The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Parikkh"yati<br />

Parikkh"yati [pari+kh"yati of k+i2] to go to ruin, to be wasted or exhausted Th 2, 347 (=parikkhaya'<br />

gacchati ThA 242). -- pp. parikkh"*a (q. v.).<br />

Parikkhepa<br />

Parikkhepa [fr. pari+k+ip] 1. closing round, surrounding, neighbourhood, enclosure Vin iv.304; J i.338;<br />

iv.266; SnA 29 (˚d!ru etc.). -- 2. circumference J i.89; v.37; Vism 205; KhA 133; SnA 194. -- 3. "closing in<br />

on," i. e. fight, quarrel It 11, 12.<br />

Pariklesa<br />

Pariklesa [pari+klesa] hardship, misery, calamity S i.132 =Th 2, 191; Th 2, 345 (=parikilesa ThA 241).<br />

Parikh!<br />

Parikh! (f.) [fr. pari+khan, cp. Epic Sk. parikh!] a ditch, trench, moat Vin ii.154; D i.105 (ukki**a --<br />

parikha adj. with trenches dug deep, combd with okkhittapaligha; expld by kh!ta -- parikha &hapita --<br />

paligha at DA i.274); M i.139 (sanki**a˚ adj. with trenches filled, Ep. of an Arahant, combd with<br />

ukkhittapaligha)=A iii.84 sq.= Nd2 284 C (spelt kkh); A iv.106 (nagara˚); J i.240, 490; iv.106 (ukki**'<br />

antaraparikha); vi.276, 432; Cp II.13 (spelt kkh); Miln 1 (gambh"ra˚); SnA 519 (˚ta&a); PvA 201 (˚pi&&he),<br />

261 (id.), 278 (id., v. l. ˚parikkh!&a -- t"re).<br />

Pariga*hana<br />

Pariga*hana (nt.) [fr. pariga*h!ti] comprehension J ii.7 (˚paññ! comprehensive wisdom).<br />

Pariga*h!ti<br />

Pariga*h!ti (& Pariggaheti Caus.) [pari+g%h] 1. to em- brace, seize, take possession of, hold, take up M<br />

i.80, 137; J iii.189; DA i.45. -- 2. to catch, grasp DhA i.68. -- 3. to go all round DhA i.91 (sakala --<br />

jambud"pa'). -- Caus. ˚ggaheti (aor. ˚esi, ger. ˚etv!, inf. ˚etu') 1. to embrace, comprehend, fig. master Vin<br />

ii.213; J ii.28; iii.332; SnA 549 (mant!ya); DhA iii.242; PvA 68 (hattesu), 93; VvA 75. -- 2. to explore,<br />

examine, find out, search J i.162; ii.3; iii.85, 268 (˚ggahetu'), 533; v.93, 101; DhA ii.56. -- Caus. II.<br />

pariga*h!peti J i.290. -- 3. to comprise, summarise KhA 166, 167. -- pp. pariggahita (q. v.).<br />

Parigalati<br />

Parigalati [pari+galati, see ga)ati] to sink down, slip or glide off J iv.229, 250; v.68.<br />

Parigilati<br />

Parigilati [pari+gilati] to swallow J i.346.<br />

Parig(hati<br />

Parig(hati [pari+g(hati] to hide, conceal A i.149; iv.10, 31; Pv iii.43 (= pa&icch!deti PvA 194).<br />

Parig(han!<br />

Parig(han! (f.) [fr. patig(hati] hiding, concealment, deception Pug 19, 23.

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