The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pajjunna [Ved. parjanya, for etym. see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under quercus & spargo] rain -- cloud J i.332 (p.<br />

vuccati megho); iv.253. Otherwise only as Np. of the Rain God D ii.260; S i.29; J i.331.<br />

Pajjota<br />

Pajjota [cp. Ved. pradyota, pra+dyut] light, lustre, splendour, a lamp S i.15, 47; A ii.140; Sn 349; Pug 25;<br />

Sdhp 590. -- telapajjota an oil lamp Vin i.16=D i.85= A i.56 #; Sn p. 15. -- dhammapajjota the lamp of the<br />

Dhamma Miln 21. paññ! -- pajjota the torch of knowledge Dhs 16, 20, 292, 555; VbhA 115. pajjotassa<br />

nibb!na' the extinguishing of the lamp D ii.157; S i.159; A iv.3.<br />

Pajjh!yati<br />

Pajjh!yati [pa+jh!yati2] to be in flames, to waste, decay, dry up; fig. to be consumed or overcome with<br />

grief, disappointment or remorse Vin iii.19; iv.5; A ii.214, 216; iii.57; J iii.534 (pajjh!ti metri causa;<br />

C=anusocati)=Miln 5. -- ppr. pajjh!yanto downcast, in formula tu*h"bh(to mankubh(to pattakkhandho<br />

adhomukho p. M i.132, 258 and passim.<br />

Pañca<br />

Pañca (adj. -- num.) [Ved. pañca, Idg. *penq9e; cp. Gr. pe/nte, Lat. qu"nque, Goth. fimf, Lith. penki, Oir.<br />

coic] number 5. -- Cases: gen. dat. pañcanna', instr. abl. pañcahi, loc. pañcasu; often used in compositional<br />

form pañca˚ (cp. Ved. pañc!ra with 5 spokes i.16413; Gr. pempw/bolos, Lat. quinqu -- ennis etc.). -- 1.<br />

Characteristics of No. 5 in its use, with ref, to lit. & fig. application. "Five" is the number of<br />

"comprehensive and yet simple" unity or a set; it is applied in all cases of a natural and handy<br />

comprehension of several items into a group, after the 5 fingers of the hand, which latter lies at the bottom<br />

of all primitive expressions of No. 5 (see also below pañc' angulika. <strong>The</strong> word for 5 itself in its original<br />

form is identical with the word for hand *pr8q, cp. Lat. com˚, decem, centum etc.) - A. No. 5, appld (a)<br />

with ref. to time: catupañc!ha' 4 or 5 days J ii.114 (cp. quinque diebus Horace Sat i.316); mara*a' tuyha'<br />

ora' m!sehi pañcahi after 5 months Vv 6310, p. m!se vasitv! DA i.319 (cp. qu. menses Hor. Sat. ii.3289). -<br />

- (b) of space: ˚yojana&&h!na J iii.504; ˚yojan -- ubbedho gajavaro VvA 33; ˚bh(mako p!s!do J i.58 (cp. the<br />

house of Death as 5 stories high in Grimm, M!rchen No. 42 ed. Reclam). -- (c) of a group, set, company,<br />

etc. (cp. 5 peoples RV iii.379; vi.114; viii.92 etc.; gods x.553; priests ii.3414; iii.77; leaders of the Greek<br />

ships Hom. Iliad 16, 171; ambassadors Genesis 472; quinque viri Hor. Sat. ii.555; Epist. ii.124): p. jan! J<br />

v.230; p. amacc! J v.231; p. hatthino DhA i.164; pañca n!riyo agami'su Vv 322; p. putt!ni kh!d!mi Pv<br />

i.63. -- Note. No. 5 in this appln is not so frequent in P!li as in older literature (Vedas e. g.); instead of the<br />

simple 5 we find more freq. the higher decimals 50 and 500. See also below §§ 3, 4. B. No. 15 in two<br />

forms: pañcadasa (f. ˚" the 15th day of the month Vv 156=A i.144; Sn 402) VvA 67 (˚kah!pa*a -- sahass!ni<br />

d!pesi), and pa**arasa (also as f. " of the 15th or full -- moon day Pv iii.31; DhA i.198; iii.92; iv.202; VvA<br />

314; SnA 78) Sn 153 (pannaraso uposatho); Vv 642 (pa**arase va cando; expld as pa**arasiya' VvA 276);<br />

DhA i.388 (of age, 15 or 16 years); DA i.17 (˚bhedo Khuddaka -- nik!yo); SnA 357 (pannarasahi bhikkhu -<br />

- satehi=1500, instead of the usual 500); PvA 154 (˚yojana). <strong>The</strong> appln is much the same as 5 and 50 (see<br />

below), although more rare, e. g. as measure of space: ˚yojana DhA i.17 (next in sequence to pa**!sa --<br />

yojana); J i.315; PvA 154 (cp. 15 furlongs from Jerusalem to Bethany John 11, 18; 15 cubits above the<br />

mountains rose the flood Gen. 7. 20). C. No. 25 in two forms: pañcav"sati (the usual) e. g.<br />

-- 388 --<br />

DhsA 185 sq.; Miln 289 (citta -- dubbal" -- kara*! dhamm!); pa**a -- v"sati, e. g. J iv.352 (n!riyo); Th 2,<br />

67, and pa**uv"sa' (only at J iii.138). Similarly to 15 and 25 the number 45 (pañca -- catt!)"sa) is favoured<br />

in giving distances with ˚yojana, e. g. at J i.147, 348; DhA i.367. -- Application: of 25: (1) time: years J<br />

iii.138; DhA i.4; (2) space: miles high and wide DhA ii.64 (ahipeto); VvA 236 (yojan!ni pharitv! pabh!).<br />

2. Remarks on the use of 50 and 500 (5000). Both 50 and 500 are found in stereotyped and always<br />

recurring combinations (not in Buddhist literature alone, but all over the Ancient World), and applied to<br />

any situation indiscriminately. <strong>The</strong>y have thus lost their original numerical significance and their value

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