The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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of "on the day after tomorrow." -- par! (only apparently abl., in reality either para+a˚ which represents the<br />

vocalic beginning of the second part of the cpd., or para+! which is the directional prefix !, emphasizing<br />

para. <strong>The</strong> latter expln is more in the spirit of the <strong>Pali</strong> language): see separately. -- paro (old abl. as adv.=Sk.<br />

paras) beyond further: see sep. -- parato (abl.) in a variety of expressions and shades of meaning, viz. (1)<br />

from another, as regards others A iii.337 (attano parato ca); Nett 8 (ghosa), 50 (id.). -- (2) from the point of<br />

view of "otherness," i. e. as strange or something alien, as an enemy M i.435 (in "anicca" -- passage); A<br />

iv.423; Nd2 214ii; Ps ii.238; Kvu 400; Miln 418 and passim; in phrase parato disv! "seen as not myself" Th<br />

1, 1160; 2, 101; S i.188 (sankh!re parato passa, dukkhato m! ca attato). (3) on the other side of, away<br />

from, beyond J ii.128; PvA 24 (ku..!na'). -- (4) further, afterwards, later on S i.34; J i.255; iv.139; SnA<br />

119, 482. -- Note. <strong>The</strong> compounds with para˚ are combinations either with para 1 (adv. prep.), or para 2<br />

(adj. n.). Those containing para in form par! and in meaning "further on to" see separately under par!˚. See<br />

also p!ra, p!rima etc. -- ajjh!saya intent on others (opp. att˚) SnA 46. -- attha (parattha, to be distinguished<br />

from adv. parattha, q. v. sep.) the profit or welfare of another (opp. attattha) S ii.29; A iii.63; Dh 166; Nd2<br />

26. -- âdh"na dependent on others D i.72 (=paresu adh"no parass' eva ruciy! pavattati DA i.212); J vi.99;<br />

ThA 15 (˚vuttika); VvA 23 (˚vutti, paresa' bh!ra' vahanto). -- ûpakkama aggression of an enemy, violence<br />

Vin ii.194. -- ûpagh!ta injuring others, cruelty Vv 8440. -- ûpagh!tin killing others Dh 184 (=para'<br />

upahananto p. DhA iii.237). -- ûpav!da reproaching others Sn 389. -- kata see parankata. -- kamma service<br />

of others, ˚k!rin serving others Vv 3322. -- k!ra see below under parank!ra. -- kula clan of another, strange<br />

or alien clan Sn 128; Dh 73. -- kkanta [para˚ or par!˚ *kr!nta?] walked (by another? or gone over?) J vi.559<br />

(better to be read with v. l. on p. 560 as pada˚ i. e. walked by feet, footprint). -- kkama (par!+kram]<br />

exertion, endeavour, effort, strife D i.53; iii.113; S i.166 (da)ha˚); ii.28 (purisa˚); v.66, 104 sq.; A i.4, 50<br />

(purisa˚); iv.190; Sn 293; Dh 313; Nd1 487; J i.256; ii.153; Dhs 13, 12, 289, 571; Miln 244; DhA iv.139;<br />

Sdhp 253; adj. ( -- ˚) sacca˚ one who strives after the truth J iv.383. -- kkamati [*parakramati] to advance,<br />

go forward, exert oneself, undertake, show courage Sn 966 (ger. parakkamma); Dh 383 (id.); Pv iii.213<br />

(imper. parakk!ma, v. l. parakkama); Pug 19, 23; PvA 184 (=payoga' karoti); Sdhp 439. -- kkaroti [either<br />

for par!+k% or more likely paras+k%, cp. paro] lit. "to put on the opposite side," i. e. to remove, do away<br />

with J iv.26 (corresponding to apaneti, C. explns as "parato k!reti," taking parato in the sense of para 2 c 3),<br />

404 (m! par!kari=m! pariccaji C.). -- gatta alien body, trsl. "limbs that are not thou" Th 1, 1150. --<br />

gavaca*.a violent against the cows of another A ii.109=Pug 47 (opp. sakagavaca*.a, cp. PugA 226: yo<br />

attano goga*a' gha&&eti, paragoga*e pana so rato sukhas"lo hoti etc.). -- (n)kata made by something or<br />

somebody else, extra -- self, extraneous, alien S i.134 (nayida' attakata' bimba' nayida' parakata' agha');<br />

with ref. to loka & dukkha and opposed to sayankata D iii.137 sq.; S ii.19 sq., 33 sq., 38 sq.; Ud 69 sq. --<br />

(n)k!ra condition of otherness, other people, alienity Ud 70 (opp. ahankara selfhood). -- citta the mind or<br />

heart of others A v.160. -- jana a stranger, enemy, demon, fig. devil (cp. Sk. itarajana) M i.153, 210. --<br />

tthaddha [par!+tthaddha] propped against, founded on, relying on (with loc.) J vi.181 (= upatthadda C.). --<br />

tthabbha is to be read for ˚tthambha at J iv.313, in meaning =˚tthaddha (kismi'). -- dattûpaj"vin living on<br />

what is given by others, dependent on another's gift Sn 217; Miln 294. -- davutta see sep. under parada --<br />

d!ra the wife of another, somebody else's wife M i.87; A ii.71, 191; Sn 108, 242 (˚sevan!); Dh 246, 309<br />

(˚upasevin, cp. DhA iii.482); J vi.240; DhA iii.481 (˚kamma). -- d!rika (better to be read as p!ra˚) an<br />

adulterer S ii.188, 259; J iii.43. -- dhammika "of someone else's norm," one who follows the teaching of<br />

another, i. e. of an heretic teacher Sn 965 (Nd1 485: p˚ ! vuccanti satta sahadhammika &hapetv! ye keci<br />

Buddhe appasann!, dhamme appa nn!, sanghe appasann!). -- ni&&hita made ready by others S i.236. --<br />

nimmita "created by another," in ˚vasavattin having power under control of another, N. of a class of Devas<br />

(see deva) D i.216 sq.; A i.210; It 94; Pug 51; DA i.114, 121; KhA 128; VvA 79. -- neyya to be led by<br />

another, under another's rule Sn 907 Nd1 321 (=parapattiya parapaccaya). -- (n)tapa worrying or molesting<br />

another person (opp. attantapa) D iii.232; M i.341, 411; ii.159; Pug 56. -- paccaya resting, relying, or<br />

dependent on someone else Nd1 321; usually neg. a˚ independent of another Vin i.12, 181 and passim. --<br />

pattiya=prec. Nd1 321. -- p!*a other living beings Sn 220. -- puggala other people D iii.108. -- putta<br />

somebody else's son A iv.169; Sn 43. -- pessa serving others, being a servant Sn 615 (= paresa' veyy!vacca<br />

SnA 466). -- pessiy! a female servant or messenger, lit. to be sent by others J iii.413 (=parehi pesitabb!<br />

pesanak!rik! C.). -- ppav!da [cp. BSk. paraprav!din "false teacher" Divy 202] disputation with another,<br />

challenge, opposition in teaching (appld to Non -- Buddhistic systems) S v.261; A ii.238; Miln 170, 175. --<br />

bh!ga outer part, precinct part beyond PvA 24. -- bhuta [Sk. parabh%ta] the Indian cuckoo (lit. brought up<br />

by another) J v.416 (so read for par!bh(ta). -- bhojana food given by others Sn 366 (=parehi dinna'<br />

saddh!deyya' SnA 364). -- loka [cpd. either with para 1. or para 2. It is hardly justified to assume a<br />

metaphysical sense, or to take para as temporal in the sense of para' (cp. para'mara*! after death), i. e. the

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