The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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(root) decl. is instr. sg. pad! (Th 1, 457; Sn 768), of cons. (s) decl. instr. padas! with the foot, on foot (D<br />

i.107; J iii.371; DhA i.391). -- Gender is nt., but nom. pl. is frequently found as pad!, e. g. at Dh 273; Nett<br />

192 (m(la˚)] 1. foot Dh 273=SnA 366 (? sacc!na' caturo pad!); DA i.85; usually -- ˚, like hatthipada'<br />

elephant's foot M i.176, 184; S i.86; v.43, 231; and with numerals dvi˚ & di˚, catup˚, a&&ha˚ (q. v.). In a&&ha˚<br />

also meaning "square of a chessboard." -- 2. step, footstep, track Dh 179 (of a Buddha, cp. DhA iii.194 &<br />

197) J i.170 (footmark) ii.154; in redupl. -- iterative formation pad!pada' step by step Sn 446 (v. l.<br />

padânupada'), and pade pada' Sn p. 107 (cp. SnA 451). -- 3. (Often synonymous with ˚patha i. e. way,<br />

kind, & sometimes untranslatable) (a) lit. way, path, position, place Vin ii.217 (nakkhatta˚ constellation); J<br />

i.315 (assama˚ =assama); v.75 (id.), 321 (id.); vi.76 (id.); vi.180 (v. l. patha; C. mah!magga);<br />

mantapada=manta D i.104 (cp. DA i.273). See also janapada, saggapada. -- (b) in appld meaning (modal):<br />

case, lot, principle, part, constituent, characteristic, ingredient, item, thing, element M i.176 (catt!ri pad!ni<br />

4 characteristics); S i.7 (pade pade "now in this thing, now in that" C. !ramma*e !ramma*e), 212 (amata'<br />

p.=nibb!na); ii.280 (id.); A ii.51 (id.), It 39 (p. asankhata'=nibb!na); Sn 88 (dhammapade sudesite; expld<br />

as nibb!nadhamma SnA 164; dhammapada=Dhamma), ibid. (anavajja -- pad!ni sevam!na=principles), 700<br />

(moneyya' uttama' pada', thing; but SnA 491 expls as uttama -- pa&ipada'), 765; Dh 21, 93, 114 (amata'),<br />

254, 368 (santa'= nibb!nass' eta' n!ma', santako&&h!sa' DhA iv.108); Pv iv.348 (amata'); Nett 2= 192<br />

(nava pad!ni kusal!ni); SnA 397 (n!m!di p.); Sdhp 47 (accuta' santa' p.), 615 (parama'). See further<br />

dhamma˚, nibb!na˚, santi˚, sikkh!˚. -- 4. a word, verse (or a quarter of a verse), stanza, line, sentence S ii.36<br />

(ekena padena sabbo attho vutto); S iv.379=A v.320 (agga˚); A ii.182 (+vyañjana & desan!); 189 (attha˚<br />

text, motto); iii.356 (id.); Sn 252 (=dhamma -- desan! SnA 293), 374; Dh 273; J i.72 (atireka -- pada --<br />

satena); Nett 4 (akkhara' pada' vyañjana', cp. n!m!d"hi padehi at SnA 397, which is to be understood as<br />

n!ma, pada & vyañjana, i. e. word, sentence & letter, cp. Mvyutp. 104, 74 -- 76); Miln 148 (!hacca˚); KhA<br />

169; SnA 409 (ubhaya˚), 444; VvA 3, 13; PvA 10, 26, 117 (word, term). abl. padaso (adv.) sentence by stce<br />

or word by word Vin iv.14 (dhamma' v!ceti=anupada' C.; cp. KhA 190 p. ˚dhamma). At MA i.2 pada<br />

(sentence or division of a sentence) is contrasted with akkhara (word), when it is said that the Majjhima<br />

Nik!ya consists of 80,523 padas and 740,053 akkharas. -- Neg. apada (1) without feet, footless A iv.434<br />

(M!ra; v. l. apara); It 87 (satt!,+ dvipada etc.). -- (2) trackless, leaving no footprint, fig. having no desires<br />

(i. e. signs of worldliness) Dh 179 (r!ga, etc., as pad!ni DhA iii.197, but cp. also p. 194.) -- attha meaning<br />

of a word KhA 81, 84; SnA 91. -- ânupada' (adv.) on the track DhA ii.38. -- ânupadika following one's<br />

footsteps J ii.78; DhA ii.94 (ther!na'); nt. adv. ˚' close behind DhA i.290. -- !nupubbat! (or ˚ta) succession<br />

of words Nd1 140 (in expln of "iti"; cp. SnA 28); Nd2 137 (id.; reading ˚ka). -- uddh!ra synopsis of a verse<br />

SnA 237 (atthuddh!ra+). -- kusala clever at following a trail J iii.501, 505. -- c!rik! a female (foot -- )<br />

servant J iv.35. -- cetiya "step -- shrine," a holy footprint, a miraculous footprint left on the ground by a<br />

holy man DhA iii.194. -- ccheda separation of words, parsing SnA 150. -- j!ta (nt.) pedal character S i.86. -<br />

- &&h!na [cp. Sk. padasth!na footprint] "proximate cause" (Cpd. 13, 23) Nett 1 sq., 27 sq., 40 sq., 104; Vism<br />

84. -- dvaya twofold part (of a phrase), i. e. antecedent and subsequent DhsA 164. -- parama one whose<br />

highest attainment is the word (of the text, and not the sense of it) A ii.135; J vi.131; Pug 41<br />

("vyañjanapadam eva parama' ass! ti" PugA 223. -- p!rip(r" (f.) expletive particle Nd2 137; SnA 28. --<br />

p(ra*a filling out a verse; as tt. g. expletive particle SnA 590 (a), 139 (kho), 137 (kho pana), 378 (tato), 536<br />

(pi), 230 (su), 416 (ha), 377 (hi); KhA 219 (tam), 188 (su); VvA 10 (maya). -- bh!jana dividing of words, i.<br />

e. treating each word (of a phrase) separately DhsA 234. -- bh!janiya division of a phrase DhsA 54. --<br />

bh!*a reciting or preaching (the words of the Scriptures) DhA ii.95; iii.345; iv.18. -- va**an! expln of a<br />

pada or single verse SnA 65, 237; KhA 125, 132, 228. -- valañja a footprint, track J vi.560; DhA ii.38;<br />

iii.194. -- viggaha separation of words, resolution of a compound into its components VvA 326. -- vibh!ga<br />

separation of words, parsing SnA 269; PvA 34. -- sa'sagga contact of words Nd1 139; Nd2 137; SnA 28. --<br />

sadda sound of footsteps Sn p. 80; J iv.409. -- sandhi euphonic combination of words Nd1 445; Nd2 137;<br />

KhA 155, 224; SnA 28, 40, 157 etc.; PvA 52. -- sil! a stone for stepping on, flag Vin ii.121=154.<br />

Padaka<br />

Padaka1 (adj.) [fr. pada4] one who knows the padas (words or lines), versed in the padap!&ha of the Veda<br />

(Ep. of<br />

-- 409 --

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