The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pap"yana (nt.) [fr. p!, ger. pa -- p"ya] drinkable, to be drunk, drinking J i.109 (udaka' pap"yana -- bh!vena<br />

pap! ti).<br />

Pap"li&a<br />

Pap"li&a [pa+p")ita] worn out, rubbed through (of the sole of sandals) J ii.223.<br />

Paputta<br />

Paputta [pa+putta, cp. Sk. praputra (BR.: "doubtful") Inscr.] a grandson J vi.477.<br />

Papupphaka<br />

Papupphaka (adj.) [pa+pupphaka] "with flowers in front," flower -- tipped (of the arrows of M!ra) Dh 46<br />

(but expld at DhA i.337 as "p.˚ sankh!t!ni tebh(mak!ni va&&!ni," i. e. existence in the 3 stages of being).<br />

Pappa&aka<br />

Pappa&aka [etym. uncertain] 1. a broken bit, splinter, small stone (?) (Rh. D. in Dial. iii.83 "outgrowth") D<br />

iii.87 (bh(mi ˚' paribhuñjati); Vism 418 (#), Nett 227 (Com.) (˚oja' kh!d!pento). -- 2. a water plant: see<br />

pa**aka 2; cp, also papa&ik!2 & Sk. parpa&a N. of medicinal plant.<br />

Pappo&heti<br />

Pappo&heti [pa+po&heti; sometimes spelt pappho&eti] to strike, knock, beat, flap (of wings) Vin i.48; ii.208,<br />

217; M i.333 (papph˚); J ii.153 (pakkhe); iii.175 (papo&h˚= sañcu**eti C.); Miln 368 (papph˚); DA i.7;<br />

Vism 283 (pph).<br />

Pappoti<br />

Pappoti [the contracted form of p!pu*!ti, Sk. pr!pnoti] to obtain, get, gain, receive, attain D iii.159, 165; Sn<br />

185, 187, 584; Dh 27; DhA i.395. -- Pot. 1st pl. pappomu J v.57 (=p!pu*eyy!ma C.). -- ger. pappuyya S<br />

i.48; Sn 482 (or pot?), 593, 829 (=p!pu*itv! Nd1 170). -- For further ref. see p!pu*!ti.<br />

Papph!sa<br />

Papph!sa (nt.) [fr. sound -- root* phu, not corresponding directly to Sk. pupphusa (cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 34),<br />

to which it stands in a similar relation as *ghur (P.) to *ghar (Sk.) or phurati>pharati. From same root Gr.<br />

fusa/w to blow and Lat. pustula bubble, blister; see Walde under pustula] the lungs D ii.293; M i.185, 421;<br />

iii.90; Sn 195=J i.146; Kh iii. (cp. KhA 56); Miln 26.<br />

Pabandha<br />

Pabandha (adj.) (˚ -- ) [pa+bandha] continuous Vism 32.<br />

Pabala<br />

Pabala (adj.) [cp. Sk. prabala] very strong, mighty Sdhp 75.<br />


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