The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pariy!pajjati [pari+!pajjati] to be finished A iv.339. - pp. pariy!panna (q. v.). -- Caus. pariy!p!deti (q. v.).<br />

Pariy!pad!na<br />

Pariy!pad!na (nt.) [pari+apad!na, the latter for ava˚, and metrical lengthening of a] good advice,<br />

application, trick, artfulness, artifice J v.361, 369. (C. explns as parisuddha after v. l. pariyod!ta which was<br />

prob. misread for pariyod!na), 370.<br />

Pariy!panna<br />

Pariy!panna [pari+!panna, cp. adhipanna] 1. "gone completely into," included in, belonging to, got into<br />

Vin i.46 (patta˚ that which has been put into the bowl); D i.45 (=!baddha DA i.127); SnA 397<br />

(milakkhabh!sa˚ etc.); KhA 136 (vinaya˚), 191 (sangha˚); DhA i.158 (idhaloka -- paraloka˚); PvA 14, 33,<br />

59, 129 (devaloka˚), 150. -- 2. accomplished (i. e. gone into the matter), thorough, mastering (said of v!c!)<br />

S ii.280 =A ii.51. -- 3. (˚! dhamm!) the Included, viz. all that is contained in the threefold cycle of<br />

existence (i. e. the worlds of sense, form & formless) Dhs 1268; Vbh 12, 15, 19 & passim; DhsA 50. Opp.<br />

apariy!pann! (dhamm!) the Unincluded (viz. all that is exempt from this cycle) Ps i.101; Dhs 583 (cp. Dhs<br />

trsln 165, 254, 329, 332), 992, 1242; Kvu 507.<br />

Pariy!pannatta<br />

Pariy!pannatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. pariy!panna] includedness SnA 174.<br />

Pariy!p!deti<br />

Pariy!p!deti [Caus. of pariy!pajjati] to finish off, i. e. put to death completely S iv.308 sq.=A iii.94.<br />

Pariy!pu*ana<br />

Pariy!pu*ana (nt.) [abstr. formn fr. pariy!pu*!ti] mastery over, accomplishment in (gen.) Vism 442<br />

(Buddhavacanassa).<br />

Pariy!pu*!ti<br />

Pariy!pu*!ti [pari+!p, cp. BSk. paryav!pnoti Divy 613] 1. to learn (by heart), to master, to gain mastership<br />

over, to learn thoroughly Vin iv.305 (paritta' a charm); D i.117 (=j!n!ti DA i.117); A iii.86 (dhamma');<br />

fut. pariy!pu*issati DhA i.382 (dhamma'); ger. pariy!pu*itv! S i.176; ii.120; SnA 195 (nik!ya'). -- 2.<br />

(with inf.) to know (to do something), to be able to Vin ii.109 (aor. ˚i'su), 121. -- pp. pariy!puta and<br />

pariyatta (q. v.).<br />

Pariy!puta<br />

Pariy!puta [pp. of pariy!pu*!ti] 1. learned by heart, known Nd1 234=Nd2 386 (Buddhavacana). -- 2.<br />

learned, accomplished DA i.21. -- See also pariyatta2.<br />

Pariy!ya<br />

Pariy!ya [fr. pari+i, cp. Class. Sk. pary!ya in all meanings, already Vedic in meaning of "formula," in<br />

liturgy, cp. below 4] lit. "going round" analysed by Bdhgh in 3 diff. meanings, viz. v!ra (turn, course),<br />

desan! (instruction, presentation), and k!ra*a (cause, reason, also case, matter), see DA i.36 and cp.<br />

Kindred Sayings i.320. -- 1. arrangement, disposition, in phrase ˚' karoti to arrange D i.179 (trsln takes it<br />

literally "departure," i. e. going out of one's way, détour; or change of habit, see Dial i.245); M i.252, 326;

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