The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pa&!*i at Vin iv.46 (pa&!*i dinn! hoti) is not clear, it is expld by Bdhgh as "mañcapidh!na' (for ˚p"&h!na')<br />

p!dasikh!su !*i dinno hoti." At DA i.77 we find the foll. . "vis(ka' pa&!ni (sic.) -- bh(ta' dassanan ti<br />

vis(kadassana', " and at DhsA 393: "pa&!ni -- gaha*a' gahetv! ekapaden' eva ta' nissadda' ak!si'."<br />

Pa&i<br />

Pa&i (indecl.) [Ved, prati, to Idg. *preti as in Lat. pretium (fr. *pretios)" price" (cp. precious), i. e. equiva-<br />

lent; Gr. pre/s (aeol.), proti/, pro/s against] directional prefix in well -- defined meaning of "back (to),<br />

against, towards, in opposition to, opposite." As preposition (with acc. and usually postponed) towards,<br />

near by, at; usually spelt pati (cp. sampati & sampa&ika) Sn 291 (?), 425 (Nerañjaram (pati); Th 1, 628<br />

(suriyass' uggamanam p.); 2, 258 (abhiyobbanam p.), 306 (Nerañjaram p.); J i.457 (pa&i suriya' thatv!<br />

standing facing the sun); iv.93; vi.491; Pv ii.941 (suriy' uggamanam p.); Miln 116 (d!nam p.); PvA 154<br />

(pa&i Ganga' against the G.). -- Most freq. combns are: pa&i+! (patiy!˚), patisa'˚; vi+pa&i˚, sampa&i˚. <strong>The</strong><br />

composition (assimilation -- ) form before vowels is pacc˚ (b. v.). -- Meanings. I. (lit.) "back," in the sense<br />

of: (1) against, in opposition (opp. anu, see below III.), contrary: viz. (a) often with the implication of a<br />

hostile attack (anti -- . against): ˚ka*&aka, ˚kosati (re -- ject), ˚k(la, ˚khipati (re -- fuse, op -- pose), ˚gha,<br />

˚codeti (re -- prove), thambhati, ˚dis!, ˚deseti, ˚pakkha, ˚patha, ˚pi'sati, ˚p")ita, ˚magga, ˚manteti, ˚yodha (at<br />

-- tack), ˚vacana (re -- ply), ˚vadati, ˚vedeti, ˚sattu (enemy), ˚su*!ti, ˚hata; -- (b) warding off, protecting<br />

against (counter -- , anti -- ): ˚kara (antidote), ˚sedhati (ward -- off). -- (c) putting against, setting off in a<br />

comparison (counter -- , rival): ˚puggala (one's equal), ˚purisa (rival), ˚bala (adequate), ˚bimba<br />

(counterpart), ˚bh!ga (id.); ˚malla (rival wrestler), ˚sama, ˚s!sana, ˚s(ra, ˚se&&ha; -- (d) close contact<br />

(against, be -- ): ˚kujjita (covered), ˚g!dha, ˚channa ("be -- deckt") ˚vijjhana. -- (2) in return, in exchange<br />

(in revenge) ˚akkosati, ˚!neti, ˚katheti, ˚karoti, ˚k(&a1, ˚kkamati, ˚kham!peti, ˚g!ti (sing in response), ˚g"ta,<br />

˚da*.a (retribution), ˚dad!ti, ˚d!na, ˚niv!sana, ˚pa**a (in reply), ˚pasa'sati, ˚pi*.a, ˚pucchati (ask in<br />

return), ˚m!reti (kill in revenge), ˚bha*.a (goods in exchange), ˚bha*.ati (abuse in return) ˚rodana, ˚roseti,<br />

˚vera (revenge), ˚sammodeti, ˚s!theyya. -- (3) (temporal) again, a second time (re -- ): ˚dasseti (re --<br />

appear), ˚nijjhatta, ˚nivattati, ˚pavesati, ˚p!katika (re -- stored), ˚bujjhati, ˚vinicchinati, ˚sañj"vita (re --<br />

suscitated), ˚sandhi (re -- incarnation), ˚sammajjati. -- (4) away from, back to (esp. in compn pa&ivi˚):<br />

˚ku&ati (shrink back), ˚gh!ta (repulsion), ˚dh!vati, ˚neti, ˚pa*!meti (send away), ˚bandhati (hold back),<br />

˚b!hati (id.), ˚vijacchati, ˚vineti, ˚vinodeti (drive out), ˚virata, ˚sa'harati, ˚sall"na, ˚sutta, ˚sumbhita. -- II.<br />

(applied, in reflexive sense): (1) to, on to, up to, towards, at -- : ˚oloketi (look at), ˚gijjha (hankering after)<br />

˚ggaha, ˚j!n!ti ˚p(jeti, ˚peseti (send out to), ˚baddha (bound to), ˚bhaya, ˚yatta, ˚r(pa, ˚laddha, ˚labhati (at --<br />

tain), ˚l!bha ˚lobheti, ˚s!meti, ˚sevati (go after), ˚ssata. (2) together (con -- , com -- ), esp. combd with<br />

˚sa'˚; ˚sa'yujati; ˚passaddha, ˚ma*.ita, ˚sankharoti, ˚santh!ra. -- (3) asunder, apart ("up"): ˚kopeti (shake<br />

up), ˚vi'sa (part), ˚vibhatta (divided up). (4) secondary, complementary, by -- , sham (developed out of<br />

meaning I. 1 c.): ˚n!sik! (a false nose), ˚s"saka (sham top knot); esp. freq. in redupl. (iterative) cpds., like<br />

anga -- paccanga (limb & by -- limb, i. e. all kinds of limbs), vata -- pa&ivatta (duties & secondary duties,<br />

all duties). In the latter application pa&i resembles the use of !, which is more frequent (see !5). -- III. <strong>The</strong><br />

opposite of pati in directional meaning is anu, with which it is freq. combd either (a) in neg. contrast or (b)<br />

in positive emphasis, e. g. (a) anuv!ta' pa&iv!ta' with and against the wind; anuloma+pa&iloma with and<br />

against the grain; ˚sota' w. & against the stream; (b) anumasati pa&imasati to touch cloesly (lit. up &<br />

down). -- Note. <strong>The</strong> spelling pati for pa&i occurs frequently without discrimination; it is established in the<br />

combn with sth! (as pati&&h!ti, pati&&hita etc.). All cases are enumd under the respective form of pa&i˚, with<br />

the exception of pati&&h˚<br />

Pa&i!neti<br />

Pa&i -- !neti [pa&i+!+n"] to lead or bring back, in dup- pa&i -- !naya difficult to bring back J iv.43.<br />

Pa&iorohati<br />

Pa&i -- orohati [pa&i+ava+ruh] to descend from DA i.251 (˚itv!).<br />

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