The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Pac!laka (adj.) [fr. pac!leti] swinging, shaking; nt. acc. as adv. in k!ya -- (& b!hu˚) ppac!laka' after the<br />

manner or in the style of swaying the body (or swinging the arms) Vin ii.213.<br />

Pac!leti<br />

Pac!leti [pa+Caus. of cal] to swing, sway, move about Th 1, 200 (m! pac!lesi "sway and nod" Trsln).<br />

Pacinati<br />

Pacinati [or ˚cin!ti) [pa+cin!ti, cp, !cin!ti] 1. to pick, pluck, gather, take up, collect, accumulate S iii.89;<br />

iv.74 (dukkha'=!cin!ti p. 73); Dh 47, 48 (pupph!ni= ocinati DhA i.366); J iii.22; fut. pacinissati DhA<br />

i.361. -- 2. to pick out (mentally), to discern, distinguish, realise, know Sn 837 (ppr. pacina'=pacinanto<br />

vicinanto tulayanto t"rayanto Nd1 185;=pavicinati SnA 545); fut. pacessati Dh 44, 45 (sic F.; MSS.<br />

vijessati, & vicessati the latter perhaps preferable to pac˚; expld at DhA i.334 by vicinissati<br />

upaparikkhissati pa&ivijjhissati sacchikarissati). -- Pass. pac"yati to be heaped up, to increase, accumulate S<br />

iv.74 (opp. kh"yati).<br />

Pacu&a<br />

Pacu&a is doubtful reading at DA i.164 (with vv. ll. pamu&a, pamuca, papu&a) for D i.54, T. pa&uva (vv. ll.<br />

pamu&a, samudda) and is expld by ga*&hika, i. e. block or knot. <strong>The</strong> whole passage is corrupt; see discussed<br />

under pavu&!.<br />

Pacura<br />

Pacura (adj.) [cp. late Sk. pracura] general, various, any; abundant, many J v.40 (=bahu salabha C.); Miln<br />

408 (˚jana) D!vs iv.11, 50; VvA 213 (˚jano for y!disak"diso Vv 5011). See also pasura.<br />

Pacessati<br />

Pacessati see pacinati.<br />

Pacca˚<br />

Pacca˚ is contracted form of pa&i before a˚, like pac- cakampittha pret. fr. pa&ikampati.<br />

Paccakkosati<br />

Paccakkosati [pa&i+!+kru$] to curse in return S i.162; A ii.215.<br />

Paccakkosana<br />

Paccakkosana (nt.) [fr. pa&i+!+kru$] cursing in return DhA iv.148 (a˚).<br />

Paccakkha<br />

Paccakkha (adj.) [pa&i+akkha3, cp. Ved. pratyak+a] "before the eye," perceptible to the senses, evident,<br />

clear, present DhsA 254; PvA 125; Sdhp 416. Often in obl. cases, viz. instr. ˚ena personally J i.377; abl.<br />

˚ato from personal experience J v.45, 195, 281; appaccakkh!ya without seeing or direct perception, in expln<br />

of paccaya at Vism 532; also in phrase paccakkhato ñatv! having seen or found out for himself, knowing<br />

personally J i.262; iii.168. -- kamma making clear, i. e. demonstration, realisation, only neg. a˚ not realising<br />

etc. S iii.262; Dhs 390 (trsl. "inability to demonstrate"; cp. DhsA 254).

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