The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Parikanta<br />

Parikanta2 at Vin ii.80 (bh!sita˚) is probably to be read as p!rikata [pp. of parikaroti]. Bdhgh explns as<br />

parik<br />

-- 422 --<br />

kametv! kata, but it is difficult to derive it fr. parikkamati. Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s iii.18 trsl. "as well in speech as in<br />

act" and identify it with parikanta1, hardly justified. Cp. also Kern. Toev. s. v. <strong>The</strong> passage is evidently<br />

faulty.<br />

Parikantati<br />

Parikantati1 [pari+kantati1] to wind round, twist J iii.185 (p!so p!da' p.; but taken by C. as parikantati2,<br />

expld as "camm!d"ni chindanto samant! kantati").<br />

Parikantati<br />

Parikantati2 [pari+kantati2] to cut (round), cut through, pierce M i.244 (v!t! kucchi' p.); J iii.185 (see<br />

parikantati1).<br />

Parikappa<br />

Parikappa [fr. pari+kalp] 1. preparation, intention, strata- gem Th 1, 940. -- 2. assumption, supposition,<br />

surmise A i.197; v.271; DhsA 308.<br />

Parikappita<br />

Parikappita [pp. of parikappati] inclined, determined, decided, fixed upon Sdhp. 362, 602.<br />

Parikamma<br />

Parikamma (nt.) [pari+kamma] "doing round," i. e. doing up, viz 1. arrangement, getting up, preparation<br />

Vin ii.106 (˚' k!r!peti), 117 (geruka˚ plastering with red chalk) 151 (id.). parikamma' karoti to make (the<br />

necessary) preparation, to set to work Vism 395 and passim (with ref. to iddhi). Usually in form<br />

parikammakata arranged, prepared Vin ii.175 (bh(mi), as -- ˚ "with," viz. geruka˚ plastered with red chalk<br />

Vin i.48; ii.209; l!kh!˚ J iii.183; iv.256; su˚ beautifully arranged or prepared, fitful, well worked Miln 62<br />

(d!ru), 282 (ma*iratana); VvA 188. In special sense used with ref. to jh!na, as kasi*a˚ processes whereby<br />

jh!na is introduced, preparations for meditation J i.141; iv.306; v.162, 193; DhsA 168; cp. Cpd. 54; DhA<br />

i.105. -- 2. service, attention, attending Vin i.47; ii.106, 220; S i.76; Th 2, 376 (=veyy!vacca ThA 253); Pug<br />

56; DhA i.96, 333, chiefly by way of administering ointments etc. to a person, cp. J v.89; DhA i.250. sar"ra˚<br />

attending the body DA i.45, 186; SnA 52. -- k!raka one who ministers to or looks after a person, attendant;<br />

one who makes preparations Th 2, 411 (f. -- ik!=paric!rik! ThA 267); J i.232.<br />

Parikara<br />

Parikara [fr. pari+k%; a similar formation belonging to same root, but with fig. meaning is to be found in<br />

parikkh!ra, which is also expld by parivara cp. parikaroti=pariv!reti] "doing round," i. e. girdle, loincloth J<br />

iv.149; DhA i.352. -- In cpd. ov!da˚ it is v. l. SS at D i.137 for pa&ikara (q. v.).<br />


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