The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pavicinati [pa+vicinati] to investigate, to examine M iii.85; S v.68, 262; Nett 21; SnA 545. grd. paviceyya J<br />

iv.164, & pavicetabba Nett 21.<br />

Pavijjhati<br />

Pavijjhati [pa+vyadh] to throw forth or down Vin ii.193 (sila' cp. J i.173 & v.333); iii.82, 178, 415; DA<br />

i.138, 154. -- pp. paviddha (q. v.).<br />

Pavijjhana<br />

Pavijjhana (nt.) [fr. pavijjhati] hurling, throwing J v.67 (Devadattassa sil!˚, cp. Vin ii.193); J i.173; v.333.<br />

Pavi&&ha<br />

Pavi&&ha [pp. of pavisati] entered, gone into (acc.), visited S i.197; ii.19; Dh 373; DA i.288; PvA 12, 13.<br />

Pavitakka<br />

Pavitakka [pa+vitakka] scepticism, speculation, con- troversy Sn 834; Nd1 176.<br />

Pavida'seti<br />

Pavida'seti [pa+vi+Caus. of d%$; da'seti=dasseti] to make clear, to reveal J v.326 (aor. pavida'sayi).<br />

Paviddha<br />

Paviddha [pp. of pavijjhati] thrown down, fig. given up, abandoned Th 1, 350 (˚gocara).<br />

Pavineti<br />

Pavineti [pa+vineti] to lead or drive away, expel Sn 507=J v.148.<br />

Pavibhajati<br />

Pavibhajati [pa+vi+bhaj. Cp. Class Sk. pravibh!ga division, distribution] to distribute, to apportion S i.193<br />

(˚bhajja', ppr., with jj metri causa)=Th 1, 1242 (˚bhajja ger.).<br />

Pavil"yati<br />

Pavil"yati [pa+vi+l"] to be dissolved, to melt or fade away S iv.289 (pavil"yam!nena k!yena with their body<br />

melting from heat; so read for paveliyam!nena).<br />

Paviloketi<br />

Paviloketi [pa+viloketi] to look forward or ahead J vi.559.<br />

Pavivitta<br />

Pavivitta [pp. of pa+vi+vic] separated, detached, secluded, singled M i.14, 77, 386; ii.6; S ii.29; Vism 73;<br />

PvA 127 DhA ii.77. Often in phrase appiccha santu&&ha pavivitta referring to an ascetic enjoying the

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