TELL magazine: December 2020 - Emanuel Synagogue

The magazine of Emanuel Synagogue, Woollahra, Australia

The magazine of Emanuel Synagogue, Woollahra, Australia


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the same as me. Far from my

enemy, they are my allies.

So what made the difference?

Firstly, the rally itself set a tone

calling for diversity. The speakers

spoke essentially from a place of

support for victims of war and

injustice - not from a place of

blame and condemnation. There

was therefore nothing to defend.

The glue was compassion, not

hatred. Therefore, when the

occasional sign of condemnation

appeared, it was OK. There

was enough to focus on

that was positive, without

having to respond to that.

The night of the rally was

first night Chanukah. It was

a poignant moment, when I

took the chanukiah and placed

it by the window, two candles

aflame, for all to see. One of

the requirements of Chanukah

is that we publicly display our

faith - be visible and proud and

claim the right to be Jews. I was

struck by how different it was

at this rally when I identified

myself. It removed any sense

of betrayal that I had felt at

the first rally when I walked

anonymously, amongst those

placards condemning Israel. It

allowed others to voice their

support and encouragement.

It created the opportunity for

those on ‘the other side’ to shake

my hand and dissolve perceived

differences. It encouraged the

few Jewish participants at the

rally (remarkably few, in fact)

to take a stand, and reminded

them that they were not alone.

It created Peace.

The most enduring lesson for me

is that a faceless body is a scary

thing. When Loud Opinion

walks down the street, with

signs for mouths, and fists for

hearts, there is nothing to do

but shake a fist - and join them

or fight them. But when you

look into the eyes and hearts

of that Loud Opinion, they

so often reflect your own. On

Chanukah, we quote the words

of Zachariah: “Not by might,

and not by power, but by spirit

alone, will we all live in peace.”


16 TO 26 OCTOBER 2022

6:00pm December 11


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