TELL magazine: December 2020 - Emanuel Synagogue

The magazine of Emanuel Synagogue, Woollahra, Australia

The magazine of Emanuel Synagogue, Woollahra, Australia


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Rabbi Jeffrey B. Kamins OAM

As we begin 5781 and close out 2020 it seems opportune to reflect

on events this year, particularly the COVID pandemic, and how it

has affected each of us, our families and our community.

In particular, it is important to

think of the way forward, considering

the benefits we have

observed of virtual connection, but

being cognizant of the risks that

this poses to genuine community,

especially within the synagogue.

I remember arriving in Los Angeles

for a visit with my family, just two

days after Purim, the very day the

World Health Organisation declared

COVID was beyond an emergency

- it was a pandemic. The world

as we knew it changed immediately.

While there were runs on stores

for basic provisions, and tragic tussles

over toilet paper, there were also

positive responses. For instance, in

my neighbourhood back in Sydney,

people gathered emails and mobile

numbers from residents on the

street, so we could ensure that we

could look after each other. The selfish

survival instinct of ‘reptilian

brain’ did not destroy our altruistic,

communitarian and social nature.

The clergy team in Sydney immediately

considered ways of reaching

out in a virtual sense, to ensure that

our community remained connected

through lockdown and social distancing.

We initiated the Dunera

Project, a broad platform providing

curated and original content of culture,

education, spiritual engagement,

entertainment and more. We

began specific programs to connect

with individuals in our congregation

- recording and broadcasting daily

“clergy thoughts for the day”; created

the “clergy café” (now morphed into

my Tuesday afternoon Speakeasy

and Reverend Zwarenstein’s Friday

morning pre-Shabbat schmooze),

and transitioned our programs to

virtual platforms, including our

Shabbat Live service, the innovative

Shabbat Embrace of Rabbi Ninio

and Cantor Mordecai, and all kinds

of conversations about Israel, health,

and contemporary events such as the

Uluru Statement from the Heart.

All this virtual programming culminated

in our livestreamed services

for the Yamim Noraim, in which

we reached over 3,000 households

and 10,000 individuals at one time.

The connections we have provided

over this period of COVID have

had a far-reaching impact for community,

both positive and potentially

negative as well, and now is the

continued over...


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