The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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˚ !su cheka). p˚ -- patta one who has attained mastership in analysis A i.24; iii.120; Ps ii.202. -- Often<br />

included in the attainment of Arahantship,<br />

-- 401 --<br />

in formula "saha pa&isambhid!hi arahatta' p!pun!ti," viz. Miln 18; DhA ii.58, 78, 93.<br />

Pa&isammajjati<br />

Pa&isammajjati [pa&i+sammajjati] to sweep over again Miln 15.<br />

Pa&isammodeti<br />

Pa&isammodeti [pa&i+sa'+Caus. of mud] to greet friendly in return J vi.224 (= sammodan"ya -- kath!ya<br />

pa&ikatheti C.).<br />

Pa&isara*a<br />

Pa&isara*a (nt.) [pa&i+sara*a1] refuge in ( -- ˚), shelter, help, protection M i.295 (mano as p. of the other 5<br />

senses); iii.9; S iv.221; v.218; A i.199 (Bhagava'˚); ii.148 (sa˚ able to be restored); iii.186 (kamma˚);<br />

iv.158, 351; v.355; J i.213; vi.398. -- appa&isara*a (adj.) without shelter, unprotected Vin ii.153 (so read for<br />

appa&iss˚). -- Note. In meaning "restoration" the derivation is prob. fr pa&i+s% to move (Sk. sara*a and not<br />

sara*a protection). Cp. pa&is!ra*iya.<br />

Pa&isarati<br />

Pa&isarati1 [pa&i+s%] to run back, stay back, lag behind Sn 8 sq. (opp. atisarati; aor. paccas!ri expld by<br />

ohiyyi SnA 21).<br />

Pa&isarati<br />

Pa&isarati2 [pa&i+sm%] to think back upon, to mention DA i.267.<br />

Pa&isall!na<br />

Pa&isall!na (& ˚!*a, e. g. S v.320) (nt.) [for *pa&isallayana, fr. pa&i+sa'+ l" , cp. pa&il"na & pa&il"yati, also<br />

BSk. pratisa'layana Divy 156, 194, 494] retirement for the purpose of meditation, solitude, privacy,<br />

seclusion D iii.252; M i.526; S i.77; iii.15; iv.80, 144; v.12, 398, 414; A ii.51, 176; iii.86 sq., 116 sq., 195;<br />

iv.15, 36, 88; v.166, 168; Sn 69 (cp. Nd2 s. v.); J ii.77 (pati˚); Vbh 244, 252; Miln 138, 412. -- !r!ma<br />

fond(ness) of solitude or seclusion (also ˚rata) A iii.261 sq.; It 39; Nd2 433. -- s!ruppa very suitable for<br />

seclusion Vism 90.<br />

Pa&isalliyati<br />

Pa&isalliyati (˚l"yati) [fr. pa&i+sa'+ l", cp. pa&il"yati] to be in seclusion (for the purpose of meditation) Vin<br />

iii.39 (inf. ˚salliyitu'); D ii.237; S v.12 (id.), 320, 325; Miln 139. -- pp. pa&isall"na (q. v.).<br />

Pa&isall"na<br />

Pa&isall"na [pp. of pa&isalliyati; cp. BSk. pratisa'l"na Divy 196, 291.] secluded, retired, gone into solitude,<br />

abstracted, plunged in meditation, separated Vin i.101 (rahogata+); D i.134, 151; S i.71, 146 sq.

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