The True Vine

The True Vine by Andrew Murray No branch can bear fruit by itself it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. Andrew Murray uses this analogy to remind us of our need for our creator, for we are the branches and God is the vine and we cannot grow with out with Him. This book can help you strengthen your relationship with God and jump-start your spiritual growth.

The True Vine by Andrew Murray No branch can bear fruit by itself it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. Andrew Murray uses this analogy to remind us of our need for our creator, for we are the branches and God is the vine and we cannot grow with out with Him. This book can help you strengthen your relationship with God and jump-start your spiritual growth.


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>True</strong> <strong>Vine</strong><br />

admired the great vine at Hamptoi<br />

Court, with its beautiful fruit. Come<br />

and gaze on the Heavenly <strong>Vine</strong> till youj<br />

eye turns from all else to admire Him<br />

How many, in a sunny clime, sit anc<br />

rest under the shadow of their vinel<br />

Come and be still under the shadow o:<br />

the <strong>True</strong> <strong>Vine</strong>, and rest under it frorr<br />

the heat of the day. What counties^<br />

numbers rejoice in the fruit of the<br />

vine. Come, and take, and eat of the<br />

heavenly fruit of the <strong>True</strong> <strong>Vine</strong>, anc<br />

let your soul say : I sat under His<br />

shadow with great delight, and Hi^<br />

fruit was sweet to my taste.<br />

I AM THE <strong>True</strong> <strong>Vine</strong>. This is a<br />

heavenly mystery. <strong>The</strong> earthly vine<br />

can teach you much about this <strong>Vine</strong> oi<br />

Heaven.<br />

Many interesting and beautiful<br />

points of comparison suggest themselves,<br />

and help us to get conceptions<br />

of what Christ meant. But sucli<br />

thoughts do not teach us to know<br />

what the Heavenly <strong>Vine</strong> really is, ic<br />


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