (e. g. Av- i.334; Divy 261,<br />

505). -- On the Pi&akas in general & the origin of the P. Canon see Oldenberg, in ed. of Vin 1; and<br />

Winternitz, Gesch. d. Ind. Litt. 1913, ii.1 sq.; iii.606, 635. -- Cp. pe&aka. -- ttaya the triad of the Pi&akas or<br />

holy Scriptures SnA 328. -- dhara one who knows (either one or two or all three) the Pi&aka by heart, as<br />

eka˚, dvi˚, ti˚ at Vism 62, 99. -- sampad!ya according to the P. tradition or on the ground of the authority of<br />

the P. M i.520 (itih"tiha etc.); ii.169 (id.); and in exegesis of itikir! (hearsay -- tradition) at A<br />

i.189=ii.191=Nd2 151.<br />

Pi&&ha<br />

Pi&&ha1 (nt.) [pp. of pi'sati2. cp. Sk. pi+&a] what is ground, grindings, crushed seeds, flour. Vin i.201, 203;<br />

iv.261, 341 (tila˚=piññ!ka); J ii.244 (m!sa˚). As pi&&hi at J i.347. -- kh!daniya "flour -- eatables," i. e. pastry<br />

Vin i.248 (cp. Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s ii.139). -- dh"talik! a flour -- doll, i. e. made of paste or a lump of flour PvA 16,<br />

19 (cp. udd!na to the 1st vagga p. 67 pi&&hi & reading pi*.a˚ on p. 17). -- pi*.i a lump of flour Vism 500<br />

(in comp.). -- madda flour paste Vin ii.151 (expld in C. by pi&&ha -- khali; cp. pi&&hi -- madda J iii.226,<br />

which would correspond to pi+&"). -- sur! (intoxicating) extract or spirits of flour VvA 73.<br />

Pi&&ha<br />

Pi&&ha2 (nt.) [identical in form with pi&&ha3] a lintel (of a door) Vin i.47 (kav!&a˚); ii.120 (˚sangh!&a, cp.<br />

Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s iii.105), 148, 207.<br />

Pi&&ha<br />

Pi&&ha3 (nt.) [cp. Vedic p%+&ha, expld by Grassmann as pra -- stha, i. e. what stands out] back, hind part; also<br />

surface, top J i.167 (p!s!*a˚ top of a rock). Usually in oblique cases as adv., viz. instr. pi&&hena along, over,<br />

beside, by way of, on J ii.111 (udaka˚); iv.3 (samudda˚), loc. pi&&he by the side of, near, at: parikh!˚ at a<br />

ditch PvA 201; on, on top of, on the back of (animals): amma*assa p. J vi.381 (cp. pi&&hiya'); ti*a˚ J iv.444;<br />

panka˚ J i.223; samudda˚ J i.202. -- assa˚ on horseback<br />

-- 458 --<br />

D i.103; similarly: v!ra*assa p. J i.358; s"ha˚ J ii.244; ha&&hi˚ J ii.244; iii.392. See also following.<br />

Pi&&hi & Pi&&h"<br />

Pi&&hi & Pi&&h" (f.) [=pi&&ha3, of which it has taken over the main function as noun. On relation pi&&ha> pi&&hi<br />

cp. Trenckner, Notes 55; Franke, Bezzenberger's Beiträge xx.287. Cp. also the Prk. forms pi&&ha, pi&&h" &<br />

pi+&", all representing Sk. pr+&1a: Pischel, Prk. Gram. §53] 1. the back Vin ii.200 (pi&&h"); M i.354; J i.207;<br />

ii.159, 279. pi&&hi' (pacc!mittassa) passati to see the (enemy's) back, i. e. to see the last of somebody J<br />

i.296, 488; iv.208. pi&&hi as opposed to ura (breast) at Vin ii.105; Sn 609; as opposed to tala (palm) with ref.<br />

to hand & foot: hattha (or pada -- ) tala & ˚pi&&hi: J iv.188; Vism 361. -- abl. pi&&hito as adv. (from) behind,<br />

at the back of Sn 412 (+anubandhati to follow closely); VvA 256; PvA 78 (geha˚). pi&&hito karoti to leave<br />

behind, to turn one's back on J i.71 (cp. p%+&hato -- mukha Divy 333). pi&&hito pi&&hito right on one's heels,<br />

very closely Vin i.47; D i.1, 226. -- 2. top, upper side (in which meaning usually pi&&ha3), only in cpd.<br />

˚p!s!*a and loc. pi&&hiya' as adv. on top of J v.297 (amma*a˚) pi&&hi at VvA 101 is evidently faulty reading.<br />

-- !cariya teacher's understudy, pupil -- teacher, tutor J ii.100; v.458, 473, 501. -- ka*&aka spina dorsi,<br />

backbone M i.58, 80, 89; iii.92; Vism 271; VbhA 243; KhA 49 sq.; Sdhp 102. -- ko&&haka an upper room<br />

(bath room?) DhA ii.19, 20. -- gata following behind, foll. one's example Vism 47. -- pa**as!l! a leaf -- hut

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