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14 | December 2, 2020 | MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS MALIBUmalibusurfsidenews.comFAITH BRIEFSMalibu Pacific Church (3324 Malibu Canyon Road,310-456-1611)Livestream service10:15 a.m. Sunday. Live worshipbroadcast. Tune in at prayerTo share a prayer request, submit toWendi. To pray with a deacon, contactAnnie McRae or (310) 310-4889.Virtual ministry gatheringsIndividual ministries will meetthrough their devices through variousdigital platforms like Zoom andYouTube. Each ministry leader willcontact members on how to connect.Our Lady of Malibu Church (3625 Winter Canyon Road,310-456-2361)Livestream Mass8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday; 12:10p.m. Monday through Saturday (followedby The Rosary). Email frmatt@olmalibu.orgfor the links andpasswords to join.Waveside Church (6955 Fernhill Drive, 310-774-1927)Sundays Live from the Barn10:10 a.m. Sunday at Jewish Center and Synagogue (24855 PCH,310-456-2178)Livestream Friday Night Services6 p.m. Friday.Shabbat Morning Service9-10 a.m. Saturday.Livestream Torah Study10:15 a.m. Saturday, with RabbiMichael Schwartz.For more information, go to United Methodist Church (30128 Morning ViewDrive, 310-457-7505)Livestream service10:30 a.m. Sunday. Worship viaZoom. To register to join, go to Aidan’s Episcopal Church (28211 Pacific CoastHighway, 310-457-7966)Livestream service10 a.m. Sunday. To join worship,go to lot boosts MHS athleticsSCOTT STEEPLETON, EditorHow many times haveyou stood shoulder toshoulder with anothershopper at a Christmastree lot waiting to seewho makes the first moveon the perfect conifer?The pandemic haschanged the rules, meaningyou’ll have to “HangSix” this year.If you want to pick agreat tree while supportinga good cause, considerbuying yours — andall sorts of other holidayitems — from thenonprofit Malibu HighSchool Athletic BoosterClub, whose lot is locatedoff Civic Center Way(the chili cook off lot).The sale started onNov. 27.The lot, run each yearby volunteers, typicallyraises up to $40,000 forstudent athletics.“This all supportsathletes at Malibu HighSchool,” Lena Jemelian,co-chair of the lotwith Doug Carroll andmother of MHS tennisand soccer player,Inside the trailer, Logan Moore, left, and Maverick Baglietto, both MHS class of2017, prepare Christmas trees for unloading. SUZY DEMETER/SURFSIDE NEWSSeat to open on school boardMICHELE WILLER-ALLREDStaff ReporterCould Malibu see additionalrepresentation on theSanta Monica-Malibu UnifiedSchool District Board of Education?That would depend on whoapplies and who is selected fora vacant board seat this month.Applications are to be postedonline in early December forGabby Jemelian, toldSurfside News. “This isall about them.”But times are tough in2020, and this is the onlyboosters fundraiser allyear.In addition, money thatwould typically comefrom the nonprofit Sharkthe seat being vacated by OscarDe la Torre, who won hisbid to serve on the Santa MonicaCity Council.The Los Angeles CountyRegistrar Recorder certifiedthe election results on Nov. 30.De la Torre joining the councilwill lead to a vacancy onthe seven-member Board ofEducation with two years leftin his term.When a vacancy happens,Fund, which benefitsMalibu High School andMalibu Middle School,has been cut.“We’re trying our bestto raise all of it here(at the lot) so we don’thave to take any fromthe Shark Fund, becausethey haven’t collectedmuch this year,” said Jemelian.The pandemic mightactually help sales, sheadded.“People are stayinghome, so we’re hopingto sell more trees and dobetter.”Besides trees, the lotCalifornia Education Code allowsfor the board to appointsomeone to fill the vacancy.An appointment must occur60 days after a board memberresigns.Superintendent Ben Dratisaid De la Torre would needto submit his resignation letterbefore Dec. 8 when he is swornin as a new council member.Drati said a new board memberwould be appointed at thealso sells ornaments thatcan be personalized,along with spirit wear,some with a nod to thehigh school, others witha general Malibu flare.These items are insidea portable unit and safetyprecautions will be in effect.“Only one person canlook at it at a time,” saidJemelian.The trees run 2 to 13feet feet tall, and cost approximately$49-$295,and each comes with ametal stand and largewater dish. (Jemeliansaid she was working ongetting even taller trees.)Wreaths run $39-$80.“I understand there areless expensive trees thatyou can buy somewhereelse — and that they gettheir trees for less thanwe do,” said Jemelian.“But we’re hoping thatthe community supportsthe tree lot.”“Just support MalibuHigh School, guys.That’s all I ask for.”Jan. 14 board meeting.After De la Torre submitshis resignation letter, the boardwill form a subcommittee todevelop an application formfor members of the communityto fill out.Drati said that the goal isto have the application postedonline on the district websitearound Dec. 2, and applicationswill be accepted for severalweeks before winter break.

' MALIBUMALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS | December 2, 2020 | 15School Report: Students lift their voices inelection, even if they couldn’t voteESTELLE SHAHContributing ColumnistNovember was prettycrazy.I cannot describe howterrific it was to see so manystudents participating in the2020 election and voicingtheir opinions. It just goesto show that we notice andobserve the issues going onaround us. We know whatwill make our futures better– and even though wecan’t vote, we can influencethose who can.So, if your parents didn’tvote the way you wanted,remember for next time,you can be pretty persuasiveif you want to be.POSTED TO malibusurfsidenews.com11DAYS AGONow, for the school reports.Many Malibu Highclubs are doing what theycan to function normally. Forexample, Operation Smile.If you have any old clothesyou would like to donate, letme know. Operation Smilewould love your help.MHS switched schedulesrecently — we only havetwo days of full virtual classesto allow for asynchronouslearning periods. I bet youdidn’t know what an asynchronouslearning periodwas until it happened to you.As I mentioned last column,if you have an opinionon how we’re learning, onreturning to school or stayingonline, reach out to me.The school board wouldlove to hear what students— and parents — think.Estelle Shah is a sophomoreat Malibu High Schooland serves as the school’sstudent representative for theSanta Monica-Malibu UnifiedSchool District Board ofEducation. You can reach herat Holidays to all ourFurry Friends and Families!Malibu’s Favorite Veterinarianand Pet Boarding!23431 Pacific Coast HwyMalibu, CA 90265310.317.4560www.malibuvets.comב״הSCAN & LEARNChanukahwww.JewishMalibu.comJOIN US LIVE @ 4:45PM FOR DAILYCOMMUNITY MENORAH LIGHTINGSTHURSDAY, DEC 10 POINT DUME VILLAGESUNDAY, DEC 13 THE PARK AT CROSS CREEKTHURSDAY, DEC 17 MALIBU LUMBERYARDHappyChanukah

14 | December 2, 2020 | MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS MALIBU


Malibu Pacific Church (3324 Malibu Canyon Road,


Livestream service

10:15 a.m. Sunday. Live worship

broadcast. Tune in at malibupacific.


Virtual prayer

To share a prayer request, submit to

Wendi. To pray with a deacon, contact

Annie McRae or (310) 310-4889.

Virtual ministry gatherings

Individual ministries will meet

through their devices through various

digital platforms like Zoom and

YouTube. Each ministry leader will

contact members on how to connect.

Our Lady of Malibu Church (3625 Winter Canyon Road,


Livestream Mass

8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday; 12:10

p.m. Monday through Saturday (followed

by The Rosary). Email

for the links and

passwords to join.

Waveside Church (6955 Fernhill Drive, 310-774-1927)

Sundays Live from the Barn

10:10 a.m. Sunday at

Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue (24855 PCH,


Livestream Friday Night Services

6 p.m. Friday.

Shabbat Morning Service

9-10 a.m. Saturday.

Livestream Torah Study

10:15 a.m. Saturday, with Rabbi

Michael Schwartz.

For more information, go to

Malibu United Methodist Church (30128 Morning View

Drive, 310-457-7505)

Livestream service

10:30 a.m. Sunday. Worship via

Zoom. To register to join, go to

St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church (28211 Pacific Coast

Highway, 310-457-7966)

Livestream service

10 a.m. Sunday. To join worship,

go to


Tree lot boosts MHS athletics


How many times have

you stood shoulder to

shoulder with another

shopper at a Christmas

tree lot waiting to see

who makes the first move

on the perfect conifer?

The pandemic has

changed the rules, meaning

you’ll have to “Hang

Six” this year.

If you want to pick a

great tree while supporting

a good cause, consider

buying yours — and

all sorts of other holiday

items — from the

nonprofit Malibu High

School Athletic Booster

Club, whose lot is located

off Civic Center Way

(the chili cook off lot).

The sale started on

Nov. 27.

The lot, run each year

by volunteers, typically

raises up to $40,000 for

student athletics.

“This all supports

athletes at Malibu High

School,” Lena Jemelian,

co-chair of the lot

with Doug Carroll and

mother of MHS tennis

and soccer player,

Inside the trailer, Logan Moore, left, and Maverick Baglietto, both MHS class of

2017, prepare Christmas trees for unloading. SUZY DEMETER/SURFSIDE NEWS

Seat to open on school board


Staff Reporter

Could Malibu see additional

representation on the

Santa Monica-Malibu Unified

School District Board of Education?

That would depend on who

applies and who is selected for

a vacant board seat this month.

Applications are to be posted

online in early December for

Gabby Jemelian, told

Surfside News. “This is

all about them.”

But times are tough in

2020, and this is the only

boosters fundraiser all


In addition, money that

would typically come

from the nonprofit Shark

the seat being vacated by Oscar

De la Torre, who won his

bid to serve on the Santa Monica

City Council.

The Los Angeles County

Registrar Recorder certified

the election results on Nov. 30.

De la Torre joining the council

will lead to a vacancy on

the seven-member Board of

Education with two years left

in his term.

When a vacancy happens,

Fund, which benefits

Malibu High School and

Malibu Middle School,

has been cut.

“We’re trying our best

to raise all of it here

(at the lot) so we don’t

have to take any from

the Shark Fund, because

they haven’t collected

much this year,” said Jemelian.

The pandemic might

actually help sales, she


“People are staying

home, so we’re hoping

to sell more trees and do


Besides trees, the lot

California Education Code allows

for the board to appoint

someone to fill the vacancy.

An appointment must occur

60 days after a board member


Superintendent Ben Drati

said De la Torre would need

to submit his resignation letter

before Dec. 8 when he is sworn

in as a new council member.

Drati said a new board member

would be appointed at the

also sells ornaments that

can be personalized,

along with spirit wear,

some with a nod to the

high school, others with

a general Malibu flare.

These items are inside

a portable unit and safety

precautions will be in effect.

“Only one person can

look at it at a time,” said


The trees run 2 to 13

feet feet tall, and cost approximately


and each comes with a

metal stand and large

water dish. (Jemelian

said she was working on

getting even taller trees.)

Wreaths run $39-$80.

“I understand there are

less expensive trees that

you can buy somewhere

else — and that they get

their trees for less than

we do,” said Jemelian.

“But we’re hoping that

the community supports

the tree lot.”

“Just support Malibu

High School, guys.

That’s all I ask for.”

Jan. 14 board meeting.

After De la Torre submits

his resignation letter, the board

will form a subcommittee to

develop an application form

for members of the community

to fill out.

Drati said that the goal is

to have the application posted

online on the district website

around Dec. 2, and applications

will be accepted for several

weeks before winter break.

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