The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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sabba -- p. -- pabheda -- dhara); J ii.48 (˚' &hapetv! leaving the learning aside); Miln 115, 215, 345, 411<br />

(!gama˚). -- abl. pariyattito through learning by heart SnA 195 (opp. to atthato according to the meaning). -<br />

- dhamma that which belongs to the holy study, part or contents of the Scriptures, the Tipi&aka comprising<br />

the nine divisions (see navanga Buddha -- s!sana) KhA 191, 193; SnA 328; PvA 2; cp. ˚s!sana. -- dhara<br />

knowing the Scriptures by heart Miln 21. -- dhura (=ganthadhura): see v!sadhura. -- pa&ibh!navant<br />

possessed of intelligence as regards learning the Scriptures SnA 111. -- parim!*a extent of study SnA 1,<br />

608. -- bahula clever in the study of the Dhamma A iii.86. -- bahussuta versed in the Scriptures SnA 110. --<br />

s!sana object, instruction of the Scriptures, code of the holy <strong>Text</strong>s (cp. ˚dhamma) Nd1 143; DhA iv.39.<br />

Pariyanta<br />

Pariyanta [pari+anta, cp. Sk. paryanta] 1. limit, end, climax, border S i.80 (man!pa˚ "limit -- point in<br />

enjoyment"; cp. C. nipphattika' ko&ika' K.S. 320); J i.149 (hattha -- p!da˚ hoofs), 221 (udaka˚), 223<br />

(sara˚); ii.200 (angana˚); Pv ii.1312; DhA iii.172 (parisa˚). 2. limit, boundary, restriction, limitation Vin<br />

ii.59, 60 (!patti˚); Nd1 483 (distinguishes between 4 pariyant! with ref. to one's character, viz. s"lasa'vara˚<br />

indriyasa'vara˚, bhojane mattaññut!˚, j!gariyânuyoga˚). 3. (adj. -- ˚) bounded by, limited by,<br />

surrounded, ending in Vin iv.31; M iii.90; S ii.122 (!yu˚); A i.164 (id.); Sn 577 (bhedana˚); Pv i.1013<br />

(parikkhitta PvA 52). -- apariyanta (adj.) boundless, limitless PvA 58, 166. -- kata restricted, limited,<br />

bounded Nd2 ta*h!iii (with s"makata & odhikata; v. l. pariyanti˚, cp. BSk. paryant"k%ta "finished" Divy 97,<br />

236). -- c!rin living in selfrestriction Sn 964 (cp. Nd1 483). -- dass!vin seeing the limit A v.50. -- rahita<br />

without limits DhA iii.252.<br />

Pariyantavant<br />

Pariyantavant (adj.) [fr. pariyanta] having a limit, having a set or well -- defined purpose; f. ˚vat" (v!c!)<br />

discriminating speech D i.4=M iii.49=Pug 58; expld as "pariccheda' dassetv! yatha 'ssa paricchedo<br />

paññ!yati, eva' bh!sat" ti attho" DA i.76=PugA 238.<br />

Pariyantika<br />

Pariyantika (adj.) ( -- ˚) [fr. pariyanta] ending in, bounded or limited by S ii.83=A ii.198 (k!ya -- p. ˚! &<br />

j"vita -- p. ˚! vedan!); Vism 69 (bhojana˚, udaka˚, !sana˚); Sdhp 440 (k!la˚ s"la).<br />

Pariyaya<br />

Pariyaya [cp. Epic Sk. paryaya, pari+i; the usual P. form is pariy!ya, but at the foll. passages the short a is<br />

required metri causa] revolution, lapse of time, period, term J iii.460 (=k!lapariy!ya C.); v.367 (k!la˚).<br />

Pariy!<br />

Pariy! (f.) [fr. pari+y!] winding round, turning round; of a tree, branch J vi.528 (duma˚; read ˚pariy!su with<br />

v. l. instead of T. pariy!yesu; C. expls by s!kh!).<br />

Pariy!gata<br />

Pariy!gata [pari+!+gata] having come to, reached, attained J vi.237 (phala'; C= upagata), 238 (kusala';<br />

C.=pariy!yena attano v!rena !gata).<br />

Pariy!g!ra<br />

Pariy!g!ra (adj.) [pari+!g!ra] having the house all round, entirely surrounded by the house Vin iii.119 (of<br />


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