The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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equals an expression like our "thousands," cp. the use of Lat. mille and 600, also similarly many other high<br />

numerals in P!li literature, as mentioned under respective units (4, 6, 8 e. g. in 14, 16, 18, etc.).<br />

Psychologically 500 is to be expld as "a great hand," i. e. the 5 fingers magnified to the 2nd decade, and is<br />

equivalent to an expression like "a lot" (originally "only one," cp. casting the lot, then the one as a mass or<br />

collection), or like heaps, tons, a great many, etc. -- Thus 50 (and 500) as the numbers of "comm -- union"<br />

are especially freq. in recording a company of men, a host of servants, animals in a herd, etc., wherever the<br />

single constituents form a larger (mostly impressive, important) whole, as an army, the king's retinue, etc. -<br />

- A. No. 50 (paññ!sa; the by -- form pa**!sa only at DhA iii.207), in foll. applns: (a) of time: does not<br />

occur, but see below under 55. -- (b) of space (cp. 50 cubits the breadth of Noah's ark Gen. 6. 15; the height<br />

of the gallows (Esther 5. 14; 7. 9) J i.359 (yojan!ni); DhA iii.207 (˚hattho ubbedhena rukkho); Vism 417<br />

(paripu**a ˚yojana suriyama*.ala); DhA i.17 (˚yojana). -- (c) of a company or group (cp. 50 horses RV<br />

ii.185; v.185; wives viii.1936; men at the oars Hom. Il. 2. 719; 16. 170, servants Hom. Od. 7, 103, 22, 421)<br />

J iii.220 (cor!); v.161 (pallank!), 421 (dijakaññ!yo); Sn p. 87; SnA 57 (bhikkh(). -- Note. 55<br />

(pañcapaññ!sa) is used instead of 50 in time expressions (years), e. g. at DhA i.125; ii.57; PvA 99, 142;<br />

also in groups: DhA i.99 (jan!). -- B. No. 500 (pañcasata˚, pañcasat!, pañcasat!ni). -- (a) of time: years (as<br />

Peta or Pet") Vv 8434; Pv ii.15; PvA 152 (with additional 50). (b) of space: miles high Pv iv.328; J i.204<br />

(˚yojana -- satik!); Vism 72 (˚dhanu -- satika, 500 bows in distance). -- (C) of groups of men, servants, or a<br />

herd, etc. (cp. 500 horses RV x.9314; witnesses of the rising of Christ 1 Cor. 15 -- 6; men armed Vergil<br />

Aen. 10. 204; men as representatives Hom. Od. 3. 7; 500 knights or warriors very frequently in<br />

Nibelungenlied, where it is only meant to denote a "goodly company, 500 or more") Arahants KhA 98;<br />

Bhikkhus very frequent, e. g. D i.1; Vin ii.199; J i.116, 227; DhA ii.109, 153; iii.262, 295; iv.184, 186;<br />

S!vakas J i.95; Up!sakas J ii.95; PvA 151; Paccekabuddhas DhA iv.201; PvA 76; Vigh!sâd! J ii.95; DhA<br />

ii.154; Sons PvA 75; Thieves DhA ii.204; PvA 54; Relatives PvA 179; Women -- servants (pariv!rik!<br />

itthiyo) Pv ii.126; VvA 69, 78, 187; PvA 152; Oxen A iv.41; Monkeys J iii.355; Horses Vin iii.6. -- Money<br />

etc. as present, reward or fine representing a "round -- sum" (cp. Nibelungen 314: horses with gold, 317:<br />

mark; dollars as reward Grimm No. 7; drachms as pay Hor. Sat. ii.743) kah!pa*as Sn 980, 982; PvA 273;<br />

blows with stick as fine Vin i.247. -- Various: a caravan usually consists of 500 loaded wagons, e. g. J<br />

i.101; DhA ii.79; PvA 100, 112; chariots VvA 78; ploughs Sn p. 13. Cp. S i.148 (vyaggh" -- nis!); Vin<br />

ii.285 ((na -- pañcasat!ni); J ii.93 (acchar!); v.75 (v!*ij!); DhA i.89 (suva**asivik!), 352 (r!ja -- sat!ni);<br />

iv.182 (j!ti˚) KhA 176 (paritta -- d"p!). Also BSk. pañ'opasth!yik! -- $at!ni Divy 529; pañca -- m!tr!*i str"<br />

-- $at!ni Divy 533. -- Note. When Gotama said that his "religion" would last 500 years he meant that it<br />

would last a very long time, practically for ever. <strong>The</strong> later change of 500 to 5,000 is immaterial to the<br />

meaning of the expression, it only indicates a later period (cp. 5,000 in Nibelungeniled for 500, also 5,000<br />

men in ambush Joshua 8. 12; converted by Peter Acts 4. 4; fed by Christ with 5 loaves Matthew 14. 21).<br />

Still more impressive than 500 is the expression 5 Ko&is (5 times 100,000 or 10 million), which belongs to a<br />

comparatively later period, e. g. at DhA i.62 (ariya -- s!vaka -- ko&iyo), 256 (˚matt! -- ariyas!vak!); iv.190<br />

(p. koti -- matt! ariya -- s!vak!). 3. Typical sets of 5 in the <strong>Pali</strong> Canon. ˚agga' first fruits of 5 (kinds), viz.<br />

khett˚, r!s˚, ko&&h˚, kumbhi˚, bhojan˚ i. e. of the standing crop, the threshing floor, the granary, the pottery,<br />

the larder SnA 270. ˚ang! 5 gentlemanly qualities (of king or brahmin): suj!ta, ajjh!yaka, abhir(pa, s"lav!,<br />

pa*.ita (see anga; on another combn with anga see below). <strong>The</strong> phrase pañc' angasamann!gata &<br />

˚vippah"na (S i.99; A v.16) refers to the 5 n"vara*!ni: see expld at Vism 146. ˚angikaturiya 5 kinds of<br />

music: !tata, vitata, !tata -- vitata, ghana, susira. ˚abhiññ! 5 psychic powers (see Cpd. 209). ˚!nantarika --<br />

kamm!ni 5 acts that have immediate retribution (Miln 25), either 5 of the 6 abhi&h!nas (q. v.) or (usually)<br />

murder, theft, impurity, lying, intemperance (the 5 s"las) cp. Dhs trsl. 267. ˚indriy!ni 5 faculties, viz.<br />

saddh!, viriya, sati, sam!dhi, paññ! (see indriya B. 15 -- 19). ˚vidha' (r!ja -- ) kakudhabha*.a', insignia<br />

regis viz. v!)av"jan", u*h"sa, khagga, chatta, p!duk!. ˚kaly!*!ni, beauty -- marks: kesa˚, ma'sa˚, a&&hi˚,<br />

chavi˚, vaya˚. ˚k!magu*! pleasures of the 5 senses (=taggocar!ni pañc' !yatan!ni gahit!ni honti SnA 211).<br />

˚goras! 5 products of the cow: kh"ra, dadhi, takka, navan"ta, sappi. ˚cakkh(ni, sorts of vision (of a Buddha):<br />

ma'sa˚ dibba˚ paññ!˚ buddha˚ samanta˚. ˚ta*h! cravings, specified in 4 sets of 5 each: see Nd2 271v.<br />

˚nik!y! 5 collections (of Suttantas) in the Buddh. Canon, viz. D"gha˚ Majjhima˚ Sa'yutta˚, Anguttara˚<br />

Khuddaka˚, e. g. Vin ii.287. ˚n"vara*!ni or obstacles: k!macchanda, abhijjh! -- vy!p!da, th"namiddha,<br />

uddhacca -- kukkucca, vicikicch!. ˚pati&&hita' 5 fold prostration or veneration, viz. with forehead, waist,<br />

elbows, knees, feet (Childers) in phrase ˚ena vandati (sometimes ˚' vandati, e. g. SnA 78, 267) J v.502;<br />

SnA 267, 271, 293, 328, 436; VvA 6; DhA i.197; iv.178, etc. ˚bandhana either 5 ways of binding or<br />

pinioning or 5 fold bondage J iv.3 (as "ure pañcangika -- bandhana'" cp. ka*&he pañcamehi bandhanehi<br />

bandhitv! S iv.201); Nda 304iii.b2 (r!j! bandh!peti andhu -- bandhanena v! rajju˚, sankhalika˚, lat!˚,

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